Best way I can explain it, is that it's like wanting a Seinfeld reunion, but getting season seven of Curb Your Enthusiasm instead.
Actually, that's not a great comp at all, because Curb was actually good. But this still had that same, parody/not-the-real-thing vibe, if that makes any sense. Which, on the one hand, I guess I'll give it points for at least trying something different. And there are absolutely things to appreciate about it, and some cool ideas here and there. But man, overall, it's just a nonsensical mess.
I'll put it this way... I have questions - so much about this movie isn't even remotely explained - but I don't even care enough to seek out the answers. Like, at all.
It also looked like straight ass, IMO. The whole thing was shot digitally, and it really does it show. There are tons of quick flashes of the original trilogy throughout, and those shots looked SO MUCH better in comparison. In fact, every single time we glimpsed the original trilogy, I wished I was watching it instead, both in terms of aesthetics and even story (I'd take Revolutions over this, hands down).
This just felt and looked like a fake movie in every sense, and I doubt I ever watch it again.