*** ALIEN: COVENANT *** (Prometheus Sequel / Alien Prequel)

65,092 Views | 494 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by Cinco Ranch Aggie
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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MaroonStain said:

I am going to try and see this tomorrow. I get the feeling that the Engineers brought the Aliens into existence then Aliens wiped out the Engineers?
Not quite
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Cinco Ranch Aggie
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I just returned from seeing this. I agree with the above comment that this movie has its feet in both Alien and Prometheus. I would probably put it 70% Prometheus, 30% Alien.

I went in with an expectation of what this movie would be. It was not what I thought it would be, and for that reason I think this movie will be considered one of the best in this series. It is a gorgeous movie to look at. It is well acted with characters that you can care about. I picked out musical cues from both Alien and Prometheus but otherwise the score did not register. The CGI was decent but the alien was always a lot more frightening when it was portrayed by an insanely thin and tall African as in the original movie.

There is a rather intense action sequence late in the movie, but I think my favorite part was actually the prologue involving the android David, newly "born, and its creator, Weyland. I also caught a line of dialogue that was right out of Blade Runner although for the life of me I cannot recall it now.

To me this was a solid science fiction tale.
Max Power
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AGinHI said:

Max Power said:

Currently sitting at 76% and certified fresh on RT, while Prometheus is at 72%. While that might not sound like much of an improvement Guardians Vol. 2 is at 81% comparatively and thats one of the best things I've seen this year along with Logan.

I still have high hopes and I'm going this weekend for sure. The first trailer that came out for Christmas is still one of the best trailers I've ever seen, it's basically perfect. I do think they've let out more information than they should have, but I'm still in.
67% audience on RT

That's telling. When a movie is really good, like Logan for example, everyone is singing its praises (yes, I'm awaiting a movie that can rival the first two, not just an average somewhat enjoyable movie).

Many of the audience reviews confirm my suspicions. I'll wait to hear what y'all have to say.

How many of them were expecting Pineapple Express in space due to McBride and Franco? I have to admit, I'll be marginally disappointed as well if there is 0 Pineapple Express vibe.
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there's almost 0 Franco in this movie
Zombie Jon Snow
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Simplebay said:

This doesn't surprise me. It's not quite Alien, but does have a lot more Alien feel but never fully quite gets there. (the blending of the music of the two movies is done really well, it even factors into the plot.) But the movie is not quite Prometheus, ties up the story (i thought a messy story handed over from Prometheus) quite nicely. But it never quite gets full philosophy/weird there.

This movie has as a foot in each movie forefathers, but could isolate fans of either. For me, this blend worked. I went in expecting full on Alien, but instead we got half and half which i enjoyed. It doesn't set any new ground, but it's a well made, GORGEOUS movie, with a real impressive action setpiece, and Fassbender will absolutely blow you away and carries the movie. New lead-ish girl is decent too, hell even Danny McBride did well.

The CGI on the aliens was a bit too heavy-handed, borderline distracting... but it just felt satisfying to me, and actually made me want to see more of this universe. Something Alien Resurrection or AVP didn't do.

I agree with this in almost every way. Good description too.

I enjoyed it. It felt like Alien somewhat, but also a little Aliens and a tiny bit Alien Resurrection and of course a lot (of the best parts of) Prometheus.

The acting was great. Fassbender was superb and the others very solid as well.

Those looking for any McBride/Franco comedy are going to be disappointed, but I wasn't and actually appreciated that it did not attempt that in any way

Agree somewhat on the CGI - it was not distracting really for me, but heavy handed in a couple of scenes. but there were also a couple of scenes I won't mention so as not to give anything away which I thought were amazing.

And completely agree that unlike some other Alien entries, this one did leave me both satisfied and wanting more.

Overall very good.
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Just saw it. Not much of a story. Predictable. Boring. Will put you to sleep. You can see the ending from miles away.
3rd and 2
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Movie was good, but the stupidity of the characters was off the charts. And yes, very predictable.
Complete Idiot
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LCE said:

Just saw it. Not much of a story. Predictable. Boring. Will put you to sleep. You can see the ending from miles away.

