Father's Last Fight to Save Son From 'Gender Transition' is Unfolding in a Texas Ct.

57,288 Views | 459 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by DripAG08
The Fife
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Tanya 93 said:

Faustus said:

Lots to this story I'm missing.

How did the non-biological mother get custody over the actual father?

I assume she adopted the child, but if the mom and dad separated when the child was 3, then that was the time to get her out of the picture by at least seeking to be the sole managing conservator over his biological children.

I'd be curious what the legal theories were at trial, and how they were presented. I'm having difficulty envisioning a jury siding with the mom based on the facts as presented here. Are there any articles that lay out the two sides' legal filings and arguments?
She gave birth.

It is a tricky issue and I don't think anyone would ever rule she isn't the mom.
Social mom, yes that's her. Bio mom of course would be someone else who may or may not care about her kid(s?) whatsoever. In my case it's the other way around, bio + social father, and mom.

And WRT the previous reply from what I understand now it's essentially adoption paperwork but I haven't personally seen what it looks like. For a lot of us made in the mid-'80s and earlier there was none whatsoever. Zero documentation at all.
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Seems oddly appropriate here:

A Net Full of Jello
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Lots of ignorance and bigotry in this thread. I have a 14 year old daughter. I look at her and see a lovely young lady. She looks in the mirror and sees a fat, grotesque girl. She's 5'7" and currently weighs 98 pounds so "science"claims she is underweight, but she knows when she looks in the mirror that something is wrong. Being the awesome patents we are, we fully support our daughter and her path to true self-discovery so we are helping her. Next week, she is getting her stomach stapled. We are also planning on getting her mouth wired shut to help her weightloss journey. I get that when you look at her, you see a skinny anorexic who needs help, but you would be wrong. My daughter knows who she truly is and we all need to just support her.

Oh, does that sound absolutely insane? Because I think it's no more insane than someone suggesting pumping a kid half that age full of hormones and cutting off important organs.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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And perhaps parents shouldn't teach their kids that bullying or making fun of someone is okay.

judging by the amount of barely-functioning "adults" who lose their minds over mere words and nut bags we have running around these days, i'd say we don't have near enough bullying.
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Sweet Clementine said:

Again, that's not the case. That's what the biased reports are saying.
Still waiting for the "unbiased" reports about anything other than their divorce.

Did she, or didn't she demand only LBTGQ (whatever) friendly doctors to evaluate him?

I'm more than willing to listen to both sides of the argument even though I think this is some really twisted s**t.
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Sweet Clementine said:

I do think that gender/sex is not black and white. There are shades of gray.

XX= Female
XY= Male

Occasionally you will see some chromosomal anomalies like XXY but this happens in less than a fraction of a percent of people.

You can have effeminate men. But they are still men. There are masculine women. But they are still women.

Those shades of grey you speak of do not exist when it comes to sex and gender.
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From the Save James website (https://savejames.com/2019/09/the-two-ways-for-james/)


So, why are transgender ideologues privileging James' abnormal gender identity rather than his normal gender identity?

James' "mother" has said in court, "No one wants their child to be transgender." Well, James has a choice. We can watchfully wait, and encourage his normal gender expression.

According to the statistics on desistance, James will most likely grow up to be a normal man. Since James doesn't present as a girl consistently, he's probably much more likely than other kids to desist.

Let's be patient. Encourage James to develop normally and naturally. Let's not send him down a road to despair, banishment, and mutilation.

Whether he lied in his marriage or not has nothing to do with this. So he may not be the most upstanding man in the world, but this just seems like common sense. Why wouldn't you want to encourage the more "normal" path?!
Tom Doniphon
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Sweet Clementine said:

I do have kids, and within reason I would support my child. I do think that gender/sex is not black and white. There are shades of gray.
I would certainly seek out the best medical care for my child, which is what the mother in this case is doing.

That's about all I need to know about your silly opinions.
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GCP12 said:

Tanya 93 said:

GCP12 said:

Tanya 93 said:

SpreadsheetAg said:

Regardless of the case; the broader question here is: at what age should a person be allowed to "transition"?

