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Homebrew Board - Recipes

458,888 Views | 3373 Replies | Last: 7 days ago by swampstander
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I'm up in DFW so I probably won't do Dixie Cup. Not to mention, I've only been brewing 2 years and I probably have a thing or 2 to learn before competing with people who know what they're doing. The Labor of Love competition that I'm entering isn't even a BJCP event, which is why I think I'll test the waters there and see if strangers think my beer is good. Then we'll see how far this thing goes.
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Go ahead and enter into the Bluebonnet next year. The more entries in, the less chance of Stumpy winning everything. Bluebonnet is the largest homebrew competition in the world actually, even though it feels small. Always a lot of fun though.
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Still at 1.010 yesterday. I'll probably put it in the fridge in the garage to cold crash starting Wednesday, then bottle it up this weekend. The sample tasted even better than last time. Can't wait until it's carbed up and cold!
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Kyle, the more I look at your recipe, the more I think I want to try it. I'm definitely getting into the pumpkin kick early this year. Having never made one before, I'm a little overwhelmed reading some of the recipes on HBT - it seems there's no one way to make a pumpkin ale. Have you or anyone else on here ever made one using actual pumpkin or canned pumpkin?

Oh, and I tried the Labor of Love 1 release from the Deep Ellum competition winners at LUCK yesterday, and WOW. Excellent weizenbock, and honestly, I should have gotten 2.
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This is my first attempt at a pumpkin beer. Since it was only my second all-grain beer, I didn't want to get too crazy with adding real pumpkin, either canned or whole, and just did the pumpkin pie spice in the last 5 minutes of the boil.
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My wheat came out great! I pulled a sample yesterday and it tasted too good not to enjoy a full glass. The orange zest I used didn't really come through as much as I would have liked, but the Citra dry hopping makes this very interesting. I may experiment with actual orange juice or fruit next time to get more of that flavor.
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I got 8 lbs of *****ly pear fruit juice in the freezer from a couple weeks ago (cleaning is a PITA). Going to brew a Saison with it next week, and trying to decide what to use the rest for.
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I got 8 lbs of *****ly pear fruit juice in the freezer from a couple weeks ago (cleaning is a PITA). Going to brew a Saison with it next week, and trying to decide what to use the rest for.

How much are you planning on using? I made an agarita wheat a few years ago and use 5lbs of fruit for a 5 gallon batch. It was a little too tart, I'd probably use 4 lbs. if I made it again. I would think *****ly pear would be similar to agarita. Is it more sweet or tart?
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not sure what an agarita is, but i dont' find *****ly pear fruit to be tart at all. tastes like a cross between kiwi and melon.

general rule is about 1 lb per gallon, but i haven't decided on my recipe yet.

[This message has been edited by AggieOO (edited 8/7/2014 4:23p).]
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Its a wild red berry you can find in south/central Texas. I guess its been a while since I had *****ly pear but i thought it was a little tart. Good luck with the batch!
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Brewing a blonde ale today since I have an empty keg that needs to be filled. Had to improvise a bit since the homebrew store shipped me Windsor yeast rather than the Nottingham I wanted. No big deal, I had some US-05 on hand and will use the Windsor for the sour peach beer I'm planning in the near future.

11 lbs. Pilsner Malt
1 lb. Munich Malt
1 lb. White Wheat Malt
Mashed @ 148 degrees with a water profile similar to Dortmund
0.6 oz. Horizon pellet hops (10.1%AA) @ 60min
1 oz. Hallertau pellet hops (4.3%AA) @ 30min
Whirlfloc tablet @ 15 min
US-05 dry ale yeast that I'll ferment on the cold side (58-60 degrees) for a few days before bringing it up to the upper 60's. I was planning to do the same thing with the Nottingham yeast.

