Moxie said:
Why never again?
I'm wanting to try a sour but will probably do it the easy way: kettle sour.
It made a sour beer, but was time intensive over 3 days in a 10 round cooler mashtun. The more hot water you add to maintain temp just has a reductive you have to add more and hotter water as the total weight continues to grow and cool. So on batch 2 I made an immersion chiller/heater...but the mash acts as it's own insulator.
In the end you have to be extremely careful about O2 addition because this encourages acetobacter. And even in the ideal range lactic production there are a Ton of other organisms working away. So you get a much more complex sour, but much more difficult to control unless you basically have a 2 stage heater going plus a reciculation of the mash going to evenly distribute temp.
In short, there's a reason breweries don't do sour mashes.
Good learning experience. I've yet to do a sour mash, I'd like to get a gasket/clamp setup to seal the BK to set the lactic sourness to X pH prior to a flash reboil + hop addition with a final sacc pitch with a mixed culture. Ideally to get the lactic component easily and shorten the traditional time for a lacto/pedio and Brett Fermentation. I've yet to do this, but it's my next idea beyond the mixed culture traditional Fermentation.