I think it should be the age of majority. 18. Sorry, but you need to deal with it until then
If nothing hormonal or surgical is being done, what is the big deal with a girl with a buzz cut and camo pants or a boy with nails and make up?

Who does that hurt?

And perhaps parents shouldn't teach their kids that bullying or making fun of someone is okay.
Children are impressionable. Especially when the parents are the ones reinforcing the child's thoughts.

If my parents started dressing me like a girl and putting make up on me when I was 7, I probably would've believed that I was supposed to be a girl.
Being forced to do something is totally different than wanting to do something
Seven year old: Mommy, I want to be a thief!

Mom: Ok, son. Let me help you steal ****

I didn't force the child to steal! He wanted to be a thief!

The point is that children don't know **** and facilitating their every indulgence is not a parent's job. But, you knew that.
Exactly. I have a 7 year old who plays "Jailbreak" on Roblox (pretty fun, actually). If they are on the criminal side, they rob banks, jewelry stores, museums, etc. He told me that he has some plans for how we can rob a bank together. I told him that it is wrong to rob banks in real life. He said okay.

He wanted to quit baseball after the first practice because he was the youngest on the team. I made him stick it out and by the end of the season he was crying that it was over.

He mimics my mannerisms and I hear him using some of my words and phrases.

He is an impressionable lump of clay that doesn't know sheeet. I can absolutely lead him one way or another, so with that is a great responsibility to do it right. If he makes different choices with me down the road, so be it, but if right now he does not have the capability to make most choices on his own. That would definitely include whether he wants to be a girl.
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I pulled up the Dr's information in a pretty good database and she's using the alias of Arthur Brinkley Trammell. Pretty ironic as well.
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hooboy. Caught up on the thread finally. Saw this on Twitter, couldn't find any other side to the story so I was hoping to see stuff here..because I thought "Surely there is more to this"

I don't think saying "she's not the biological mother" does any favors here. Who cares? She is the boy's mother. She carried the baby, raised the baby..she is the only mom that the kid has ever known.

So if I understand correctly, they got divorced because he was bsc and she got sole custody.. now she wants to enroll her son in hormone therapy because he acts like a girl at school.. dad found out about this and is now super mad. She is allowed to do this, because the has medical authority over her sons and court won't revoke it?

So both parents are crazy. Fun.

Am I getting the gist?
Saint Pablo
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Sounds accurate
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yep except I think hormone therapy is only talked about right now. These people who do this give hormone suppressants around puberty.
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What I don't get in a lot of situations is how quick people are to apply permanent "solutions" to potentially temporary or passing "problems". Like this one - kid acts like a girl, give him a chance to change his mind or grow out of it, instead of permanently wrecking his junk. Has no one heard of a "phase"?

This is like getting a tattoo of your junior high girlfriend on your forehead. You may want to wait that one out before going through with it to see if it lasts.
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So, trying to put on my most reasonable, non knee jerk hat here.. The hardest part is that when you've got a sociopathic liar on one hand.. that doesn't really sound like a stable home for the kids either.

If mom is actually enrolling her kid in the Children's Health hospital genecis thingybopper, she is taking the kid to doctors, keeping the kids fed, providing clothing, getting them to school every day..

The children don't sound like they are in immediate physical danger, so removing them from their parents entirely may be out of the question, esp if there aren't any aunts/uncles etc. that can step up.

Lot of bad and sad and crazy in this case.
Ellis Wyatt
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Sweet Clementine said:

Obviously I'm not going to change anyone's mind, especially here. But please refrain from making snap judgements based on one (murky) side of the story. The "facts" that are being reported in this case are from websites and entities with a decidedly ultra-conservative viewpoint, and their reporting on the case reflects such.
There's nothing "ultra-conservative" about thinking children cannot make decisions to become a different gender. Anyone encouraging a child to do so is a child abuser and should be locked up.
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Faustus said:

Lots to this story I'm missing.

How did the non-biological mother get custody over the actual father?