I agreee with this. Nothing in it really grabbed at my imagination like Prometheus. I can say it's a better movie tet I did not enjoy as much as Prometheus, which I admit is a really weird statement.
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I love this series, even if they haven't had a truly great one since Aliens. I liked this one though it could've used more xenomorph. Fassbender was awesome throughout.

My ranking would go:

1. Aliens
2. Alien
3. Covenant
4. Prometheus
5. Alien 3
6. Resurrection

No, AVP doesn't count.
Charlie Delta
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LCE said:

Just saw it. Not much of a story. Predictable. Boring. Will put you to sleep. You can see the ending from miles away.

This x1000. The whole time I was like, oh this alien is going to kill this person, now this alien will kill these people. There were plot twists, but you could see them coming. I thought this movie would be scary and suspenseful, but I just wanted it to end because I already knew what would happen. There was some good acting, but a predictable plot ruined it. The few parts that I did not predict were not really delivered in a riveting way. I was just like, oh ok, so that happened.
Charlie Delta
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Maroon Stormtrooper said:

Movie was good, but the stupidity of the characters was off the charts. And yes, very predictable.

Also this. After everyone from Prometheus fell off the dumb tree and hit every branch on the way down, the Alien Covenant characters followed them to bottom.
Charlie Delta
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To summarize:

Alien Covenant is like Idiocracy in space.
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Maroon Stormtrooper said:

Movie was good, but the stupidity of the characters was off the charts. And yes, very predictable.
This is like an oxymoron, right?

Alas, I'll keep waiting for someone to do it right.
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I enjoyed it. Pretty good summer popcorn flick. There wasn't anything really new or shocking about it - a small Shaw twist. At this point in the series, I'm not expecting groundbreaking - we know where it has to go, so to say it was predictable is a little unfair. Great scenery and a solid cast. Franco stole the show!
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What are the chances that in the original....

The eggs are all the colonists put in cryo sleep that David experiments on?

Further, could the space jockey actually BE David
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I think that's what frustrates me the most, we are likely going to have to sit through another lack luster movie to get to the events that lead up to Alien
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Just saw it.

Entertaining. Leaps and bounds better than Prometheus. Beautifully shot and acted. Great effects (well, the CGI aliens were a little disappointing.

My main criticism and why this movie isn't as good as it should be is that there is little to no tension in the alien attacks. It's disappointing that Ridley Scott would make something like that.

Every alien attack scene lasted about one minute from beginning to end. Here's a character.....the alien appears....then kills them. Repeat ad nauseam. Zero buildup. Zero suspense. And none of the characters other than Danny McBride made any kind of impact. McBride was the best character in the film.

I was also disappointed in the apparent supergrowth of the aliens. Cruddup seemed to die within minutes of being impregnated by a two foot long fully-formed alien. No initial snake-like form? And within minutes, it had grown to an 8 foot tall killing machine?

Anyway, compared to Prometheus, I had a much better time.
Sooper Jeenyus
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I was very disappointed with Prometheus. Had a story line straight out of the "Lost" playbook. I haven't seen the new film and don't care about spoilers. Someone just put a bow on the story for me. Tell me how it all comes together after the **** storm that was Prometheus.
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Several of the visuals had me audibly saying wow in the theater (though as quiet as possible)

I had a lot of fun. That opening scene with David and the flute scene were great. Loved the initial quarantine scene and there was overall some great body horror.

I knew people were going to ***** about them being as stupid as Prometheus, and it is well deserved
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Regarding characters being dumbasses in this series ... that has been a hallmark of all of these films, with the possible exception of Aliens. Harry Dean Stanton chases the cat into a dark room by himself while looking for the chest-burster. Tom Skerritt, knowing they are dealing with a bigger critter, crawls into an airshaft thinking he would flame it to death.

The two "scientists" in Prometheus must have been from the Bill Nye school of science; they were complete idiots who I was glad to see dead.

In Covenant, the captain made questionable decisions up until the moment when he went full ******. Then others that went off by themselves ... yeah, these movies are populated by people who not be considered the best and brightest.

Nevertheless, I have enjoyed to varying degrees all of these movies, with the exception of the steaming pile of horsecrap known as the second AvP movie.

