I've lost some beer before from a bad post seal on my keg, but never a full batch. Ouch.
Ornlu said:
I've had a bad seal on my faucet for about a week now. About 1-drip per 2 or 3 minutes. It's enough that my drip tray is staying half full, but not overflowing. I think I've lost a quart in a week.
Time for a new faucet.
definitely just check the oring.Ornlu said:
I've had a bad seal on my faucet for about a week now. About 1-drip per 2 or 3 minutes. It's enough that my drip tray is staying half full, but not overflowing. I think I've lost a quart in a week.
Time for a new faucet.
lne2011 said:
Anyone done a Pilsner? Starting my research now, but I'm curious what yeast strain you like best and why. Thanks for any input!
I did this & checked the grav a week ago - 1.012. It picked up a little, and then finally crashed completely about 3 days ago. Grav today is at 0.997. I've never had slow steady fermentation for 11+ days, but there's a first time for everything.Chipotlemonger said:
Yea I'd just give the container a whirl and re-cap it with the blowoff.
Chipotlemonger said:
Do you have a separate setup for the cold ferm and lagering?
I have brewed a lager beer before, an amber lager, and did it in the same setup as my ales. Just adjusting the temp control is all I needed for ferm and lagering. But then I could not brew an ale if I wanted to at the same time, because of the fermentation fridge needing different temperatures.
Oooohh, I'm listening. Tell me more.AlaskanAg99 said:
Next up is an Adambier from harvested scottish ale yeast.
I've been working on this one for awhile. The inspiration came from Hair of the Dog Adam (Cherry and Wood). I started doing research into this and there's not a lot of information out there. I think the BJCP dropped it from their guidelines prior to '08 and it's not even in the Historical cat.Ornlu said:Oooohh, I'm listening. Tell me more.AlaskanAg99 said:
Next up is an Adambier from harvested scottish ale yeast.