no you read it right... they want to be a $300 million company by 2011 and $500 million in 2012-2013.
If you do the math on that at a extremely conservative PE, you get a BOTTOM PPS of $20/share. More likely, it sits in the ~$40ish range.
They will uplist within the year.
They want to capture 1/4 of one percent of the CRM Ascend Market by 2011. Thats $287 million right there.
The Interaction market is set up to penetrate several verticals.
Hey I'm all for this happening since I own shares, but saying "they want this" and "they want that" is very different from actually doing it. I don't think many startup companies ever say "eh we're setting our goals low". Many companies have these goals and even have plans to meet those goals, but not all companies meet those goals. Like I said, I hope it happens, but you seem to talk like it's a foregone conclusion.