Lineup is out. Mata starting over Lingard is surprising, hopefully that means we will try to control instead of countering. Smalling starting is worrisome, but I guess him and Jones are a toss up at this point.
Negative Ghost Rider.datrixstunna said:
Just give them all an A.
What I was going to say to this before the goal is that it looks like we're very intent on moving the ball FORWARD even though that means riskier passes and some lost possession. I like the aggression.datrixstunna said:
Man we look like a below average team. Can't even string a few passes.
And he SCORES!!!mathguy86 said:
Rolling the dice with Mkhi to start the half. I bet they target him again.
We need to keep typing. Its working....mathguy86 said:
And as I type that Armenian Mofo gets him one!!!