*****SHOW ONLY Game of Thrones Season 6*****

162,319 Views | 1081 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by TXAGFAN
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Assuming ice was just sitting on some shelf in KL and not in some targaryen vassals custody, I can think of two solid reasons why Ned wouldn't be toting it.

1) if you've been training with a 1 handed longsword and fought and won a dozen battles you dont pick up a greatsword and expect to be any good with it. It's not a video game where you just equip the new inventory and bam.

I think this makes the most sense of theories posited so far. I don't buy the whole "it's unwieldy" arguments. Remember, this isn't some normal greatsword. This is a valyrian steel sword. Much lighter and stronger than traditional steel. It might look unwieldy but it wouldn't function as such in the hands of a skilled swordsman.

Also remember that as Ned was the second son, he was not the heir of Ice (and Winterfell) until his brother was killed by the King. So it would make sense that he had not practiced as much with that type of weapon, because he wasn't expected to ever be in possession of it.
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Also remember that as Ned was the second son, he was not the heir of Ice (and Winterfell) until his brother was killed by the King. So it would make sense that he had not practiced as much with that type of weapon, because he wasn't expected to ever be in possession of it.
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He also apparently didn't use it years later when he went to King's Landing.
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I don't know about the sword, but I think Ned's daughter in law is trying to scam him into getting her a new castle.
Huh? None of his sons had yet married by the time of his death.
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I don't know about the sword, but I think Ned's daughter in law is trying to scam him into getting her a new castle.
Huh? None of his sons had yet married by the time of his death.

It's a joke that you'll only get if you've watched Better Call Saul and followed that Texags thread.
Sex Panther
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I've been thinkin for a while that Arya is being set up to come in and test her commitment to being "no one" when either she's given a test or someone buys a hit on one of the Starks. Typical GRRM downer moment.

But what if it's a happy moment, after all this misery that she's had to endure, what if at some critical moment Arya is told to go kill Cersei because the Iron Bank or whomever is tired of her **** and wants this wasteful civil war to just be over.
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I wonder why young Ned was only using one hand on his sword during that fight? Surely he would have more control using both hands?
I wonder why Eddard was not carrying his ancestral Valeryan steel Greatsword during the rebellion.

Remember that Tywin got TWO swords from the steel in Ned's weapon, one for Jaime and one for Joffrey.
The sheath of a great sword would be on his back, not on his hip. This is definitely his fighting sword as is the one he used in the spar with Jaime. For the spar with Jaime, he was surprised to be found in a fight, so I doubt he would just carry around his families giant heirloom just in case someone picked a fight with him in the streets. He clearly has a EDC that he's more proficient with.
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I've been thinkin for a while that Arya is being set up to come in and test her commitment to being "no one" when either she's given a test or someone buys a hit on one of the Starks. Typical GRRM downer moment.

But what if it's a happy moment, after all this misery that she's had to endure, what if at some critical moment Arya is told to go kill Cersei because the Iron Bank or whomever is tired of her **** and wants this wasteful civil war to just be over.
I'm confused, why do people on here have the inclination that the Many Faced God assassinates people for money? So far, the only assassination assignment we've seen was to assassinate the crooked insurance broker. The Many Faced God seems just and noble to me, not greedy or driven by money. For that reason, I don't see any future conflict with Arya being assigned to kill a Stark.

I did, however, re-watch the scene where Melisandra comes to the brotherhood without banners and takes away Gentry. There is a quick clip where Melisandra looks into Arya's eyes and speaks of the different colored eyes she sees in her and that she'll close the eyes of many others in her lifetime. She then says "we will meet again", in her prophetic kind of way. If Melisandra were to ever be killed, I would think it can only happen by someone as skilled of an assassin as a many-faced person.
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Because don't they say that a many faced assassin is more expensive than a company of unsullied?