I'd rank them as follows - Alien, Aliens, Alien Covenant, Prometheus, AvP, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection ....
Head Ninja In Charge
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LCE said:

Just saw it. Not much of a story. Predictable. Boring. Will put you to sleep. You can see the ending from miles away.
Somebody was literally snoring in our showing this afternoon.

But yeah, I liked Prometheus much better. I've also seen better work from Fassbender. Not sure what kind of accent he was going for with Walter, but it kept cracking.
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I'm in my phone so this won't be as long as it should be to explain myself. But I though David was legitimately a top villian of all time character and portrayal.

His character had a very Sauron feel to me - proclaiming creation as his only true driver but in reality never truly creating anything. All his "creations" were merely perversions of things that already existed. The Xenomorph was a perversion of the various neomorphs, in addition to his view of humans. Even Wlater calls him out after the discussion of creating art where Walter said one note off can destroy a symphony. The one thing that might be truly possible to create without reliance on something that already exists - art - was not something David was able to create honestly.

This movie had its predictable parts (pretty much all the horror aspects) but it's philosophical aspects (it's ties to Prometheus - what is human, what is creation) took it beyond just a scifi horror and to true scifi realm.
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Despite the frequent "don't do that, you idiot" moments, it was still highly entertaining. I just really love the lore of this series. The scene with David above the architect planet releasing the plague was incredible alone. I'm in for a sequel.
Max Power
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I enjoyed it for what it was, despite the flaws it was still a fun ride. If the Scott interviews are correct there are two more movies coming. The next one being Alien Awakening (shooting next year) which will be about David and Shaw after Prometheus, but before Covenant. Then the film to bridge from Covenant to Alien.

Fassbender, damn he's so good, perfect casting.

The Aliens sequel proposed by Neil Blomkamp is basically dead per Scott.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Why wouldn't he do that movie first?
DB Coach
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How did they not pick up the city on their sensors/radar? Was it because of the storms?

Also, after meeting David, the rest of the movie was about as easy to predict as spelling 'cat', especially the plot twist. Still, it was a very enjoyable summer flick, beautifully shot, well-acted, and a good addition to the Aliens franchise. Easily the best of the last 3 iterations.
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DB Coach said:

How did they not pick up the city on their sensors/radar? Was it because of the storms?
This was also a head-scratching scene for me.

Not only was this a very large city, but it was also within a short run from the field where they set the shuttle down.

When they were flying over the terrain, visibility was quite clear. I remember this because the scenery they were flying over was absolutely beautiful. There is no way in hell that they should have not seen a f-ing city within such a short distance from them.
Urban Ag
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I said the same thing. Also, why not just fly the 7 or 8 km's instead of hiking? You know, do a little aerial recon of the area first? Also kind of under-whelmed by a few things. It's 100 years in the future and the small arms are essentially what we have today (assault rifles and shotguns)? And the huge flashlights crack me up. I have an olight that is one 1/3 the size of those lights that kicks out 3200 lumens. LOL.

Overall, I thought it was visually stunning and the acting was solid. Fasbender should get consideration for an Oscar (I'm totally being serious). But like Prometheus, it was just ok for me and not something I would invest two hours again watching.
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Saw it this morning and enjoyed it. Yes, a lot of the characters made some dumb decisions, and as mentioned welcome to Alien films (as well as most horror films)

The end was a bit predictable, but the interplay between David and Walter was really great. Agreed that there wasn't as much tension built up in the attack sequences as I would have hoped for, I would've enjoyed more of the xenomorph stalking them in the ship (and on the planet).

Also, what exactly was the point of David helping them escape the alien on the ship, rather than just letting it kill them off? He didn't seem to need them to pilot the ship.
coupland boy
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Enjoyed it.

Captain was stupid but the rest of the crew wasn't anywhere nearly as stupid as Prometheus'. That aspect just ruined that movie and i was afraid that Tennessee fellow was the Covenant version of those ******s. Thankfully he wasn't(except for his willing to be negligent with the ship to be hero).

Someone else mentioned landing several kilometers from the objective but the pilot did say that the terrain was bad.

The bioattack on the engineers was a bit too instantaneous. That could have easily been portrayed to have played out like an infectious illness instead.
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I loved Promethus. It was taking the entire series in a new direction. As I expected multiple movies in the new series it didn't bother me that it wasn't a complete stand alone movie. I also hate being spoon fed every detail and the fact so much was left unexplained had me really excited for this next movie. And it totally delivered.

