Reopening Schools

220,367 Views | 2236 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by AustinAg2K
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Those numbers don't surprise me. That is what i think the breakdown will be for our school as well.
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I agree. I think he truly wants to do what is right and is trying to navigate it all appropriately. I appreciate the transparency.

I also thought the change in parent numbers was interesting.
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Also, Mexico sent a big portion of the population home, with pay, way too early in this mess, and big chunk of those people treated that like a paid vacation, and partied, traveled, and gathered. It was a big mistake by Mexico.
I wonder if an aggressive, proactive shutdown approach implemented too early may be why we've seen the recent increases here in the US as well. Shutting down before the virus was even going to get into the population only makes that population question the purpose and authenticity of the shutdown. Pressure to 'open up' mounts when that happens, new cases appear more like a backslide when in reality they are more like the first wave which was just delayed.
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My concern is the hypocricy I see. Not everyone but a high percent of what is a small sample.

I see people (teachers) who too concerned to teach but not too concerned to go to dinner or even those stupid drive-by birthday parties where everyone ends up being within 6 feet and no masks. Selective concern.
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during our weekly update, the Supt made it sound like our ISD would be 100% remote until our community was no longer classified as 'red'.
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jah003 said:

Finally... with all these regulations in place... what the hell is teaching even going to look like? How can I effectively teach a kid from 6 feet away? That might be another reason teachers don't want to be back in the classroom.

I want to go back, but this hits at the heart of my biggest I going to be spending all of my time trying to enforce rules and little to no time actually teaching? I see a whole lot of "mask police", "social distancing police", "hand sanitizing police", etc. in my future. Ick.
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Interesting Tidbit. I hear that 40% of the Plano-East area of elementary school students never logged in a single time to distance learning during the post spring-break timeframe.

If that happens in the suburbs, how low will it be elsewhere?

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cc_ag92 said:

The results might surprise TexAgs. The percentage of teachers who want to teach in person is higher than the percentage of families who want to send their children to school
I'm somewhat surprised. I think kids should get back into the classroom asap. but frankly, I'm not sending my kids back if the place looks like a prison or mental hospital. Also if all of my kids' friends are online only, I'm not sure it makes sense to send mine. (And that doesn't even consider the possible canceling of extracurriculars?!)
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Bonfired said:

jah003 said:

Finally... with all these regulations in place... what the hell is teaching even going to look like? How can I effectively teach a kid from 6 feet away? That might be another reason teachers don't want to be back in the classroom.

I want to go back, but this hits at the heart of my biggest I going to be spending all of my time trying to enforce rules and little to no time actually teaching? I see a whole lot of "mask police", "social distancing police", "hand sanitizing police", etc. in my future. Ick.

This is a completely valid concern - but personally, I don't think it's enough to justify not offering an in-person option.

For so many kids (esp. ones who live in poverty and/or dysfunctional households), school is more than just a place to learn - it's a place to get fed, to feel safe, and to (hopefully) interact with people who care about you, and experience some kind of normalcy.
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The people I know who are too concerned to teach have been isolating. I really wonder what kind of social circle you run in.
As far as the drive by birthdays, I participated in a handful and never got out of my car. The only people in the yard or on the sidewalk were household family members.
It's interesting how different our experiences have been. It sheds some light on all of the different opinions and views I've seen expressed.
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I wonder if an aggressive, proactive shutdown approach implemented too early may be why we've seen the recent increases here in the US as well. Shutting down before the virus was even going to get into the population only makes that population question the purpose and authenticity of the shutdown. Pressure to 'open up' mounts when that happens, new cases appear more like a backslide when in reality they are more like the first wave which was just delayed.
I think that you are probably mostly correct or entirely correct.

As one ages, one tends to believe more of what they actually, physically see and experience. Mexico went into panic shutdown mode about March 15-25th. In the smaller town that we are in, west of Reynosa, a city of about 1mm, we were terrified and basically locked the F down. We put in all kinds of safety protocols and what not.

