Dune [Spoiler Thread]

62,084 Views | 817 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Rocagnante
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TCTTS said:

Sorry, I meant to reply to FL_Ag1998's post, not yours.

For the record I think it is really really good. I just know I would be have missed a lot without my book knowledge.
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TCTTS said:

powerbelly said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

I guess I'm going to be the sole voice of dissent. As a two time book reader I was let down.

DV got the tone and atmosphere and visuals dead on.....but I felt like that's all there was. What makes the book awesome is the political intrigue and the humanity. That was missing from this movie.

The baron and the mentats have been wasted so far. The baron especially is a pale imitation of the actual book version.

We don't truly understand the fremen - their motivations, their society - and fall in love with them like we do when reading the books. There's no real reason to root for them in the movie other than we're supposed to.

So much of the human side - the politics and world building - was rushed through or brushed aside.

I didn't hate the movie or even dislike it......just felt.....let down.

Agree. Im not sure I would have liked it if I hadn't read the book.

I didn't read the book and the Freman's motivations were incredibly obvious to me, seeing as Stilgar explicitly verbalizes them to Leto & co. In a nutshell, the Freman were on Arrakis first and they don't want offworlders harvesting spice from their lands. Seemed pretty cut and dry and not only perfectly reasonable but also a very empathetic plight worth rooting for.

I get your point, and yes, there was some basic explanation, but its just all so condensed and rushed compared to the books. That's just me as a book reader versus you as only a movie viewer. This movie just confirms to me it should have been an HBO series rather than a movie. We're missing out on so much.
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FL_Ag1998 said:

TCTTS said:

powerbelly said:

FL_Ag1998 said:

I guess I'm going to be the sole voice of dissent. As a two time book reader I was let down.

DV got the tone and atmosphere and visuals dead on.....but I felt like that's all there was. What makes the book awesome is the political intrigue and the humanity. That was missing from this movie.

The baron and the mentats have been wasted so far. The baron especially is a pale imitation of the actual book version.

We don't truly understand the fremen - their motivations, their society - and fall in love with them like we do when reading the books. There's no real reason to root for them in the movie other than we're supposed to.

So much of the human side - the politics and world building - was rushed through or brushed aside.

I didn't hate the movie or even dislike it......just felt.....let down.

Agree. Im not sure I would have liked it if I hadn't read the book.

I didn't read the book and the Freman's motivations were incredibly obvious to me, seeing as Stilgar explicitly verbalizes them to Leto & co. In a nutshell, the Freman were on Arrakis first and they don't want offworlders harvesting spice from their lands. Seemed pretty cut and dry and not only perfectly reasonable but also a very empathetic plight worth rooting for.

I get your point, and yes, there was some basic explanation, but its just all so condensed and rushed compared to the books. That's just me as a book reader versus you as only a movie viewer. This movie just confirms to me it should have been an HBO series rather than a movie. We're missing out on so much.
I think that is fine for those who aren't going to be book readers.

The second half is set up well and overall they did really well squeezing what they did into under 3 hours.

People wont know what they are missing and the story should still work.

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I thought it was a great movie but a little disappointed in the ending. I was expecting it to be a little more climatic
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I had to Wiki to see what the flickering eye dude with the calculation and Jessica's role talents.
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MaroonStain said:

I had to Wiki to see what the flickering eye dude with the calculation and Jessica's role.

My wife had a question about both as well.
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Saw it for a second time on Sunday afternoon for a rare theater rewatch for me. Was pleasantly surprised to see such a big crowd again. I think it's even better the second time.

Rebecca Ferguson was even better than I remembered. Incredibly expressive with her eyes.

Mamoa was great too, I'm glad they gave him some awesome moments, knowing Gurney and others will get theirs in Part 2. His confrontation with Liet is a great little bit to go along with his cool fight scenes.

Did not notice the score cutting out in the duel with Jamis the first time I watched, but that was amazing. Just the sound of the fighting.

I'm convinced that in between the scene where Jessica and Leto semi-argue about Paul and the start of Dr. Yueh's betrayal was where the dinner party scene was supposed to be. Such a naturally fitting spot, understand why it was cut but like others have said it's so good.

