*****Big Brother 17 SPOILERS Thread*****

312,924 Views | 2268 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by TJJackson
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And even though he won, Steve's performance in the first comp was pathetic. What a joke.

In all honesty it was smart of him to not continue that competition. The second of the three hoh competitions is always similar, and he knew that. But I see where you're coming from..
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Vanessa is a shoe in for the next all stars season. She was excellent at the game and missed the prize by 1 answer.
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I think this show slightly redeemed itself at the end with how everything turned out. Was not surprised in the least bit Steve-uh had those answers prepared like he was delivering an oral dissertation. Liz was happy to get 50K to help pay down some of that debt her and her sister accumulated. Seeing Vanessa's smug smile disappear the last hour of TV- only to sit there stoic and cast a bitter vote was very rewarding. Then to hear her brag about 'being the top female poker player in the world' as some form of moral victory to herself was laughable.

She probably will make a All Stars appearance within a season or two. She's the smartest game player on this season, no doubt- but that's like saying she's the best offensive player on Texas. In hindsight- I would've liked to see more of Da'vonne's game. If anyone would've stonewalled that crying crap gameplay- it would've been Da'vonne. Oh well- on to #BB18. Who here is submitting a video audition tape?
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Liz letting Vanessa get in her head in the first comp was beyond stupid. So amazing her and her idiot sister made it as far as they did. It's honestly a testament to Austin (and Vanessa).

What is funny is that if Vanessa had just played out that first one and lost, she likely would have beaten Steve in the crossword puzzle after seeing how long it took him. It would have been Liz vs Vanessa in the finals and it wouldn't have mattered since Liz is an idiot and would have taken Vanessa. She probably would have beaten Steve in the final vote if the roles had been reversed and she had taken Steve instead of the other way around.
I actually debated this with my wife. There is a bit of 20/20 Hindsight, but you could make a game theory case that Vanessa would have a better chance beating Steve in a straight up mental comp than the final HoH comp, which I hate because its basically a guessing game.

Agreed Vanessa would be a shoe for for an All-Star's season, which many fans have been clamoring for since the Coaches season and the first All-Stars were so popular.

It is interesting how Steve basically was Ian 2.0. They basically played the same game, though Ian really won because of a bitter jury.

She probably will make a All Stars appearance within a season or two. She's the smartest game player on this season, no doubt- but that's like saying she's the best offensive player on Texas.

That's how I feel about Derrick from last season. He played great, but man there were some just dumb players, if not entertaining.

Sex Panther
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Holy ****, check out Vanessa's background:

She graduated early from Duke University after two and a half years with a major in economics and a minor in political science in December 2003.[13][16] Her collegiate duration of two and a half years was the shortest time to graduate in the history of Duke.[13] Rousso began law school in 2004 and was the inaugural recipient of the Chaplin Scholarship from the University of Miami.[17] During Law School at the University of Miami School of Law, she served on the editorial board of the University of Miami Law Review.
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Holy ****, check out Vanessa's background:

She graduated early from Duke University after two and a half years with a major in economics and a minor in political science in December 2003.[13][16] Her collegiate duration of two and a half years was the shortest time to graduate in the history of Duke.[13] Rousso began law school in 2004 and was the inaugural recipient of the Chaplin Scholarship from the University of Miami.[17] During Law School at the University of Miami School of Law, she served on the editorial board of the University of Miami Law Review.
Not debating her intelligence, just her crying and manipulation. She owned the house all season long and honestly, even though I can't stand her, should have won.
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She isn't an idiot like others in the house. She is a weird combination of intellect and emotional mess
Bunk Moreland
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yeah Vanessa is a genius. Jason was right though. She should have owned it more and not just cried. But that was her strategy so I can't fault her.
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Holy ****, check out Vanessa's background:

She graduated early from Duke University after two and a half years with a major in economics and a minor in political science in December 2003.[13][16] Her collegiate duration of two and a half years was the shortest time to graduate in the history of Duke.[13] Rousso began law school in 2004 and was the inaugural recipient of the Chaplin Scholarship from the University of Miami.[17] During Law School at the University of Miami School of Law, she served on the editorial board of the University of Miami Law Review.
Weird. I don't see whiny, crying, vindictive, little beyotch anywhere in there (j/k...sort of).