Well in the 8 weeks that we were shut down the municipality that we are in, of about 15,000, had 3 Covid cases. All of them were Mexicans living else where that had come home because they were locked down back in the states, in these cases Magnolia and Houston. After that, those folks got the F isolated out of them, there were no more cases in this small area for 4 weeks. Yet everything was shut down.

As soon as the paper stimulus checks started arriving to folks in the US, there was a flood of Mexpats that headed south with their mailbox money due to the Peso going to about $25 to $1 usd from $18 to one. Think about that, Mexicans in the US who could take their money during this time and head south got 28% increased purchasing power to do so. And they did.

The cases in Mexico started going up about a month ago, and rising. To me, the virus just was not that present in Mexico in March and April, and conversely I do not think it was that present in our area of the US border either.
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So what happens if 3-4 teachers get COVID and have to isolate for 14 days...

Where exactly are you gonna get a replacement as most SUBs are Elderly retirees
14 days sub 60+ enforce rules and giving a quality education ... I don't think so.

I think what y'all are missing is just the sheer logistical problem of 34-5-10? Teachers going down or having to isolate because of spouse exposure there is no one to fill their shoes Or do you combine and make 2 small classes one big one. You can't do that because of population cap in classrooms.

I believe this is the biggest reason schools will go full distance - there are no replacements. Period and schools were already under staffed as is.

What it 2 Spanish teachers go down... you have nearly 25% of kids who can no longer communicate with their teachers.

It ain't happening. Too many years of raging on teachers and calling them leech's is coming due as most teachers just walk away now because they feel unsupported and uncared for by the community.
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Most of these people are not actually in my social circle. More or less just a result of Facebook that I "keep up with them" since college. They tend to be young-ish...between 30 and 40...

I am sure there are all types...1) concerned and never go out; 2) fake concerned and go out; 3) not concerned and go out.

I just get mad at #2
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How is this different from critical businesses? Everyone is at risk from getting sick. And from what we are told by "scientists" kids dont tend to spread as easily as my co-workers and I do.

What happens when a utility company has a crew go down sick? They find replacements. They adapt. They shift things around. They dont just throw their hands up in the air and say "whelp, no electricity for Plano..."
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Online school is not close to in person. Many understand thus. If someone gets sick, you figure it out until they can return just like any job.

There are many other reasons school should be in person that have been covered. If you are not aware of them than you are choosing what to to see.
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Your argument is basically "what if teachers get sick and then there's no one present to teach a class and the education suffers?"

So your solution is to prevent teachers from being there and causing education to suffer ahead of time? Makes perfect sense.
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AggieYankee1 said:

So what happens if 3-4 teachers get COVID and have to isolate for 14 days...

Where exactly are you gonna get a replacement as most SUBs are Elderly retirees
14 days sub 60+ enforce rules and giving a quality education ... I don't think so.

I think what y'all are missing is just the sheer logistical problem of 34-5-10? Teachers going down or having to isolate because of spouse exposure there is no one to fill their shoes Or do you combine and make 2 small classes one big one. You can't do that because of population cap in classrooms.

I believe this is the biggest reason schools will go full distance - there are no replacements. Period and schools were already under staffed as is.

What it 2 Spanish teachers go down... you have nearly 25% of kids who can no longer communicate with their teachers.

It ain't happening. Too many years of raging on teachers and calling them leech's is coming due as most teachers just walk away now because they feel unsupported and uncared for by the community.
That's the best part of the online platform: classrooms can easily tap into the video feed of other teachers. Or teachers can work remotely from isolation with their kids in their classroom. The technology is there, it's cheap and lots of the students can assist with setup.
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65% of parents work and in some school districts over 60% of the kids don't have access to the internet. So who is going to teach them how to use a new piece of technology on top of helping the kid learn? Is someone going to come to the house? Nope.

Over 30 million kids get their main nutrition from school. We are lucky that most of us have good jobs and such but what about the lower class? Online learning hurts them more than anyone besides special needs.
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P.U.T.U said:

65% of parents work and in some school districts over 60% of the kids don't have access to the internet. So who is going to teach them how to use a new piece of technology on top of helping the kid learn? Is someone going to come to the house? Nope.

