November 7, 2014. Christopher Nolan. INTERSTELLAR.

99,380 Views | 809 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by The Collective
Independent George
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This is certainly shaping up to be something epic, not that there is any doubt when talking about a Nolan film. I am concerned about the cast choice though but like someone else said, he hasn't failed so far.

I have not been this excited about a non sequel film in quite sometime.
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What concerns you about Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain?
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What concerns you about Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain?

I hate, Hate, HATE Matthew mcconaughey.
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I can understand being slightly annoyed by the shirtless, romantic comedy version of him. But HATING the A Time to Kill, Amistad, Contact, Lincoln Lawyer, Bernie, Mud version of him just comes across as weird and irrational. McConaughey's a really good, engaging actor when he wants to be, and I'm sure Nolan will bring out the best in him.
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His voice kind of drives me up a wall sometimes, but that's main because I associate him with tu.

He's been in some pretty solid movies though.
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But HATING the A Time to Kill, Amistad, Contact, Lincoln Lawyer, Bernie, Mud version of him just comes across as weird and irrational.


I really liked him in A Time to Kill, Contact, and thought he totally nailed it in Lincoln Lawyer.

I actually want to see Mud. Plus, if anyone can get a good performance out of him in a dramatic lead role, it will be Nolan. This sounds great, and I am very interested!
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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I'm generally not a fan of the sip ...

but I got a good chuckle while watching him in U-535 (WWII sub flick several years ago). Knowing he's such a visible fan of the sips, it was actually funny seeing him step out sporting a Corps of Cadets haircut, wearing a Navy uniform. Not sure why I was amused by that other than he's a sip looking like an Ag.
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Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Yeah, that one
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May or may not have just got my hands on the original 2008 draft Jonathan Nolan did for Spielberg...
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You can email that, right?
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TheEyeGuy - To be completely honest, I'm debating whether or not I should. I wanted to provide you guys with story details, and I just finished writing a breakdown I'm about to post, which consists of a few actual pages and summarizes the first half. But potentially being pegged as the guy providing the entire script may not go over so well with Warner Bros., should they come across this, as unlikely as that may be. Let me post the summary, and I'll see how that goes over first...
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Texags Entertainment board knows stuff?
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Alright, I read the first 80 pages or so last night. Didn’t want to read anymore as to not spoil the bulk of the space journey/discovery, but ultimately, it probably doesn’t matter since Christopher Nolan is obviously doing a rewrite and combining this draft with an original idea of his own. Still, you can tell parts of this draft will definitely remain intact, because McConaughey is perfect for Cooper, the lead, as currently written, and it’s now completely obvious why Nolan cast him. Same goes for Hathaway, as the role of Brand is obviously hers. So yeah, I didn’t want to risk spoiling anything else in the second half they may also still be using/repurposing for the eventual film (draft is 154 pages total).

As for the story itself, I’ll post the first six pages in order to give you guys a taste of the set-up. I’d never be able to explain it otherwise, and then I’ll give another another few paragraphs or so explaining the basic premise of the movie. Again, this draft was written solely by Jonathan Nolan (with story credit by Nolan, Kip Thorne, and Lynda Obst), commissioned by Spielberg himself. At one point, Spielberg was going to direct, but ultimately put it on the back burner. Now Christopher Nolan has come aboard to direct, rewriting this draft and, again, adding to it an original idea of his own. So read this at your own discretion. I’m only summarizing the first half (in very general terms) of a script that is being re-imagined, though I’d be willing to bet the basic set-up/premise remains somewhat the same...

Basically, 50 years in the future, the world is now a mess. The population is running out of food, and we get the impression that most people are now farmers, trying to grow, sell and eat what they can, but even the crops are becoming contaminated due to some infectious “blight.” Whole aspects of government have shut down, the infrastructure has gone to hell, but things have finally kind of evened out now, and society may even be on an upswing. There are still schools, colleges, businesses, corporations, etc. Even baseball - as the team on the bus in that last page is actually the Yankees. Cooper & his two sons watch them play locally in the next scene, though it’s made apparent that Major League Baseball now pales in comparison to what it once was.