And maybe the many faced god thinks that killing Jon or Sansa or whomever is a "good kill" for whatever reason.
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That's all show stuff.
Goldie Wilson
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I was under the impression that they were very expensive assassins-for-hire?
Brian Earl Spilner
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Is it possible Walder Frey already knows Walda was murdered? If so, Freys could be working with the Umbers already to destroy the Boltons from within.
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I don't think the Umbers would team up with Frey considering the events of the red wedding.
The Debt
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Is it possible Walder Frey already knows Walda was murdered? If so, Freys could be working with the Umbers already to destroy the Boltons from within.
Walder didnt care about Catelyn Stark killing his wife, he'll get another one. He doesnt care about his kids either, he has too many.

The Frey's would dominate westeros if they werent piss poor.
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As to Ice, there are a couple possibilities about its location during the rebellion.

1) as previously posted, Ned's father could have taken it with him to King's Landing when he went to get Brandon. This would have resulted in it's confiscation and likely reclaiming by Ned when the city was taken.

2) When Ned's father went to King's Landing, he left it in Winterfell. Maybe this isn't as likely, since Ned took it with him to be Hand of the King, although his dad's visit wasn't intended to be a long one.

Either way, there's little chance Ice was ever Ned's day-to-day fighting sword. It probably was never used as such, or only way back when it first came into the Starks possession.
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Is it possible Walder Frey already knows Walda was murdered? If so, Freys could be working with the Umbers already to destroy the Boltons from within.
Walder didnt care about Catelyn Stark killing his wife, he'll get another one. He doesnt care about his kids either, he has too many.

The Frey's would dominate westeros if they werent piss poor.
I agree that he probably doesn't care about his daughter. He was just happy to marry her off. Once she was out of his castle, she was someone else's problem.
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Because don't they say that a many faced assassin is more expensive than a company of unsullied?

And maybe the many faced god thinks that killing Jon or Sansa or whomever is a "good kill" for whatever reason.
Who said that? Well we did see an old man come in and drink poison from the well. Perhaps "expensive" is in reference to paying with your life, not gold? Though, I'm not sure that old man was offering his life as payment to kill someone else...

I don't doubt they earn money for their assassinations at times, but that article also says they will refuse contracts that don't line up with their religious beliefs. Look, I don't know, maybe there's book information being leaked into the common understanding of these guys, but so far, I've only seen one contract dolled out and it was killing a crooked insurance salesman. To my understanding from watching the show, there wasn't a "client" that was paying an exorbitant fee to kill the insurance salesman as the people he was wronging were poor widows and children.
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Is it possible Walder Frey already knows Walda was murdered? If so, Freys could be working with the Umbers already to destroy the Boltons from within.
Walder didnt care about Catelyn Stark killing his wife, he'll get another one. He doesnt care about his kids either, he has too many.

The Frey's would dominate westeros if they werent piss poor.
I agree that he probably doesn't care about his daughter. He was just happy to marry her off. Once she was out of his castle, she was someone else's problem.

If old Walder finds out, he'll be pissed. Not bc he cares about the daughter, but bc it's an attack of sorts on his family name, and him. All Robb did was marry another woman, and look what happened. I would expect some fallout for this, if he learns the truth about how she died.
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It is certainly possible, but what Robb did was refuse to marry away another one of his daughters. Since he has like 30 of them, that is his biggest problem. It wasn't really a 'protect the family name' thing as it was a 'I literally have way too many women around my castle' thing. Just my opinion, hopefully we'll find out soon enough.
The Debt
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Walder's motivation is getting rid of all his sons/daughters. He doesnt care too much about their lives.
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Ha, know that you say it, that could be what he was most pissed about.
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Because don't they say that a many faced assassin is more expensive than a company of unsullied?

And maybe the many faced god thinks that killing Jon or Sansa or whomever is a "good kill" for whatever reason.
Who said that? Well we did see an old man come in and drink poison from the well. Perhaps "expensive" is in reference to paying with your life, not gold? Though, I'm not sure that old man was offering his life as payment to kill someone else...

