SW AG80 said:
Nosh said:
In your professional opinion, what does "very few cops cross the line and do things the wrong way" mean?
After giving this alot of thought, I typed out a lengthy and well thought out response. Then it suddenly disappeared. I won't re-type it all. The 2 in Houston in this case are criminals. There are very few of those in law enforcement. I sent a sheriff to prison when I was DA. Another sheriff in Presidio County went to the pen. These 2 were criminals. In the last 10 years 2-5 were prosecuted in the RGV, as was the DA in Brownsville, Of course, I am not counting the ones who get DWIs or even family violence cases. Those don't have anything to do with their profession.
Most of the problems are caused by officers who are not smart enough to know what they are doing is wrong. Felony stupid, like the current Texas Attorney General.
For the ones calling for no more "no knock" warrants, they are certainly over used. But they are absolutely needed. When LE rolls up to a house at 6:00 am of a known Mexican Mafia member with security cameras on every corner of the house, cops might as well be wearing a target as they stand at the door and knock. They do a job I want no part of, and I have accompanied them on search warrants in west Texas, San Antonio and Houston.
I wish I could have read the original. I hate it when that happens. Anyway, I would disagree that there are few in law enforcement. Admittedly, my threshold for what I consider criminal is rather low for someone who swears an oath to their office. Family violence and DWI aside, I believe police violate constitutional rights daily, and each one that does as well as those who are complicit should be fired at minimum.
I am familiar with all the corruption in South Texas Gene Falcon, Romeo Ramirez, Pepe Guevara, Lupe Trevinos sons and others on his staff, and the laundry list goes on. I personally knew some of the men that went to prison. Lets assume that corruption and border officials is a constant, (
Ex. 1,
Ex. 2,
Ex. 3,
5, you get the picture). So South Texas aside...
Im on the fence with no-knocks. They should be used at a minimum. The police have let abuse of power slide for so long and it contributes to the disconnect they have between citizens. I know the job is dangerous, but it isnt forced on anyone. I find
audits to be quite fascinating. Even with a camera these thugs continue to break the law. One (of many) examples is
here and
here. The entire point was non-violent provocation based on constitutionally protected acts. Each and every officer who does this deserves hot lead between the eyes. There I said it and it may get me banned, but that is the price they should pay. Why? Because that was the price that was paid by countless patriots that we have those rights.
Breaion King's situation is also infuriating. Its systemic...with DAs dismissing suits. Flush it all.