Overall, it’s never really explained why the world is like this. I kept waiting for there to be some explanation tying it to the emergence of the wormhole, but at least in the first 80 pages, no hard reason is given. I guess we’re supposed to believe that this is just the natural progression of things, as overpopulation is hinted at as one causing agent. But Ansen’s “Fifty years from now, nothing will be the same” remark in the opening - combined with that edit - made me think the two situations are supposed to be connected somehow. Either way, this has the potential to be a great story/setting - and there are flashes of greatness throughout - but ultimately, I was left more confused than anything about the future state of affairs.

Character-wise, Nolan does a pretty good job setting up and portraying Cooper as a struggling engineer-turned-farmer. His wife died from cancer years ago, and he’s now a single father raising his two sons, while also having to deal with his crotchety old father-in-law, who lives with them as well. And Cooper is given a couple of instances to show how brilliant an engineer he is. The problem is that there’s no real use for his skills in this world. He’s rigged all kinds of ingenious contraptions, and, in general, seems to be doing fairly well. Though, you really get the sense that he’s ultimately a man out-of-time, longs for more, etc. And this aspect has Spielberg written all over it. It’s almost Close Encounters of the Third Kind in nature, at least as far as the family dynamics go (though Cooper, while somewhat space-obsessed, is seemingly a much better father than Roy Neary ever was).

Anyway, long story short, by way of some work Cooper once did in Galveston, he comes across a mysterious, downed NASA probe, which ultimately leads him to an island off the coast of California. It's on this island that he discovers a secret, underground facility where a team of specialists (lead by the assistant in the opening scene, now in his 70s) are building a rocket (the assistant’s daughter, Amelia Brand, is part of the team, and is likely the Hathaway role). The downed-probe is theirs, and it’s somewhat implied that certain members of this group are what’s left of NASA (though it’s never fully explained). Ultimately, the plan is for a small team to take the rocket and rendezvous with a nuclear-powered spaceship being built in-orbit, that will ultimately take them through the wormhole to a newly-discovered planet (discovered via the probe), where this group can start a new human colony. Scientist who are part of this covert operation have discovered that the “blight” affecting the crops is only getting worse, there’s no cure, and that, essentially, “the Earth has had enough of us.” So this is a mission to save humanity. A team will go through the wormhole - which has arguably been built/made by some unknown, higher intelligence, almost as an invitation - and they’ll establish a colony on the new planet, then make as many trips as they can, and bring back as many people as they can, before the world goes completely to hell. Before the launch, Cooper ultimately proves himself valuable, and is invited to join the crew making the initial trip. He refuses at first, but ultimately decides that by attempting to save humanity, he’s saving his sons, etc. and finally decides to leave his family behind.

This all happens by page 50 or so. And, in theory, makes for a really cool story. It’s simultaneously super-technical, hard-core science fiction stuff (in the best way), with some great character-building, while at the same time feeling too rushed, in that Nolan is trying to get the team on their mission as fast as possible. Which is understandable, but ultimately ends up hurting the story. Cooper gets flung into this covert, underground group so fast, and is on the rocket in no-time, that there’s really no sense of awe to the whole thing. And like I mentioned, none of it is really explained well either. Case-in-point, the group has these sentient, life-like robots helping them out, who are actual characters in the story and members of the crew, but they kind of come out of no where in the grand scheme of things. Apparently similar robots are building the nuclear-powered ship in orbit, but it’s never explained how this group got them there or had the resources to even do such a thing. Going back to my issue of this future-world not being explained very well, it’s hinted that these robots were built years and years ago, and were a part of everyday society, before the world starting falling apart. But it’s not completely clear. Initially, we get the sense that this future-Earth kind of sucks and is not very technology-dependent. But then all of the sudden, this covert group Cooper discovers has all these holographic displays and sentient robots - which is apparently all “old” technology, but maybe not really. It could end up being a really cool dichotomy, but as presented, it was just kind of confusing and felt somewhat inconsistent. Before being introduced to the underground facility, there was never any hint that the world reached a point of such advanced technology, before the problems began. If even given a hint, it would have made this section not so out-of-left-field.