She was no doubt impressive and pretty damn brilliant. That said, she was just unlikeable.

After thinking of the final 6 and how it played out...short of JM winning (whether he deserved to or not)...this played out about as good as it could have with splitting up the twins, blindsiding Austin and taking out Vanessa at the very end...bravo Steve, that was a thing of beauty.

Vanessa's true colors were exposed in the end. The look on her face and her casting the bitter vote for Liz was absolutely priceless. And I agree with Jason. I would have liked her much more had she just gone to the DR and said, "I am going to take out these MFers one by one...just wait, watch and enjoy". The manipulative, crying game that she played was nauseating to watch, no matter how good she was.

While the middle of the season was extremely frustrating to watch, I enjoyed watching the final six play out the way it did.
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Frankly, I thought Jason looked stupid saying that.

She was basically a question away from winning BB and he didn't make jury because he got the chance at his dream and spent it smoking on a couch.

I think Vanessa is smart and the crying was part strategy and part just emotional mess. I don't know, maybe she cries every time she gets some fool go all in while she's got pocket aces; who knows.

Honestly, the strategy worked. She knifed a lot of people, but her water works seemed to clear the air a bit.
Bunk Moreland
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oh i definitely think Jason was a dick to say that the way he did, but he was still right in his perception that while Vanessa did outstanding and went through the game dominating, her crying constantly made it hard for people to root for her.

But you are right. In the end Vanessa was one question away from winning $500k. She had the chance and that's all you can ask for.

And yeah, Jason may be my least favorite "superfan" houseguest of all time. He just pissed away the opportunity to play big brother, and instead decided to smoke a carton a day and sleep on the outside couch.
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am I the only one that thinks the final HOH competition is a total joke?

After all summer of strategy and athletic ability deciding who goes and stays, the winner of the last HOH is picked basically from guessing randomly what another houseguest said?

Pretty ridiculous.

That being said I hate Vanessa and I was glad Steve won.
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It's not completely random as how well you know the house guest should come into play in your answer. I do think there are less random ways to test that knowledge than this scenario though.
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I think they are trying to test the three tiers of the game. Physical/Mental/social....I am not sure how else you could test social?
Bunk Moreland
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I would like a final 3 HOH competition to not be done in the stages they do it, where part 1 immediately goes to part 3, etc.

I'd try to design multiple comps that test physical/mental/social that all 3 play in, where there's some sort of earned or combined score that gives an overall winner. And maybe even if one person wins the first 2 parts, the 3rd part has a value that could be great enough for someone else to tie them if they were to win. Something like that.
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It's not completely random as how well you know the house guest should come into play in your answer. I do think there are less random ways to test that knowledge than this scenario though.
completely random? no.

but did you hear some of those answers? its pretty damn random.

There has to be a better comp for the FINAL HOH.
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Before/after would be a better final comp. Some of those questions from last night were pure guesses.
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That third round is supposed to test your social game and how well you know the members of the Jury. The issue is that most of the questions that they chose aren't really representative of something you would have picked up from those social interactions. A couple were ok questions, but most were rather random.

Everything about the competition format is really stale. The HG know what is coming and are generally prepared, including the final three part HOH. As long as AG is in charge, it will remain the same stale set up.
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I would like a final 3 HOH competition to not be done in the stages they do it, where part 1 immediately goes to part 3, etc.

I'd try to design multiple comps that test physical/mental/social that all 3 play in, where there's some sort of earned or combined score that gives an overall winner. And maybe even if one person wins the first 2 parts, the 3rd part has a value that could be great enough for someone else to tie them if they were to win. Something like that.
This is a pretty good idea.

They need to change something. You know Shelli's answer was BS and was her just trying to throw people off. Like Clay really wasn't the funnest part of your time BB? Really Shelli.

If nothing else, make it based how how well you knew your house guess, and feel free to throw some tricky ones in there. "Which house guest's real job is professional poker player?" "Which was the first house guest to figure out the twin twist?" "Did Austin and Liz make out during the season?"