I can look past the flaws of both movies even when they direction rive me a little nuts. There's 2 to 2.5 hours to tell a story and to move the plot along sometimes critical mistakes have to be made by the characters.

The one thing g that does bother me has been stated multiple times across multiple movies and that's how quickly the xenomorphs gestate and also grow. But again, above, the story has to move along.

What I loved about this is really David and AI. How David was created to be as human as possible with the ability to create. And then in subsequent models it was seen as a problem and they were essentially dumb down to avoid a Skynet problem. When AI concludes that "humans are a dying race". All the exchanges between David and Walter were just top notch. Then think about what Hawking has said lately the humans have about 100 years left. If we don't leave planet Earth we will over populate and pollute ourselves to death. They also didn't explain what type of jump the ship was going to make but between each jump the ship must recharge.

So while everyone wanted to see the Alien in action, the Alien isn't really the central focus on the movie. But explaining the history of the Makers and their biological weapon. How David used it to complete wipe out all the fleshy organisms on an entire planet, because he wanted to be a god. And then for me the best part was how he engineered the Makers weapon I to the xenomorph. The perfect killing machine was engineered. Gives me chills. I can look past the flawed characters and some of the story because this movie refrains Promethus and makes it 10x better and advances the overall story arc on all movies. Just incredible.
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I agree completely, it's much deeper than just an alien horror flick at this point
Complete Idiot
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AlaskanAg99 said:

I loved Promethus. It was taking the entire series in a new direction. As I expected multiple movies in the new series it didn't bother me that it wasn't a complete stand alone movie. I also hate being spoon fed every detail and the fact so much was left unexplained had me really excited for this next movie. And it totally delivered.

I can look past the flaws of both movies even when they direction rive me a little nuts. There's 2 to 2.5 hours to tell a story and to move the plot along sometimes critical mistakes have to be made by the characters.

The one thing g that does bother me has been stated multiple times across multiple movies and that's how quickly the xenomorphs gestate and also grow. But again, above, the story has to move along.

What I loved about this is really David and AI. How David was created to be as human as possible with the ability to create. And then in subsequent models it was seen as a problem and they were essentially dumb down to avoid a Skynet problem. When AI concludes that "humans are a dying race". All the exchanges between David and Walter were just top notch. Then think about what Hawking has said lately the humans have about 100 years left. If we don't leave planet Earth we will over populate and pollute ourselves to death. They also didn't explain what type of jump the ship was going to make but between each jump the ship must recharge.

So while everyone wanted to see the Alien in action, the Alien isn't really the central focus on the movie. But explaining the history of the Makers and their biological weapon. How David used it to complete wipe out all the fleshy organisms on an entire planet, because he wanted to be a god. And then for me the best part was how he engineered the Makers weapon I to the xenomorph. The perfect killing machine was engineered. Gives me chills. I can look past the flawed characters and some of the story because this movie refrains Promethus and makes it 10x better and advances the overall story arc on all movies. Just incredible.

Well, I thought Prometheus did take the series in a bit of a different direction. Despite all it's flaws in execution, I liked Prometheus because some of the plot and theme triggered my imagination. It was enthralling or intriguing due as much, or more, to what I was imagining as what was on the screen. I thought the Makers were the intriguing part, their practice of seeding life, their connection to humans (the cave symbols), their desire to wipe us out. That was moving away from grotesque alien killing machines, but in my mind Covenant abandons those themes that intrigued me and moved back to clever killer critters killing humans. The Makers? Who cares, a human created robot will wipe out an entire city of this vastly more advanced civilization in seconds. Now, I get it - the series moved back more to what people seemed to want. I am in the minority in liking the new elements in Prometheus, reviews from fans made that clear. But I am confused as to how you seem to share my appreciation of Prometheus and the new elements introduced there but also seem to think Covenant advanced those themes, which I disagree with. I guess I was more interested in the Makers than in yet another human stupidly peering into a pod, getting killed during a shower sex scene, or coming up with the novel idea to try and eject an alien out of an airlock
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