After that point, I read maybe 15-20 pages of the actual space stuff that followed. The wormhole “entrance” is close to Jupiter, and the crew makes it there incredibly fast. Like, in a matter of a couple of pages, with no real sense of how long it actually took them. It’s weird. Though, there are all kinds of cool, trippy things with the wormhole (which felt very director-Nolan-esque, and should look amazing on-screen). But again, I didn’t want to spoil the majority of the space journey/discovery aspect beyond that moment. The planet where they eventually arrive has a unique feature/aspect that could look amazing on screen, but who knows if Nolan is even keeping that part of the story. The destination - even the journey itself - could end up being something completely different.

Ultimately, the story has an insane amount of potential, and I have no doubt Nolan-the-writer/director will knock it out of the park. As is, certain beats of this 2008 draft feel a bit too similar to Contact and Prometheus, but I’m sure those issues will be addressed, along with the world-building issues I expressed (hopefully). Once more info starts coming in, and the first stills/trailer are released, it’ll be fun seeing how much of this draft is still being used. Like I said, the Cooper role screams McConaughey so much so that the whole farmer/blighted-crops aspect seems like it still has to be in play. Which makes me think the setting/problem being faced by the characters is much the same as well. Same goes for Hathaway as Brand, and also Michael Caine, who’s surely playing either Ansen in the opening, or the elderly version of his assistant. Time will tell...

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 6/4/2013 3:11p).]
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Screw it. Reading through this rundown again really makes me want to discuss certain aspects. I'm not posting my email here, but I'll send you the script from my spam account if anyone wants it. Just post your email. In return, you have to PROMISE not to talk about - or even hint at - the second half of the script here, should you read the whole thing. Again, purely for myself, I don't want to spoil anything they may be retaining. But there are things in the first half that maybe some of you will pick up on that I didn't, and I'd love to discuss. Just don't go advertising this thread to anyone outside TexAgs.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 6/4/2013 2:46p).]
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Everyone can hate me all they want, but with the amount of people that talk **** about you on here TCTTS, I would advise against sending it to anyone you don't personally trust.

For example of people on texags internet **** offline, see RyanTheTemp.

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After doing a bit of poking around, it looks like this draft has very recently made it out in the wild. Still super-hard to come by, but I'm definitely not the only one with a copy. Warner Bros. looks to be cracking down on any potential links, but there's nothing they can do about sharing via email. Granted, they might eventually come across this thread, and try to have it deleted, but whatever. Until they do, if ever, I'd like to discuss the plot with anyone who wants to. Genuinely curious as to whether or not the problems I had are shared by others.
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EDIT: nothing to see here Warner bros, move along

[This message has been edited by hunter2012 (edited 6/4/2013 4:52p).]
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Thanks, hunter2012. Definitely post your thoughts when you get the chance. And yeah, who knows how much of it they're keeping. This draft inadvertently leaked - it definitely wasn't "released" - and WB is chasing down any mention of plot, so you'd think there's some validity to it, and that certain aspects will remain intact.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 6/4/2013 4:22p).]
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jtpeddy at gmail dot com

would love to give it a read and post my thoughts. definitely not going to go posting this around or sending this to people. dont want any good Ags getting in trouble of any sort.

thanks TCTTS

America's destiny is not of our own choosing. We did not seek nor did we provoke an assault on our freedom and our way of life. We did not expect nor did we invite a confrontation with evil. Yet the true measure of a people's strength is how they rise to master that moment when it does arrive.
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Would love to hear your thoughts as well, CiboloCreekAg.
North Mayne
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AG if anyone feels like sharing.
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[This message has been edited by scoop12 (edited 6/4/2013 6:17p).]
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And those of you I'm sending it to, again, please post your reactions when you get the chance. That's the main reason I'm sending it out. I think I may have figured out/addressed one of my issues, but I'd love to see what everyone else thinks as well.

[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 6/4/2013 6:19p).]
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Username at

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bearamedic99 - that's really your email?
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Thanks Again! looking Forward To it.
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Boom I just finished it and I freaking loved it! Chris is going to have a field day with the premise and the overall plot and story structure.

