Sarduakar said:
titan said:
Dr. Teeth said:
I'm skipping 40 pages to provide my thoughts.
This movie has a whole hell of a lot of dumb in it, but it moves too fast for you to really think about it.
My one sentence review: To undo Anakin's actions in ROTJ and have a PALPATINE triumph at the end of the SKYWALKER saga is some grade A bull****.
That is all.
That is one of the most objectionable elements, imo. I suggested rather earlier in the thread that any going to re-watch it, just pretend Palpatine is Darth Plagueis, and it becomes both more comprehensible, more enjoyable because it doesn't undermine ROTJ in the way you describe, and you even have the bonus of Palpatine's daughter helps bring him down. It also makes sense of the hidden Sith fleet and power- --- and why they sat out the battles that could have saved the Empire. Also, having re-watched TLJ now --- there is absolutely no hint in Snoke that he knows who she is.
Wow i really like this idea. Imagine if TLJ had snoke reveal both reys palpatine blood and reminded the audience about Darth Plagueis , or have snoke made by Darth Plaugeis even but didnt reveal himself till after Palps is dead.( or even Luke and Yoda discuss him. Maybe have some flashbacks to when he is mentioned in the prequels) then have TROS with what you said.
It does have promise, doesn't it? There is so much about both TLJ and TROS that could be rescued by just the slightest tweaks, not even a lot of change in filming. Plagueis is canon -- he is mentioned in TPM, so it doesn't matter that they are ignoring the EU. And it makes total sense that someone who chased a secret that even Palaptine didn't know may have been a greater Sith --- it would fit perfectly with it was
he, not Palpatine, that learned the secret to at least partially cheat death. (You play the scenes on Exegol just as they are) Leave Palpatine and Vader dead at Endor -- don't undo ROTJ. This just means TROS is the next round --finishing off the Sith itself and it also fits with the Sith proper trying to take the fallen Empire's place in the form of the Final Order.
Oh, and it nicely explains why Snoke doesn't really seem like Palpatine, and doesn't know about Rey. Its a clone Plagueis made of himself --- (again, change little about the Exegol set-up--just switch the villain)