***** Loki - Season 1 Discussion Thread (Wednesdays - Jun 9 - Jul 14) *****

102,783 Views | 1210 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by mazag08
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KCup17 said:

That would be an interesting twist. Her absence in Ragnarok means that she is still alive I presume

Pretty sure they announced that she will be in Thor:Love and Thunder.
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bobinator said:

Nah, I bet they'll come up with some sort of reason to explain it.

Just off the top of my head it could be impossible-by-design for the TVA to travel into the sacred timeline, so they can't actually travel to a branch until after the nexus event has happened and created it, so that's why they have to wait and then they show up and erase it and go back to their non-time.
good point. Perhaps by traveling to the sacred timeline, they themselves would cause a branch. So they only travel to branches.

Even then, though, you would think that if they know of a branch, that they would travel to literally a second or two after the branch happens, so that they can catch the perp. showing up much later to collect evidence like its CSI seems unnecessary.
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TXAG 05 said:

KCup17 said:

That would be an interesting twist. Her absence in Ragnarok means that she is still alive I presume

Pretty sure they announced that she will be in Thor:Love and Thunder.
...after they reintroduce her as the villain in Loki!
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AverageJones said:


boy09 said:

KCup17 said:

Also wouldn't Steve Rogers going back in time to visit Agent Carter create a branch in the Sacred Timeline that would then need to be rectified by the TVA?
Seems like they'll try to get around stuff like this by just saying, "Oh, that's the way it was supposed to be.." Somewhere in the episode Loki tried to throw the Avengers under the bus for messing with time travel, and Mobius just said, "Yeah, they were supposed to do that." Or something along those lines.
A question about this though:

Loki said that he didn't mess with time it was the Avengers that did . How does Loki know this? From his perspective, he just saw some weird stuff go down while getting arrested in NYC and then grabbed the tesseract when it popped out of the case. He doesn't know about the plot by the Avengers to go back in time to get the stones.
He said to Owen Wilson that he knew they were there messing with something:

"Oh believe me, you can smell the cologne of two Tony Starks"
Much appreciated (including the others who responded along the same lines). I obviously missed that comment - I blame the wine
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bobinator said:

C@LAg said:

TexasAggie_02 said:

Also, since the TVA can hop around through time, why do they always show up after bad Loki has committed a crime? why not show up before or during? I mean, they were johnny on the spot with Loki in Mongolia.
because it is a variant doing it. it is not part of the sacred timeline for which they know all the details, which is why they are keen take care of it.
I think this is a little more complicated than that but it's hopefully something they'll explain.

If they know X event at Y time caused a possible nexus event, which they do know, you'd think they'd travel back to before Y to prevent X from doing it. That seems perfectly within their capability.

I have a guess at this:

I think this villainous Loki variant is the ultimate wild card. His actions create branch realities. You have to go to that reality after it's been created - you can't go to before it branches out, otherwise you're just in the Sacred Timeline, sitting there and waiting for something that 99.99999999% of the time doesn't happen at all.

So they have to go to the scene of the crime, check it out, then decide to erase back to the root (Sacred Timeline). But since this Loki seems to be able to come and go, wherever in space and whenever in time, he's impossible to predict. You can only get there after the fact.

Or something, Iunno
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AverageJones said:


boy09 said:

KCup17 said:

Also wouldn't Steve Rogers going back in time to visit Agent Carter create a branch in the Sacred Timeline that would then need to be rectified by the TVA?
Seems like they'll try to get around stuff like this by just saying, "Oh, that's the way it was supposed to be.." Somewhere in the episode Loki tried to throw the Avengers under the bus for messing with time travel, and Mobius just said, "Yeah, they were supposed to do that." Or something along those lines.
A question about this though:

Loki said that he didn't mess with time it was the Avengers that did . How does Loki know this? From his perspective, he just saw some weird stuff go down while getting arrested in NYC and then grabbed the tesseract when it popped out of the case. He doesn't know about the plot by the Avengers to go back in time to get the stones.
He said to Owen Wilson that he knew they were there messing with something:

"Oh believe me, you can smell the cologne of two Tony Starks"
Much appreciated (including the others who responded along the same lines). I obviously missed that comment - I blame the wine
It's not even noon! Respect sir.

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I will say....while I loved this premiere if we get too far off into time travel I may reverse my opinion. It might be just because I'm too stupid to get it or my dyslexia can't handle it, but any kind of complicated time travel loses me quickly.