I don't doubt they earn money for their assassinations at times, but that article also says they will refuse contracts that don't line up with their religious beliefs. Look, I don't know, maybe there's book information being leaked into the common understanding of these guys, but so far, I've only seen one contract dolled out and it was killing a crooked insurance salesman. To my understanding from watching the show, there wasn't a "client" that was paying an exorbitant fee to kill the insurance salesman as the people he was wronging were poor widows and children.
I don't think it's ever explicitly stated why Arya was tasked to kill the skinny man. Jaqen just brought it up one day so it could have been for payment, could have been because he was scamming people, could have been because he screwed someone's wife. I think the assumption that they are an assassin's guild that is on a pay for play basis is just as found as assuming they do it for religious reasons only
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I mean, if he were really worried about his daughter's well being, then why would he marry her off to Roose Bolton to begin with? He watched Roose stab a man in the back and thought "yea, my daughter will be totally safe with this guy"?
Natasha Romanoff
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I mean, if he were really worried about his daughter's well being, then why would he marry her off to Roose Bolton to begin with? He watched Roose stab a man in the back and thought "yea, my daughter will be totally safe with this guy"?
Because women are tools to gain connections and power in GoT. So, he could refuse and have no connection whatsoever to the new warden of the north, or he could gamble with one of his many daughters' lives and see if it works out.

I don't know if Frey will actually respond, but I imagine that in a logical world, he would. That's a snub to his family and family is a big deal to most in GoT, at least in the sense of family honor.
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Right, but what I'm saying is that he clearly knew he was gambling with his daughter's life. His daughter's life was less important than the chance to gain some power. Surely he is pissed, but he isn't pissed because his daughter is killed, he's pissed because he lost a little bit of power. Going after Ramsey isn't necessarily going to help him gain that power back.
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Roose took her as his wife to solidify the treaty with the Freys. Don't get me wrong, that treaty is clearly dead. It's just a question as to what Frey will do about it. If he'll actually leave his castle to bring the fight to Ramsey or if he'll just sit in his castle being pissed off and never let Ramsey use his bridge.
The Dog Lord
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I mean, if he were really worried about his daughter's well being, then why would he marry her off to Roose Bolton to begin with? He watched Roose stab a man in the back and thought "yea, my daughter will be totally safe with this guy"?
Because women are tools to gain connections and power in GoT. So, he could refuse and have no connection whatsoever to the new warden of the north, or he could gamble with one of his many daughters' lives and see if it works out.

I don't know if Frey will actually respond, but I imagine that in a logical world, he would. That's a snub to his family and family is a big deal to most in GoT, at least in the sense of family honor.
This. He isn't just trying to marry people off. He could marry them off to anyone. He is trying to marry them to the King in the North, the Lord of Riverrun, etc. Walder and Catelyn both mention how he feels slighted and looked down upon by the other houses.

He married one to the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and now Ramsay has killed her. I don't think he cares about her, but he will certainly care about what it means for his position.
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why was the book reader vs show watcher thread deleted?
The Debt
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So if frey and umber alliance helps the starks kill the boltons, does that make walder frey an ally?
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So if frey and umber alliance helps the starks kill the boltons, does that make walder frey an ally?
Relationship status would change to "It's Complicated".
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So if frey and umber alliance helps the starks kill the boltons, does that make walder frey an ally?
No. Frey needs to die because he a massive ****
Brian Earl Spilner
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Walder's motivation is getting rid of all his sons/daughters. He doesnt care too much about their lives.
He paid a dowry equal to Walda's weight in silver.

Walder wanted a grandson to become Warden of the North. It is just possible that Ramsay has now peaved Walder to the same extent that Robb did so.
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Walder's motivation is getting rid of all his sons/daughters. He doesnt care too much about their lives.
He paid a dowry equal to Walda's weight in silver.

Walder wanted a grandson to become Warden of the North. It is just possible that Ramsay has now peaved Walder to the same extent that Robb did so.
I don't disagree with that, but unlike Robb, I don't think Ramsey is going to be getting drunk in Walder's keep anytime soon. There's a difference between pissing someone off and them bringing an army to your gate.

Walder doesn't have many friends and now he has one less friend. That still doesn't mean he is going to march on the Boltons.
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