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They need to change something. You know Shelli's answer was BS and was her just trying to throw people off. Like Clay really wasn't the funnest part of your time BB? Really Shelli.
Part of the problem is I'm pretty sure they ask the jury members an open ended question, and then some producer or intern comes up with the alternate option. They didn't ask Shelli if her favorite moment was winning HOH or meeting Clay, they asked her her favorite moment. I don't think she was trying to throw people off, she was probably thinking of the question in a game sense.

I like the idea of them asking facts about the houseguests, something not as random. I also miss them having two finalists and the jury getting to come over the speakers and really grill them. I hate the preplanned questions read off of cue cards.

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Part of the problem is I'm pretty sure they ask the jury members an open ended question, and then some producer or intern comes up with the alternate option. They didn't ask Shelli if her favorite moment was winning HOH or meeting Clay, they asked her her favorite moment. I don't think she was trying to throw people off, she was probably thinking of the question in a game sense.
Yeah, I was looking for her quote so I could post same thing.
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Really, they need to go back (as boring as it was) to doing the final HOH a couple days ahead of the final show.

Let that last jury member go to jury house and then have the video conference jury grilling like they used to do. I'm not a fan of the "Hey, you were just evicted, now go vote".

I think it would suck to be the 3rd one evicted. No prize money and no time in jury. I'd either want to make it to F2 or be the first jury member and get a paid 8 week vacation in Cabo.

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Yeah, part III of the final HoH seems pretty random. But it does sound like the questions are open ended where production comes up with a seemingly legitimate alternate answer. I think Steve realized this being such a big fan of the show. Or he just said I am going to answer "A" for every question.

Jason and DaVonne probably had a better read of the house than anyone (including Vanessa). They were just way too outspoken in the beginning and then Jason was just lazy after Da got evicted. They really did not use their read of the house or the fact they figured out the twin twist to their advantage.

I've only watched the last 4 seasons but has their been a season that had so many stupid people in the house? Obviously, every season will have its fair share of idiots but the dumbassery seemed to run rampant this year.

Still loved the fact that Vanessa couldn't save herself in the end...and I mean the very end.
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They were pretty dumb last year too.
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Giggly dumb direct proportion
Anagrammatic Nudist
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But it does sound like the questions are open ended where production comes up with a seemingly legitimate alternate answer.
I thought this was obvious. The two choices they give for answers are direct quotes from the jurors... one is real, the other is made up... this isn't hard to understand and Steve didn't figure this out by some magical power.
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I didn't go back and look, but didn't Steve answer "A" on all the questions. Genius move!
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Here's a good read, interview with Will Kirby about talking to the jury.



CBS chairman and CEO Les Moonves recently said that "usually you have one or two disappointments" in the show's casting, but this year there were "five or six." Do you agree?

He's absolutely, unequivocally, 100 percent wrong. You can't predict who you're going to fall in love with. It takes awhile for these things to work out and to mature and to evolve. If you really break it down, what happened is big personalities got eliminated very, very quickly. We watch the show for entertainment, and when some of the better "entertainers" are eliminated quickly, then maybe that middle group doesn't seem comparatively as interesting. So the dilemma we have is, the jury is not the most dynamic, outgoing group of individuals. But this isn't Jersey Shore. You can't have people flipping tables and slapping each other, or you just don't have a show I stand by the casting decisions. It's a very difficult job to find 16 different people who are available, who are interesting, who are STD-free and who have big personalities to appear on the show.
Sex Panther
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Who is Dr. Will?
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the fan-favorite winner of season two who is widely considered the game's greatest player
Bunk Moreland
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Dr Will Kirby. Was on season 2 and all Stars.

He and Dan are the best 2 players in bb history. He also had a show on E years back in the early 00's about his medical practice I think.

Dude was a phenomenal game player. Manipulator extraordinaire
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Most amazing part was he never won a single challenge. He threw every single challenge. He was an amazing social player.
Sex Panther
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He was a master manipulator and a fan favorite?

How does Vanessa rank up against the best players ever? Are they usually well liked or disliked like her?
Bunk Moreland
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Depends. Vanessa cried like a baby all season but I still respect the hell out of her game.

I'd put vanessa in my top 10. Closer to 10 than 1.
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