Hopefully I'll get a clean, malty beer out of it.
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Got my pumpkin spice saison all bottled yesterday. I really need to move to kegging soon, bottling is such a beating! Can't wait to try it, but luckily I'll be forced to, since I'm off to Fort Bliss on Wednesday for 2 weeks of fun.
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I kegged my second batch of my rosemary sage wit yesterday. In short Kyle, yeah you need to get on that kegging thing man. From beginning to end, I was done kegging 5 gallons and cleaning up in under an hour. And that was with my Mother-in-law yackity-yacking about people I don't even know about the whole time.
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I'm pretty sure my wife has something planned with my mom and her mom for my birthday to get a kegging setup for me. She was asking about stuff the other day, so hopefully my next batch will be kegged.
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I woke up to glass shattering in the middle of the night last night. Adrenaline going, pistol in hand, I'm searching the house thinking someone just broke a window...

Damn beer bottle blew up in the closet. The rest look good, and I should be sampling one this friday.
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Ha! Luckily, I've avoided bottle bombs so far (knock on wood). I've had some gushers when opened, but no exploding bottles. The Magic Hat #9 clone I did (my wife's favorite beer) is way over-carbed, thanks to the apricot extract added at bottling time, I assume. I forgot to account for the sugar in that when I calculated how much priming sugar to use. They foam up like crazy when opened, but they're still very drinkable, and my wife really likes the way they came out.
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I've only had one bottle bomb, but have broken the mouth off of several bottles when opening. This was when I first started brewing and would bake my bottles to sterilize them. No problems since I started using Star San.
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This was a first for me. Belgian Tripel. It's been a cursed batch. Tastes dang good pre-bottling tho.
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Brewing my sour peach beer today! Been planning this one for a while so I'm excited. It's loosely based off a Flanders Red, but with some cheating to get the sour character (acid additions instead of Saccharomyces, Lactobacillus and Brettanomyces fermentation + extended aging).

6 lbs Vienna Malt
3 lbs Munich Malt
1 lb Caramunich Malt
1 lb White Wheat Malt
0.25 lb Special B Malt

Currently mashing away @ 150 degrees

0.5 oz Horizon (10.1%) & 0.5 oz Hallertau (4.1%) - 60 min

Primary fermentation: Danstar Windsor ~ 65 degrees
Secondary fermentation: US-05 on 10 lbs. sliced peaches (bought fresh, put in freezer when ripe), with lactic acid & cider vinegar additions for tartness ~ 65 degrees

This is the most experimental beer I've brewed to date. I've never done a 2-stage fermentation with different yeasts, used fresh fruit, or soured a beer with acid additions. Even if it doesn't turn out great, it should at least be interesting!
Robert C. Christian
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Getting ready to brew my Milk Stout for the Dixie Cup this afternoon.
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Trying to decide between an amber and some sort light flavored berry beer. I have zero experience with either. Any suggestions, idea, recommendations?
jock itch
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For a berry beer, I would consider a simple, low gravity saison and add the berries post-fermentation. Let the added sugars boost the ABV a bit and the simple grain bill will let the berries shine.

I'd prob just do 100% Pils/2-Row, Wyeast 3711, and shoot for 1.040-1.048 w/ 20-30 IBUs.
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I've only had one bottle bomb, but have broken the mouth off of several bottles when opening. This was when I first started brewing and would bake my bottles to sterilize them. No problems since I started using Star San.

dishwasher is the easiest way. run it through the drying cycle.
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I've only had the breakage problem when bottling Rahr bottles. For some reason, the top rips off every time I use one. Simple solution is to stop buying Rahr, which is easy because I hate almost everything they do.

And I should start using the dishwasher for sanitizing. Bucket of sanitizer is annoying.
Robert C. Christian
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Brewing again this weekend for the Dixie cup. This time its an IPA, because everyone's doing it and I need one on tap. I don't claim this recipe as my own, it's a modified recipe from HBT to get the stats into BJCP range.

Mash Schedule
11 lbs 2-Row
1 lbs Light Munich
12 oz. Crystal 60L

Mash for 90 minutes at 154
90 Minute boil time

Hop Schedule
.5 oz. Warrior 60 minutes (15.7 AAU)
.25 oz. Warrior 60 minutes (15.7 AAU)
1 oz. Centennial 15 minutes (10 AAU)
1 oz. Centennial 5 minutes (10 AAU)
1 oz. Centennial Leaf dry hop in keg

Using a harvested WLP060 yeast
Fermented at 68*

Batch size: 5.5 Gallons
Estimated Efficiency: 75%
Estimated OG: 1.064
Estimated FG: 1.015
IBUs: 65.38
SRM: 8.61
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Solid recipe FrioAg! I've always liked centennial, especially for a dry hop. I've been afraid to dry hop in kegs though. I can't remember why exactly, but something about grassy flavors or cloudiness? Have you ever had any trouble with that?