What would you like to discuss? I agree that nothing should be said about the space portion, lets limit discussion to the beginning.
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For starters I love this premise of the future, a humanity that has lost it's sense of curiosity and the need to explore, it is essentially stagnant and apathetic and as such is threatening to our survival. This is philosophically very deep in the nature of man and shows the consequences if we just give up. He will need to speak more to address the setup. Like mentioning counter-technology movement which results in a unmotivated and almost archaic mass mentality, the plight simply compounds this due to the despair of it all. You could even say that the anti-tech movement occured because of the plight, which could be explained as being man made and thus people concluding that advancement is just a means to destruction. This could result in the "stagnant" humanity where technological advancement and curiosity are rejected in favor of status quo and mundane existence.

I also felt it had very much an original feel to it. I guess I just missed your comparisons to Contact and Prometheus, other than wormholes and androids being used as plot devices. But I feel that they have an original perspective differing from those movies.
As far as cast goes:
McConaughey- I think Cooper was designed with him in mind, not many actors could play a country living engineer/farmer and come across as intelligent. The adventure will make him very relatable/vulnerable to the audience.
Hathaway- I see Brand as being pretty similar to Selina Kyle, a woman who is so calculating and driven that she will come across as very cold natured and will have to rediscover her humanity on the journey. I think she will fit the role perfectly.
Chastain- this is more difficult but I think I see her as a female Doyle, especially when the character's blind stubbornness comes into play, I see her playing that very well.
Caine-I think that the assistant and Brand's father will be one character, it will make that character that much more important to the story especially in the beginning and during the journey.

As a bonus I really hope the Tars character is left in tact, there is huge potential there.

[This message has been edited by hunter2012 (edited 6/5/2013 12:57a).]
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Thanks TCTTS. Looking forward to reading it.

[This message has been edited by Aggie_Journalist (edited 6/5/2013 1:30a).]
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So great to hear, hunter2012.

And your analysis of the premise of the future-world is eloquently-put, to say the least. I totally agree. My main issue, as I said in my breakdown above, was that there was no real explanation for the collapse of society. Or, rather, I was somewhat confused in that I kept thinking it had to do with the wormhole in some way, given the way they cut to 50 years later right after Ansen had that "Fifty years from now, nothing will be the same" line. As if he knew the wormhole would cause some kind of catastrophe. But the more I thought about it, the more I started to understand that it was simply a means by which to cut to a time when society had finally reached its breaking point. On a private, screenwriting tracking board, where I'm a member, I was addressing some of these issues and one of the users summed it up nicely...

Basically, they leave a lot to the imagination but make bits and pieces clear - overpopulation lead to a collapse when resources couldn't match the demand. War broke out (involving the US, Russia and China), societies collapsed and we're joining them during reconstruction. But the reason they have the beginning is because it establishes the wormhole as this hopeful discovery (which it is), but a freak occurrence absolutely derails it. The neutron star was merely the signal - the PING that lets them know it's there. It's the answer to a problem which hasn't occurred yet - so we jump forward and see the problem after we're given the key to the solution.

Between that explanation, and what you just said, hunter2012, I think, on film, all of this will come across way more clearly than it did for me after one read. And yeah, I really, really like that humanity-has-given-up-on-curiosity vibe. I just hope it's contrasted maybe a little more with Cooper, and his way of thinking. There was definitely a kernel of it there, I just wanted to know a bit more about why he's the way he is, and why everyone else is they way the are (the teacher, the principal, etc.).

I also just wanted a bit more explanation as to who the underground facility people were, and where, exactly they got their resources (save for the ocean graveyard), etc. Their technology just seemed far beyond anything we had been shown previously, and it almost felt out of place. But again, this may be something helped with visual cues in the movie itself. Still, I wish Nolan hadn't rushed through this section so quickly. But I understand why we spent so much time with Cooper and sons rather than with Cooper at the underground facility. Any thoughts on this section? Did the robots seem out-of-left-field for you at first? Or do you think that aspect works? Again, in theory, I loved all this stuff, I just wished we'd spent another five pages or so with the team before the launch. My main gripe is that all the sudden, Cooper was an astronaut. And it really wasn't that big of a deal for him, or anyone else. With the end-result, I'm just hoping for more "awe" in this section in that regard. More of that Armageddon, holy-crap-we're-actually-astronauts-now vibe.
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