using shares to pay off a note is a good thing, at least IMOP. the float is still mega low even if they did this
I'd much rather see debt paydown from net operating income.
It's my own fault for buying the hype, but as I peruse the YE 08 financial info I'm left with a few questions.
-$10k burn rate - YE 08 op exp was $163k or $14k a month with a 10% YoY increase from 07.
What is included in this burn rate? Seems light unless Frank is paid in stock/deferred compensation. Also - R&D costs in 08 was $100k alone.
-Coastal deal rev - $75k less burn rate of $10k =$65k per month - where is the Cash Flow going? Why the need for $100k unless projections aren't in line?
-$180K note obligation in default (borrowed in April 07 and was to be repaid July 07) - any time table to repay or is this the reason for the capital raise.
-Audited financials - Jim Carter works for JPC Capital which is the investment firm owned by Jim Canouse - who is also the Senior VP of Finance and Investor Relation contact. Working at a start up myself I can understand wanting to use someone that would do it for free (or at a substantially discounted price) but the lack of an uninterested, unbiased third party concerns me.
As always these are just my observations regarding the company and I wish I had done more work. Luckily the amount of money invested is not substantial, but as was echoed on the 1st page do your own DD and determine if you are comfortable with the risks!