Over 30 million kids get their main nutrition from school. We are lucky that most of us have good jobs and such but what about the lower class? Online learning hurts them more than anyone besides special needs.

The answer from them is basically just figure it out.

It's going to be a nightmare with them not allowing parents options
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Right now my school has both options. Hoping that does not change. No reason it should.
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Jebber said:

Right now my school has both options. Hoping that does not change. No reason it should.

What county are you in?
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I think we have one other person in Wylie ISD on here, seems like every school district around us is going online only for at least 3 weeks. Hope he doesn't cave. I have spoken with the superintendent on the phone and emails and he has said he wants to do everything he can to get the kids the option to come back.

Oh yeah fall sports will be a shortened season if at all with the kids not having the ability to even practice for 3 weeks. Old school UIL rules would allow 2 weeks before school to have 2 a days, not sure what it is now. But that is at least 5 weeks of fall sports gone
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#2 would anger me, as well.

After I posted that last response to you, I spent some time looking at my timeline. I have three friends who are adamantly opposed to returning to school. One of them is married to a Gulf War vet with a severely compromised immune system. He hasn't left the house in five months and she has left minimally. The two others have children whose doctors have advised against school for them because of their compromised immune systems. All of them are very upset about the possibility that they might not be able to teach this year. They wish there was an option that kept them teaching without endangering their loved ones. The first might be able to work as a remote teacher on her school's campus as long as she can remain isolated, but the other two can't leave their children at home.
None of them have been going on vacations or attending parties in the last five months. None of them believe their family situation means schools should remain closed, either. They are actively discussing their situation on Facebook, though, and I think that's okay. They're just another facet of this 2020 **** show.

I got rid of the high school friends who frustrate the hell out of me, by the way. I decided that if I wouldn't want to have a drink with them in real life, I didn't need to have them cluttering up my Facebook feed. It's been very nice.
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I believe he really wants us to offer both options. Wylie has worked hard to come up with a plan for remote learning AND traditional learning. I believe our superintendent and leadership want us to open the campuses if at all possible.
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planoaggie123 said:

How is this different from critical businesses? Everyone is at risk from getting sick. And from what we are told by "scientists" kids dont tend to spread as easily as my co-workers and I do.

What happens when a utility company has a crew go down sick? They find replacements. They adapt. They shift things around. They dont just throw their hands up in the air and say "whelp, no electricity for Plano..."

Just stop already. You know what I'm saying is right and comparing teachers to lineman is apples to koconuts.

This is not the type of situation you just switch around - teacher goes down there must be SOMEONE to take their place the very next day and THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE.

Most subs are done for the year and will get will not get into the pool - some teachers will quit rather than go back because they are high risk and will (rightly) scared to go back. Some will be there for a couple weeks - get COVID and not return. State law mandates a classroom at a certain size and what your talking about is ridiculous. I noticed how you did not answer my Spanish speaking teacher comment. Must have been an over site.
If your so passionate - let's see you pick up a clip board and march into school and become a sub.... I didn't think so.

I have no idea why people are trying to shove this down our throats. OPEN THE SCHOOLS! OR FIRE THE Teachers!!

Right because after years of calling teachers glorified baby sitters - now you can not live with out them?
Please this is only being pushed because trump is pushing it - much like masks.

The logistics of refilling the ranks is not the same as a essential business. Last time I checked if a line man goes down - they just do less work that day or work on another project.
If a teacher does - that spot must be filled by The next Day! For 14 days.

Give it a rest - stop trying to look smart by going against the grain.

A vaccine is right around the corner - let everyone get it and then we are back in business. Until then - stop trying to put educators lives at risk to satisfy trump/Devos
And the need to bully people into doing what you want them to do because you feel like it.

Teachers lives are not expendable.