Read the book. Go see it on the big screen if you can. Let the spice flow.
G Martin 87
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Another long time Dune fan reporting in. I was thrilled with this version. Waiting patiently for Part 2 is going to be impossible. I want it now, dammit!

ETA: Also want my Apple iGlowGlobe ASAP. Get busy, Tim Cook.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Call me crazy but with the $40M opening, lack of new competition next weekend, and great word of mouth, I think we'll see a great hold next weekend. In fact I think it'll be in that rare territory of a < 50% drop.

Calling my shot and saying $23M second weekend.
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Saw it yesterday. Thought it was great. Need pt 2 ASAP!
G Martin 87
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Small amount of background that isn't touched on in the movie: Dr. Yueh was a graduate of the Suk School of Medicine. He was given Imperial Conditioning during his training, which is supposedly unbreakable and made his treason against the Atreides so shocking and unexpected. According to my dogeared copy of "The Dune Encyclopedia" (Frank Herbert gave it his "delighted approval" in 1984), Yueh may have been driven insane by seeing what the Harkonnens did to Wanna after years in captivity.
G Martin 87
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More background, offered purely in the spirit of fun. It isn't crucial to the movie.

The Butlerian Jihad, which ushered in the Imperium and the necessity for the Mentat Order, was more than just an anti-computer movement. It was a galaxy wide revolt against those who created, programmed, and "worshipped" AI. (A lot of Dune history has to be understood in the context of the friction between science and religion on a galactic scale involving hundreds of worlds. Think Spanish Inquisition.)
Atreides Ornithopter
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G Martin 87 said:

More background, offered purely in the spirit of fun. It isn't crucial to the movie.

The Butlerian Jihad, which ushered in the Imperium and the necessity for the Mentat Order, was more than just an anti-computer movement. It was a galaxy wide revolt against those who created, programmed, and "worshipped" AI. (A lot of Dune history has to be understood in the context of the friction between science and religion on a galactic scale involving hundreds of worlds. Think Spanish Inquisition.)

And the prequels book written by Hebert son on this Butlerian Jihad was crap and ruined the " lore" of it. Think the hate for midicloriants in ruining your view of how the force worked, but worse.

Nobody expects the Butlerian Jihad
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This could just be my having not read the book very recently, but I always thought of it as they just didn't want a sentient AI to be present. So automated things were okay. I don't know if that was based on something I read or just how I interpreted dimensions of it in the book.
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Yeah that's how I'd interpret it as well.
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Saw this last night in IMAX and thought it was totally worth it. The big scenic shots of the planet, the cities, and the space ships looked incredible. I loved the "weird scifi" feel it had too it with the ships and the tech, a lot is compacted in the scenes which is exactly the same as the book. Tons of dense lore from a few short scenes.

What do you think the franchise goal will be with WB if it does well over the next few weeks? You can't just end it at the end of the first novel, Paul's story is nowhere near done. I'm currently on God Emperor so it's very clear that if they try to cinematic universe this franchise you have to go at least through Children of Dune, but even then I love the twins and would want more Leto. I guess ideally have a room full of good writers to cap off an epic conclusion after Chapterhouse(the last of Frank's novels, which I understand ends on a cliffhanger).

Same complaints about noise that some of the others have said, I basically inferred some of the dialogue having recently read the books.
Atreides Ornithopter
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Well I won't spoiler other book things without tags,but

I think they always wanted to be able to do several more books, my reasoning is because of who they cast as Duncan, to me the "biggest " star for the role that is in all books.
Duncan Idaho
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That was why I chose the user name. When I had an account a few years before starting this one, they only had Perma bans. so my intent was to have any subsequent accounts be "the ___ Ghola of Duncan Idaho"
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I think finish the first book off strong with another epic big screen film then roll the others into in depth series?
G Martin 87
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PatAg said:

This could just be my having not read the book very recently, but I always thought of it as they just didn't want a sentient AI to be present. So automated things were okay. I don't know if that was based on something I read or just how I interpreted dimensions of it in the book.
That's partly right. Both the ubiquity and capability of AI had grown to the point where AI was being treated as a god that could completely replace the need for any human decision making at all. In Butler's case, the AI running a hospital (where she was admitted to deliver her child) decided to order the medical staff to abort her child. Butler had some BG training, so she knew that her unborn child was in fact perfectly healthy. The prevailing view of AI pre-Butlerian Jihad was that it was infallible and couldn't be questioned. Post-Jihad, basic "dumb" automation with no decision-making capability was OK.
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Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
G Martin 87
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Choose your namesakes carefully! For example, Duncan Idaho-10232, 11181, 12117, 12122, 12280, and 12301 met tragic ends.
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tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.

I think so, simply for the BG angle and his importance to them. My bet for the first or second scene in Part Two is of Feyd in the arena against the Atreides veteran.
G Martin 87
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tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
I would not be upset at this. Seems a waste to cast Dave Bautista as the Beast and not give him Feyd's role too.
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G Martin 87 said:

tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
I would not be upset at this. Seems a waste to cast Dave Bautista as the Beast and not give him Feyd's role too.
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I want a digitally de-aged Sting as Feyd or I riot.
Duncan Idaho
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schmendeler said:

I want a digitally de-aged Sting as Feyd or I riot.
codpiece and all
Atreides Ornithopter
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powerbelly said:

G Martin 87 said:

tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
I would not be upset at this. Seems a waste to cast Dave Bautista as the Beast and not give him Feyd's role too.

I hope they don't combine. You will see the Beast be the Beast in the next movie. Feyd is the "anti-beast" that people are supposed to love
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powerbelly said:

G Martin 87 said:

tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
I would not be upset at this. Seems a waste to cast Dave Bautista as the Beast and not give him Feyd's role too.
First I've seen this discussed as opposed to people theorizing who would be cast as Feyd.

I don't hate it, but I think there is such a cool dynamic of Paul fighting basically the Harkonnen version of himself, the one he would have wed had Jessica followed the plan and birthed a girl and I would hate to lose that all just to simplify things. I think it's far more likely that we see Beast do a lot in the first third of Part 2 (fighting Fremen and running Arrakis) and then he gets killed. Making the way for a quick intro for Feyd, maybe in the fighting pits or something. I think it can be done without bloating the movie.
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I get it, I just think they will have to trim the fat somewhere.
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Part II will have more Geidi Prime and Feyd for sure right? Isn't there a huge part of the book about him killing a certain character and all the political ramifications with the certain assassin working for the emperor to make deals with the Baron?
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G Martin 87 said:

More background, offered purely in the spirit of fun. It isn't crucial to the movie.

The Butlerian Jihad, which ushered in the Imperium and the necessity for the Mentat Order, was more than just an anti-computer movement. It was a galaxy wide revolt against those who created, programmed, and "worshipped" AI. (A lot of Dune history has to be understood in the context of the friction between science and religion on a galactic scale involving hundreds of worlds. Think Spanish Inquisition.)


Just remember that this is a work of science fiction and that the first book was written in the 60s...with that in mind you have to play a little loose with figuring out the technology of Dune.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin
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All of these "what about this" questions are why this would have made an excellent candidate to be a multi-season series instead of 2 (or more) movies. There are plenty of things that were left out that would have/could have filled in a lot of the blanks in a series format.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin
The Debt
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tamuangry said:

Do you think we will see Feyd Rautha in part 2?

I could see him being a newcomer in Part 2…but DV may for simplicity combine his character with Raban.
I dont want to see a knife fight between Paul Atreides and Drax the Destroyer
The Debt
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Part II will have more Geidi Prime and Feyd for sure right? Isn't there a huge part of the book about him killing a certain character and all the political ramifications with the certain assassin working for the emperor to make deals with the Baron?

The quota for gay representation isnt being met, the poison needle in the baron's male sex slave's thighs might not be included bc you cant link villainy to Hollywood's sacred cow.

For those that need a comparison, the Harkonens are the original Lannisters, but their sadism (and inter-familial fidelity) is more like the Boltons. So Lannister/Boltons...what's more scary than that?
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