I have a 1.5gal small batch of a house pale ale recipe I'm working on to brew either tonight or tomorrow.

83% Pale 2 Row
6% Crystal 60
5% Victory
4% Flaked Oats
2% Carapils

Mash at 154 for 60 min

60 min boil
1/4 oz Brewer's Gold @ 60 min
1/4 oz Palisade @ 10 min

Trying out Mangrove Jack's British Ale Yeast on this one
3/4 oz Palisade Dry Hop after primary fermentation

OG 1.056
FG 1.012

My wife tried a blueberry beer in Bar Harbor, Maine that she loved, so if this is a good base recipe, we might tweak it into her go-to brew.

[This message has been edited by WorkBoots09 (edited 8/22/2014 12:01p).]
Robert C. Christian
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This is going to be my first time to dry hop in the keg. I am using whole leaf hops inside a stainless herb ball. Goal is to have it ready as close as possible before sending it off to be judged. I don't think dry-hopping will effect it short term, I could see it having some off flavors in the long term. I will let you know how it turns out.
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Brewed an amber this weekend. Supposed to be a Bells Amber clone. I'll add the recipe when I find it.

I cooled the wort down to 60 degrees before adding the yeast. major difference. Started fermenting in less than 12 hours.
Robert C. Christian
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Whoa, what kind of chilling set up are you using?
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A sink filled with ice water. I boil about 3 gallons, add 2 gallons water that's been cooling in my fridge and then give it an ice bath. Replacing the ice as needed.

[This message has been edited by Redlineag08 (edited 8/25/2014 2:27p).]
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Is anybody planning on checking out the Deep Ellum Labor of Love Homebrew Competition/Festival this weekend? Looks like the party kicks off at 6 and goes to 10. $30 gets you a tasting card (can't remember how many are on it) but you can buy additional cards once inside.

My wife and I entered, and we'll be pouring our american wheat and one of our favorite recipes, a rosemary & sage wit. I have a couple of bottles of our third entry which is a spiced winter warmer, but it didn't come out all that great. It fermented a little too warm, and it has that...taste. Not sure how to describe it other than tangy, obvious fermentation flaw. Oh well, 2 out of 3 aint bad!
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Bump to see if anyone wants to come check us out this weekend. My wife any I will be there, and we call our operation New Main Brewing. The Deep Ellum coordinator gave us a promo code for friends and family to get in for $20, so if you're interested, you can email me at new main brewing dot gmail dot com (no spaces). Hopefully we'll get to see some of y'all out there!

Otherwise, y'all have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend. Oh, and what are y'all brewing this weekend?
Robert C. Christian
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Good luck WorkBoots! I'm in Dallas but probably won't be able to make it.

As for what's brewing, nothing! Fermenter is full, so now it is time to wait.
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Bout to start a Saison as soon as I get this Amber into a secondary fermenter.

6# light extract
1# Munich extract
1.25 # Ger wheat
1.25 # bel pilsner
.13# acidulated

1oz palisades (60 mins)
1oz German tettnang (15 mins)
1oz German tettnang, .25 tsp. grain of paradise, .5oz orange peel,.5oz coriander at the end.

Using WLP568 yeast

Probably add 2lbs of blueberries to the secondary for some subtle fruity flavor.

What do y'all think?

[This message has been edited by Redlineag08 (edited 8/31/2014 1:15p).]

[This message has been edited by Redlineag08 (edited 8/31/2014 1:16p).]
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Got home yesterday and tossed one the saisons into the fridge to try out tonight. Once we get back from dinner, I'll crack it open and report back.

Oh, I also got my keg starter-kit yesterday, so from here on out, I'll be kegging!
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