And maybe if more people wore masks this virus would be more under control - BUT FREEDOM IS MY RIGHT TO GET YOU SICK HUH? Your trying to force people to live with this virus just like trying to get people to accept mass shooting (gotta die of something right?)

Why? Who knows but you won't win.
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You could have just summarized your argument to, "i hate trump so anything he says is killing teachers"
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AggieYankee1 said:

planoaggie123 said:

How is this different from critical businesses? Everyone is at risk from getting sick. And from what we are told by "scientists" kids dont tend to spread as easily as my co-workers and I do.

What happens when a utility company has a crew go down sick? They find replacements. They adapt. They shift things around. They dont just throw their hands up in the air and say "whelp, no electricity for Plano..."

Just stop already. You know what I'm saying is rigidly abs comparing teachers to lineman is apples to koconuts.

This is not the type of situation you just switch around - teacher goes down there must be SOMEONE to take their place the very next day and THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE.

Most subs are done for the year and will get into the pool - some teachers will quit rather than go back because they are high risk and will (rightly) scared to go back. Some will be there for a couple weeks - get COVID and not return. State law mandates a classroom at a certain size and what your talking about is ridiculous. I noticed how you did not answer my Spanish speaking teacher comment. Must have been an over site.
If your so passionate - let's see you pick up a clip board and march into school and become a sub.... I didn't think so.

I have no idea why people are trying to shove this down our throats. OPEN THE SCHOOLS! OR FIRE THE Teachers!!

Right because after years of call teachers glorified baby sitters - now you can not live with out them?
Please this is only being pushed because trump is pushing it - much like masks.

The logistics of refilling the ranks is not the same as a essential business. Last time I checked if a line man goes down - they just do less work that day or work on another project.
If a teacher does - that spot must be filled by t The next Day! For 14 days.

Give it a rest - stop trying to look smart by going against the grain.

A vaccine is right around the corner - let everyone get it and then we are back in business. Until then - stop trying to put educators lives at risk to satisfy trump/Devos.

No one here has said this. Please don't try to bring that negative energy to this discussion.

Quote a few of us have said teachers going back should be a CHOICE, just like parents should have the choice to send their kids or keep them home.

As far as staffing issues go, that's a problem the admins in the district get paid the big bucks for. Use online classes to fill the gaps. It won't be perfect, but it's better than keeping all kids home.

But, I think it's a lot of worry that will ultimately not pan out. There have been several studies out of Europe that confirm schools are safe because kids don't transmit the virus.

And just as a PS - all the chemical plants and refineries haven't shut down. And operators are NOT easily replaceable. And there are limits on how many overtime hours they can work.
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HowdyTexasAggies said:

You could have just summarized your argument to, "i hate trump so anything he says is killing teachers"

You could have saved time and made you handle

Your a bully. Plain and simple.

You would do anything he said - admit it!
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This thread...
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TXTransplant said:

AggieYankee1 said:

planoaggie123 said:

How is this different from critical businesses? Everyone is at risk from getting sick. And from what we are told by "scientists" kids dont tend to spread as easily as my co-workers and I do.

What happens when a utility company has a crew go down sick? They find replacements. They adapt. They shift things around. They dont just throw their hands up in the air and say "whelp, no electricity for Plano..."

Just stop already. You know what I'm saying is rigidly abs comparing teachers to lineman is apples to koconuts.

This is not the type of situation you just switch around - teacher goes down there must be SOMEONE to take their place the very next day and THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE.

Most subs are done for the year and will get into the pool - some teachers will quit rather than go back because they are high risk and will (rightly) scared to go back. Some will be there for a couple weeks - get COVID and not return. State law mandates a classroom at a certain size and what your talking about is ridiculous. I noticed how you did not answer my Spanish speaking teacher comment. Must have been an over site.
If your so passionate - let's see you pick up a clip board and march into school and become a sub.... I didn't think so.

I have no idea why people are trying to shove this down our throats. OPEN THE SCHOOLS! OR FIRE THE Teachers!!

Right because after years of call teachers glorified baby sitters - now you can not live with out them?
Please this is only being pushed because trump is pushing it - much like masks.

