I work in Service Pricing Guide (SPG) at Hollister and its one of the more difficult positions. However, our managers are cool (mine played minor league baseball) and our department is pretty unique and we go out almost every weekend. It sounds like most of you that are complaining either:
A.) Your boss was a jackhole
B.) Your job really sucked.
Trust me, compared to what I was doing (adjuster for Progressive), I'm happy with UCS. If you can get over the big brother stuff, it's not a bad place. I can deal with getting snuffed on some stuff as long as there are the sports leagues, the parties, and the free health insurance. Working as an adjuster and having NONE of those things sucked. At least with this job I know I'm actually doing something. And for those of you who complain about never hearing "good job," thats true, but your basically admiting you're a slave by needing someone always there to pat your back. I'm just starting to find out that all the career days in elementary and all that crap about what you wanted to be when you grow up is stupid, because I'm guessing about 90% of people's jobs suck, but they need to pay bills.
Of course, I'll check back with your guys after I've been there longer
Plus I'm getting to travel alot in SPG (not as much as SIN though). Also have a buddy that just got a job as the "bus driver" (not sure if everyone will get that).
It hurts so good