black_ice said:
javajaws said:
I thought parts of it were great...stunning even. Some special effects were great...some not so much. There were many outdoor scenes with a green screen indoor feel. I thought the Harfoots and Dwarves were somewhat cheesy. The multi racial aspect of each were very distracting and pulled me out of the fantasy realm and onto Broadway.
Not sure they really nailed this. I actually liked the story so far the most though and it's interesting enough to keep watching even with it's flaws. Hoping as they get some episodes under their belt that it will get better.
The multi racial stuff bothered you?
I don't think he means he has a problem with multiracial or interracial relationships... per se
But this is world set in times that are apparently supposed to mimic the medieval era - armor, swords, kings, fiefdoms, etc. Multiracial and interracial societies are a modern trend. 700-1200 years ago (as this world emulated), I don't know of many (or any) societies, clans, or kingdoms that were anywhere close to 50/50 or even 30/70 mashups of races.
I get it, we're in a fantasy world where the writers and creators can do as they please, and who are we to say any different? However, injecting a modern or even future world concept (harmonious multiracial society) into a medieval setting (where in our own history these past clans, kingdoms, and societies have been mostly homogenous), is a bit jarring to the observer [but not unacceptable, since were talking fantasy here]
Its the same for me with the elves. I've always imagined them as Tolkien described them - ageless, beautiful, sleek & slender, lithe, athletic, high-cheekboned, narrow-faced, nearly super-human senses - with mannerisms and speech "weighed down by centuries of existence, if not millennia"... However, in this adaptation, it's a bit jarring to see Neanderthal looking humans with pointy ears who appear to be in the 60s (human actor age) cast as these ethereal elves...
Example: Celebrimbor

This actor would have made a great harfoot...