The logistics of refilling the ranks is not the same as a essential business. Last time I checked if a line man goes down - they just do less work that day or work on another project.
If a teacher does - that spot must be filled by t The next Day! For 14 days.

Give it a rest - stop trying to look smart by going against the grain.

A vaccine is right around the corner - let everyone get it and then we are back in business. Until then - stop trying to put educators lives at risk to satisfy trump/Devos.

No one here has said this. Please don't try to bring that negative energy to this discussion.

Quote a few of us have said teachers going back should be a CHOICE, just like parents should have the choice to send their kids or keep them home.

As far as staffing issues go, that's a problem the admins in the district get paid the big bucks for. Use online classes to fill the gaps. It won't be perfect, but it's better than keeping all kids home.

But, I think it's a lot of worry that will ultimately not pan out. There have been several studies out of Europe that confirm schools are safe because kids don't transmit the virus.

This is not a discussion - people are trying to say OPEN THE SCHOOLS!! the same way people said OPEN IT UP WITH NO MASKS! MASKS ARE FOR *****S

those type of people were wrong then - and they are wrong now.
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calm down , the majority of this thread has been very civil with differing opinions, take your hysterics somewhere else.
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No problem, just make a student the mask enforcer.

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AggieYankee1 said:

TXTransplant said:

AggieYankee1 said:

planoaggie123 said:

How is this different from critical businesses? Everyone is at risk from getting sick. And from what we are told by "scientists" kids dont tend to spread as easily as my co-workers and I do.

What happens when a utility company has a crew go down sick? They find replacements. They adapt. They shift things around. They dont just throw their hands up in the air and say "whelp, no electricity for Plano..."

Just stop already. You know what I'm saying is rigidly abs comparing teachers to lineman is apples to koconuts.

This is not the type of situation you just switch around - teacher goes down there must be SOMEONE to take their place the very next day and THAT IS NOT THE CASE HERE.

Most subs are done for the year and will get into the pool - some teachers will quit rather than go back because they are high risk and will (rightly) scared to go back. Some will be there for a couple weeks - get COVID and not return. State law mandates a classroom at a certain size and what your talking about is ridiculous. I noticed how you did not answer my Spanish speaking teacher comment. Must have been an over site.
If your so passionate - let's see you pick up a clip board and march into school and become a sub.... I didn't think so.

I have no idea why people are trying to shove this down our throats. OPEN THE SCHOOLS! OR FIRE THE Teachers!!

Right because after years of call teachers glorified baby sitters - now you can not live with out them?
Please this is only being pushed because trump is pushing it - much like masks.

The logistics of refilling the ranks is not the same as a essential business. Last time I checked if a line man goes down - they just do less work that day or work on another project.
If a teacher does - that spot must be filled by t The next Day! For 14 days.

Give it a rest - stop trying to look smart by going against the grain.

A vaccine is right around the corner - let everyone get it and then we are back in business. Until then - stop trying to put educators lives at risk to satisfy trump/Devos.

No one here has said this. Please don't try to bring that negative energy to this discussion.

Quote a few of us have said teachers going back should be a CHOICE, just like parents should have the choice to send their kids or keep them home.

As far as staffing issues go, that's a problem the admins in the district get paid the big bucks for. Use online classes to fill the gaps. It won't be perfect, but it's better than keeping all kids home.

But, I think it's a lot of worry that will ultimately not pan out. There have been several studies out of Europe that confirm schools are safe because kids don't transmit the virus.

This is not a discussion - people are trying to say OPEN THE SCHOOLS!! the same way people said OPEN IT UP WITH NO MASKS! MASKS ARE FOR *****S

those type of people were wrong then - and they are wrong now.

If 5-6 teachers go down the school year is over. They simply can not be replaced.

If they can - please tell me how? From everyone vast experience with education.
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HowdyTexasAggies said:

calm down , the majority of this thread has been very civil with differing opinions, take your hysterics somewhere else.

You just accused me of hating trump - you started it buddy.
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