I assume she adopted the child, but if the mom and dad separated when the child was 3, then that was the time to get her out of the picture by at least seeking to be the sole managing conservator over his biological children.

I'd be curious what the legal theories were at trial, and how they were presented. I'm having difficulty envisioning a jury siding with the mom based on the facts as presented here. Are there any articles that lay out the two sides' legal filings and arguments?

Edit: From the link above it looks like the marriage was annulled over the father's objections because he lied about his employment, education, military service, and marriage history.

Claimed to be working on his PhD when he did not have a college degree.
Claimed to be a career Marine and served for 5-6 years, when he was only one for a "very short period of time" before being removed for being underage.
He was in the army before being discharged due to an admission of homosexuality, which he failed to tell the wife.

The latter would explain the need for in vitro fertilization certainly.
I'm going to hold off on taking the father at his word on the present case for now.

I caught some heat for it last night but I told y'all this father deserved some of the blame here. A dad should be his seven year old son's hero. It doesn't sound like this dad is hero material. The mom is absolutely a POS but no way this happens to an involved, good dad. Still, a parent should not be able to alter a child's body like this. A parent should not be able to tattoo their child much less turn them into the opposite sex. I bet the mom has a problem with circumcision. It goes back to parents need to teach kids that God made them perfect just the way they are. That they are loved just the way they are. They don't need to change anything because they are already perfect. I still think dads need to teach their boys how to be boys and they need to spend a ton of time with them.
Ellis Wyatt
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Sweet Clementine said:

Yes, and is even insisting that the child is a boy, despite the fact that the child is known at school as a girl.

And no one is chopping anything off.
The child IS a boy.
Ellis Wyatt
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Sweet Clementine said:

At the request of the child.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Sweet Clementine said:

At the request of the child.

It's okay, and sometimes necessary, to say no.
Martin Cash
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Sweet Clementine said:

Just FYI, the sources that you are all reading on this are extremely biased towards the father. The father is a con man who is blasting these things on social media to make himself look good.
Do yourselves a favor and go find some actual information about this case before condemning and threatening the mother.
I don't care if father is a serial killer. 'Mother' should be stood up against a wall and shot.
Yukon Cornelius
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Sweet Clementine said:

I do have kids, and within reason I would support my child. I do think that gender/sex is not black and white. There are shades of gray.
I would certainly seek out the best medical care for my child, which is what the mother in this case is doing.
there are no shades of gray. There are two genders, two different sets of chromosomes. This is BASIC BASIC BASIC anatomy and then there are mental disorders. You dont encourage some one who has schizophrenia that they really are two different people. You are wicked and you shall have your reward.
Yukon Cornelius
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Sweet Clementine said:

At the request of the child.
A CHILD!!!!!! who in all HIS years has been TOLD by his mom HE is a girl.
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And society celebrates this woman's Munchausen by Proxy.
Nuclear Scramjet
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Martin Cash said:

Sweet Clementine said:

Just FYI, the sources that you are all reading on this are extremely biased towards the father. The father is a con man who is blasting these things on social media to make himself look good.
Do yourselves a favor and go find some actual information about this case before condemning and threatening the mother.
I don't care if father is a serial killer. 'Mother' should be stood up against a wall and shot.

Agreed, but you can't say these things here because the degenerates who wants to open up Hatchet wounds in children get their feelings hurt.

We need to stay angry and not succumb to this:
P.H. Dexippus
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That comic is exactly what's happened at TAMU over the years.
The story isn't that [DeSantis] "couldn't win" the primary. The story is that an overwhelming majority of our population is heinously stupid. 50% of them vote for communists. 75% of the remaining 50% vote for Trump, who cant win. When the majority of the opposition party insists on voting for an opposition candidate who can't win, you get exactly the government you deserve. - Well Endowed Ag
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DGAF if dad lied about his past. Having a ****ty dad will **** you up alot less than someone permanently ****ing up your adolescent development via hormone blockers and grooming you to be a girl when you are biologically male.

Whether mom is encouraging it or simply allowing it, what she is doing is not healthy. Sure the kid should be allowed to dress how he wants. okay. but humoring a 7 year old's delusions ****s with the sense of reality.

