Also this doesn't suck for lunch and a nap

BCO07 said:
Fresh sign everywhere, but only 2 distant bugles this morning. Good news is that we have the place to ourself on otc tags. Do I leave the fresh sign in pursuit of a bull willing to play?
BCO07 said:
Fresh sign everywhere, but only 2 distant bugles this morning. Good news is that we have the place to ourself on otc tags. Do I leave the fresh sign in pursuit of a bull willing to play?
cupofjoe04 said:
A few meds (advil, Imodium, phenergin, pepto, Benadryl, etc)
Band aids
Mole skin
Gauze & Cling Wrap
Ace Bandage
Zip Stitches (get some of these, seriously)
Burn cream
Duct tape
Maybe a couple other things I'm forgetting. It's a very small bag that I pack DIY with single use/sealed sort of stuff.
harge57 said:
Brother drew a leftover 1st rifle elk tag in 77/78 last week.
Talk about rapid e scouting.
Headed that way Thursday.