Bought a few thousand more at .09 at the close. I've hit my threshold for what I was willing to risk on FTCH, so I'm done buying. Hopefully your predictions will play out Levins.
Haha... nice 188K buy during afterhours at .098.
FTCH is pinksheets and not OTC BB.
just a clarification... they're both "unlisted" stocks.
1. How is it that Mr. Bigz knew where the stock was going to end up? And "because the chart said so" is not an answer. Might he be the one manipulating it? Mr. Bigz is a chartist and its not hard to read resistance levels and support levels on charts. He didn't call $.09... he said it would be "ideal" for it to end there. He also said it could run today as well.
2. What happened last week to the only resistance left being at $.15 and then it would quickly move to $.20 by EOW and then $.30 shortly thereafter, before rapidly moving to $.60. Now resistance levels are back at $.09-$.125??? Resistance levels and support levels can change based on buying and selling pressure. The levels at which each of these happen can change slightly. However with FTCH, this has stayed the same.
3. How are you privvy to such EARTH SHATTERING information, but are not at liberty to discuss? A little bit of insider trading going on? Seems kind of strange also that MGMT would tell this Craig Baker character all this wonderful info and then tell him to just not say anything and expect he wouldn't. It's not hard to pick up the phone and call IR. Maybe if you are so interested in finding some things out, call IR. No one said we KNOW ALL of the behind the door decisions, just some of the news releases to come. As an investor you don't want to leak PR news before a release because you can trigger sell offs if people don't think they are getting close to their perceived target goal.
4. How have these MMs been out of shares the last week with the float gone (supposedly), but can still play games with continually lowering the bid? I doubt that many profit takers are out there, especially those that CONTINUALLY "bid whack", so if MMs have no shares and profit takers are minimal who is manipulating this? MMs are out of shares until people give them back. There is always profit taking. We can only assume that certain hands make up a percentage of the confirmed float. Just because a float is virtually locked up doesn't mean there is going to be residual selling every day. I said today that there was manipulating going on and I particularly didn't care for it.... and it was going on by some investors.
5. The $550k didn't come through at the EOD today, so are we to assume that it will all come through tomorrow? And what good is it and why is it necessary for $550k? I thought that most shares were in tight hands, so how are they going to be getting 5+ million shares at current prices, because again, what idiot would sell this foolproof stock? Who said this was a foolproof stock? I said it was risky, but I do believe in the company. You can never know the motivation of a human no matter what they say. However, this is a startup company that is now making money for the 3rd month EVER.... Most shares are in tight hands, and most of that money will come into play at the right time. I still contend you'll see a good chunk of it come in sub 100K buy blocks tomorrow at ASK.
6. How is it that some strange "investor" pissed so many people on ihub off today by selling 590k shares at $.10? Wouldn't the only person who had that many to begin with be one of the pumpers that got in sub $.01? I don't think he pissed anyone off, or at least I didn't think anyone got pissed off. I know for a fact that some people got in for large share blocks around the .04-.07 mark. I don't know them personally, but I remember some large buys going in there, and it wasn't any of the 6 I have mentioned .
7. Why is it that any negative post gets deleted on ihub? Moderation for inappropriateness is understandable, but the communistic moderation over there is a little too strong to make anything believable. I guess I haven't seen any examples, so please provide them. I've seen some drive by bashing by posters that claim the stock is bloated, but that isn't true.
8. They burn through less than $10k per month according to the DD presentation...well I hope so, considering their cash balance at the end of 2008 was negative, according to the pink sheet filing. Yeah, it was negative because they hadn't started marketing or selling their products yet. Their current financial statement will come out in early June according to the last video conference administered by Frank
Mr. Bigz is a chartist and its not hard to read resistance levels and support levels on charts. He didn't call $.09... he said it would be "ideal" for it to end there. He also said it could run today as well.
However with FTCH, this has stayed the same.
No one said we KNOW ALL of the behind the door decisions, just some of the news releases to come. As an investor you don't want to leak PR news before a release because you can trigger sell offs if people don't think they are getting close to their perceived target goal.
Just because a float is virtually locked up doesn't mean there is going to be residual selling every day.
I guess I haven't seen any examples, so please provide them. I've seen some drive by bashing by posters that claim the stock is bloated, but that isn't true.
Their current financial statement will come out in early June according to the last video conference administered by Frank
I hope you are right about this thing. I took a small position last week but look at it the same as pressing the hard eight.