This is a very simple conversation, one i have had with my own kids when they go off on some delusional tangent that if humored could **** them up.

No johnny ur not a girl. Girls have a vagina. Boys have a *****.

Johnny if you want to wear sparkly things that is fine but ur name is johnny not judy.

Johnny its okay if you want to be different from the other boys, that is fine. Its important that you know its okay to be different, but that doesn't mean that everyone will understand you. And some people will make fun of you. You have to decide if being different is worth the way people will react to you being different. If this is important to you than stand up and fight and be okay being different. Know that you will take some lumps along the way.

If you are being different just to get attention then you have to accept the good attention with the bad. That is life. Amd if you are being different just to get attention that is called being an attention *****. People don't like attention *****s. Its better to be authentic so that you are being honest with yourself and the rest of the world.
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Pmc you do know there are scientifically verifiable case when that is not true right? Nothing to do with trans people, AIS, klinefelters, and several others. People speaking in absolutes is funny when they're blatantly wrong. You'll give me an excuse why those are outliers and not what you meant I'm sure.

And greyhound you caught heat because you implied all trans people have bad parents who dont treat their kids right. I'm the only vocal one here, but most of us dont take our parents being insulted lightly, especially when one is no longer here, and they did all the things you wanted them to do.

Thread has been most depressing for myriad of reasons, even though I agree the child should not be given the option of transition.
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Ag_of_08 said:

Pmc you do know there are scientifically verifiable case when that is not true right? Nothing to do with trans people, AIS, klinefelters, and several others. People speaking in absolutes is funny when they're blatantly wrong. You'll give me an excuse why those are outliers and not what you meant I'm sure.

And greyhound you caught heat because you implied all trans people have bad parents who dont treat their kids right. I'm the only vocal one here, but most of us dont take our parents being insulted lightly, especially when one is no longer here, and they did all the things you wanted them to do.

Thread has been most depressing for myriad of reasons, even though I agree the child should not be given the option of transition.

Does he have testicals? Because, if he does, he's a boy.
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Someone with AIS? No, they don't. They are genetically xy, but 99.9% of people with it either A. Dont know, or B. D9nt find out till they're heading in to puberty and are missing ovaries. Takes 30 second on google tonfigure out what AIS is.

That's not even crawling off into intersex people who have part of both. Or klinefelters where people are literally XXY

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Ag_of_08 said:

Someone with AIS? No, they don't. They are genetically xy, but 99.9% of people with it either A. Dont know, or B. D9nt find out till they're heading in to puberty and are missing ovaries. Takes 30 second on google tonfigure out what AIS is.

That's not even crawling off into intersex people who have part of both. Or klinefelters where people are literally XXY

Um, if you have ais, you don't have testes, I thought.

You know what, I do feel sorry for people with true genetic issues around sexuality. But this woman is trying to purposely do effectively the same to this young child. Sickening.
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AIS do have functioning testicles that are producing testosterone, but they lack the cell receptors for the testosterone to have any effect. In fact, since their testicles did not descend outside their pelvis into a scrotum during their fetal development, AIS patients are advised to have the testicles removed because they are at very high risk of developing testicular cancer.

The more you know...
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agent-maroon said:

AIS do have functioning testicles that are producing testosterone, but they lack the cell receptors for the testosterone to have any effect. In fact, since their testicles did not descend outside their pelvis into a scrotum during their fetal development, AIS patients are advised to have the testicles removed because they are at very high risk of developing testicular cancer.

The more you know...

That really sucks. Guess I should haves said hanging testes.

All kidding aside, who would intentionally do that to their 8 y/o child.
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BusterAg said:

All kidding aside, who would intentionally do that to their 8 y/o child.

Yeah, there's nothing about this situation that's not totally effed up. Never underestimate what a BSC vindictive ex is capable of. This is the transgender transition version of the estranged father killing his kids to punish his ex, only with the force of a jury to back her up. Bunch of sickos ruining this poor child's life to make a point.
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