Tenet and Primer are the most complicated damn movies I've ever seen and I got monumentally lost. My brain just can't compute it.
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Ahh I must have missed that announcement.
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Yeah I'm assuming there's going to be more to it, but I think they'll have at least thought about that.

Another possibility, though hard to wrap your head around, is that the branches happen in real time in the TVA no matter when they happen on the sacred timeline.

So let's say the TVA system observes a nexus event at X time, by the time they notice and arrive it's X plus 2 minutes or whatever. No matter when X is, 2012, 2021, 1540, whatever, they can still only respond in real time and travel to that branch in real time because the branch is currently being created, no matter when it is.
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This is my basic thought.
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This is the MCU, they'll make it easy to follow on screen even if it's kind of complicated on the back end for people that want to figure out all the details and possible ramifications.
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also take the lesson from wanda and to a lesser extent, F&TWS.... the writers do not really think and plan too deep.

WE are likely overanalyzing this and pulling in tangents out of our asses.

It may be just as simple as "it's OK, it is part of the Sacred Timeline" and just have. to accept it at that.
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In other words, time doesn't pass at TVA HQ. They are in a static bubble and are monitoring the sacred timeline across time from genesis to end times and every time there is a nexus event at any point along the timeline no matter when they hop to that nexus event at x+2.

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I actually think they do think and plan pretty deep, but I don't think they bury clues to the whole future of the MCU in every scene like the fans are looking for sometimes.

Sometimes a thing happening is just a thing happening, it's not happening to set up some future thing.
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That's one possibility that, to me, makes sense. We don't know for sure yet, but it would explain why they don't go full Minority Report with a pre-time-crime division.
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YouBet said:

In other words, time doesn't pass at TVA HQ. They are in a static bubble and are monitoring the sacred timeline across time from genesis to end times and every time there is a nexus event at any point along the timeline no matter when they hop to that nexus event at x+2.

the TVA itself is essentially at the end of time, looking back on the full timeline (that is how they know how things end).

but for individual cases, they look both back and forward from the point in time of the event
Max Power
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Really enjoyed the first episode. Rather than calling it Loki the show should be called The Hitchhikers Guide to the MCU, that fits the vibe. Owen Wilson is destroying Hiddleston, so great.
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i really hate the click-bait link title quoted that this reads as if this is in fact going to happen in Avengers 5 (let alone 6 or 7), as opposed to pure speculation.

i think we will eventually get a movie or movies that adapts part of Secret Wars, but Avengers 5 seems way to soon.
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I hear you, but Avengers 5 isn't happening until the end of phase five at the earliest, as Marvel has said it's going to be years before we see another Avengers movie, if ever. So we're talking like, say, 2025-ish potentially.
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I can't vouch for the 2015 version, but the original Secret Wars kinda sucks. Hopefully it's 2015 they're referring to when everyone theorizes that they'll use it to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and RDJ and Chris Evans back and blah blah blah.
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rhutton125 said:

I can't vouch for the 2015 version, but the original Secret Wars kinda sucks. Hopefully it's 2015 they're referring to when everyone theorizes that they'll use it to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and RDJ and Chris Evans back and blah blah blah.
they all kinds sucked,
  • the first was neat just because it got everyone together, but it was dumb.
  • the second was dumb on so many levels it is ridiculous
  • 2015 had its moments, but was too much. The only part that was truly outstanding was those that revolved around the FF and Doctor Doom. Their part of the story was incredible and the perfect wrap up before the ****ty reboot/"not a reboot".

but they could do a "Secret Wars" story with no Beyonders in it by just having it be about the various multiverses needing to be fixed. you get teh same basic story - free for all - without the stupidity of Secret Wars.
Red Five
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C@LAg said:

rhutton125 said:

I can't vouch for the 2015 version, but the original Secret Wars kinda sucks. Hopefully it's 2015 they're referring to when everyone theorizes that they'll use it to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and RDJ and Chris Evans back and blah blah blah.
they all kinds sucked,
  • the first was neat just because it got everyone together, but it was dumb.
  • the second was dumb on so many levels it is ridiculous
  • 2015 had its moments, but was too much. The only part that was truly outstanding was those that revolved around the FF and Doctor Doom. Their part of the story was incredible and the perfect wrap up before the ****ty reboot/"not a reboot".

but they could do a "Secret Wars" story with no Beyonders in it by just having it be about the various multiverses needing to be fixed. you get teh same basic story - free for all - without the stupidity of Secret Wars.
I think 2015 Secret Wars was great. Loved the incursions, the Beyonders, Doom, all of it.
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Red Five said:

C@LAg said:

rhutton125 said:

I can't vouch for the 2015 version, but the original Secret Wars kinda sucks. Hopefully it's 2015 they're referring to when everyone theorizes that they'll use it to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and RDJ and Chris Evans back and blah blah blah.
they all kinds sucked,
  • the first was neat just because it got everyone together, but it was dumb.
  • the second was dumb on so many levels it is ridiculous
  • 2015 had its moments, but was too much. The only part that was truly outstanding was those that revolved around the FF and Doctor Doom. Their part of the story was incredible and the perfect wrap up before the ****ty reboot/"not a reboot".

but they could do a "Secret Wars" story with no Beyonders in it by just having it be about the various multiverses needing to be fixed. you get teh same basic story - free for all - without the stupidity of Secret Wars.
I think 2015 Secret Wars was great. Loved the incursions, the Beyonders, Doom, all of it.
I agree as far as the core series (Hickman's part, which focused on the FF and Doom ) was good. But the 35 other 3-6 part miniseries were way too much and diluted everything. plus it was all really for naught in the end.

it was a reboot, with basically no impact other than Miles and a few other things.
Red Five
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C@LAg said:

Red Five said:

C@LAg said:

rhutton125 said:

I can't vouch for the 2015 version, but the original Secret Wars kinda sucks. Hopefully it's 2015 they're referring to when everyone theorizes that they'll use it to get Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and RDJ and Chris Evans back and blah blah blah.
they all kinds sucked,
  • the first was neat just because it got everyone together, but it was dumb.
  • the second was dumb on so many levels it is ridiculous
  • 2015 had its moments, but was too much. The only part that was truly outstanding was those that revolved around the FF and Doctor Doom. Their part of the story was incredible and the perfect wrap up before the ****ty reboot/"not a reboot".

but they could do a "Secret Wars" story with no Beyonders in it by just having it be about the various multiverses needing to be fixed. you get teh same basic story - free for all - without the stupidity of Secret Wars.
I think 2015 Secret Wars was great. Loved the incursions, the Beyonders, Doom, all of it.
I agree as far as the core series (Hickman's part, which focused on the FF and Doom ) was good. But the 35 other 3-6 part miniseries were way too much and diluted everything. plus it was all really for naught in the end.

it was a reboot, with basically no impact other than Miles and a few other things.
Yeah for sure. I did enjoy some of the limited series though. I think it would be fun to have an Avengers movie end with the destruction of the multiverse and tease the establishment of Battleworld, and then have movies in between the next Avengers movie be some of those other stories. Thor Corps would be a great movie.
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TCTTS said:

he's overthinking it, branches aren't just made by the stones. They say as much in the cartoon with the guy going to work late or whatever. Also, the goldman sachs trust fund boy probably didn't use an infinity stone. Any deviation from the sacred timeline creates variants. Loki didn't take the tesseract out of the timeline. It is still in the branch created by the avengers. Also, in the scene in Oklahoma, the agents assume that someone created a time machine to get rich on oil, so also not an infinity stone.

Also, Loki is not able to lose his powers in the TVA, possibly b/c his branch has already been snipped, or b/c the TVA is outside of space and time, so the infinity stones don't work there, doesn't necessarily mean anything.

I think that when the ancient talks about losing her main tool to fight the forces of darkness, she is specifically talking about Dormammu and the dark dimension.

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Eh, I don't think those kinds of technicalities will matter much big-picture, but I could be wrong. Either way, the video is still super helpful to understanding the overall concept.
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I have the entire run of Secret Wars I and II.

Not that it's worth anything. Guess I may have to read it though and refresh my memory.
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The next Spider-Man already seems to be doing the "bring back all the old actors just because we can" type of thing. I hope there's a really damn good reason / explanation on dusting off all these old actors like RDJ or Hugh Jackman or whoever besides "nostalgia sells."

I know it's all just various twists on getting all your toys together and making them fight, but I still. Creative integrity and whatnot.
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From the 80's? Secret Wars #8 is selling like hot cakes.
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Good lord I finally got it posted
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what's the timestamp on that?

edit: found it. 34:10 Probably a distraction
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Does anyone watch ScreenRant and Heavy Spoilers? I've always watched SR because of y'all, but have watched one or two of the other. Just wondering why one is favored over the other

Edit: Screencrush not screenrant. Doh
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You mean Screencrush? Never heard of Heavy Spoilers, so I'm not trying to favor one over the other. I just really like the SC vibe, and think he does a great job in a timely manner, so he's who I watch each week.
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