Shife said:
Look for this movie to be the "landmark" moment (sarcasm) when trans characters are introduced to the silver screen.
I guess you've never seen Ace Ventura.
Shife said:
Look for this movie to be the "landmark" moment (sarcasm) when trans characters are introduced to the silver screen.
GiveEmHellBill said:
You're welcome.
MuckRaker96 said:
The only Matrix sequel I ever needed.
Brian Earl Spilner said:
Weird, my feeling about Keanu is he's game for just about anything. He gives no ****s about critics or anyone else.
Highway Crossing FrogBrian Earl Spilner said:
I watched that skit so many times I remember it by heart.
canadiaggie said:GiveEmHellBill said:
The Matrix is mind-blowingly good.
The sequels.......................pretty much suck. The second one had that highway chase and Monica Bellucci in a corset, so it was okay. I think I saw the last one in the theater and that's my only viewing. It was terrible.
Don't really care about a fourth anymore.
You're welcome.
I saw this movie when I was 9 or 10 and I'm 100% sure Monica's Bellucci singlehandedly kickstarted puberty for me
TCTTS said:Sex Panther said:
I love Keanu but as long as a Wachowski... whatever, is attached to this I won't get my hopes up. They are absolutely terrible now.
It's weird that only one is involved and that the other sibling has absolutely nothing to do with it, seeing as they wrote/directed the trilogy together. Either way, I'm curious, but yeah, not very confident in this turning out great.
Btw, the newest ridiculous trend I've been seeing on Twitter is people naming their favorite movies directed by women and naming The Matrix in their lists. I'm all for people living however they want to live, as whoever they want to be, but retroactively saying The Matrix was directed by women is one of the dumbest, most maddening things I can think of.
The Debt said:
Maybe they will explain that Revolutions was really a fantasy while Neo was unconscious after killing the hunterkillers in the real world.
They complete the series with Neo waking up in #4 realizing the real world is another matrix, another layer of control, he then truly frees humanity from the real world.
maca1028 said:canadiaggie said:GiveEmHellBill said:
The Matrix is mind-blowingly good.
The sequels.......................pretty much suck. The second one had that highway chase and Monica Bellucci in a corset, so it was okay. I think I saw the last one in the theater and that's my only viewing. It was terrible.
Don't really care about a fourth anymore.
You're welcome.
I saw this movie when I was 9 or 10 and I'm 100% sure Monica's Bellucci singlehandedly kickstarted puberty for me
I need to see more of her.