I was hoping this might turn out to be a thread where I needed to apologize to another OB poster.
Got my first TexAgs ban (as far as I can remember) in 12 years yesterday. I didn't call anyone names but The pfg=tikka discussion that has popped up multiple times was considered thread derailing, so now we are going to resolve the issue here and derail no more.

I wasn't the poster who initially brought up the pfg=tikka connection in that thread, and I'm far from the only poster to mention the similarities between the two. In another now deleted post from the same thread, Tikkashooter asked for someone to prove he was pfg or stop saying it. He has repeatedly denied being pfg or knowing who that even is.
And I thought, thats a fair challenge…because what if I'm wrong? I'm not perfect and if I had been one of several posters mistakenly IDing this guy as an old poster, I owed him a public apology.
Time for some OB style sluething.

So, PFG. Prolific poster before he quit posting in spring of 2020. Lives in the hill country. Loves tikka rifles, was more left leaning than most OBers, built a custom home with rainwater collection systems, had a distinctive posting style.
Tikkashooter. Starts posting in 2021. Lives in the hill country. Loves tikka rifles, is more left leaning than most OBers, built a custom home with rainwater collection systems, has distinctive posting style.
But he's right. Doesn't prove anything. Two guys can both live in the same area, like the same guns, and hold the same beliefs.

Okay. But still. Two different guys could use the same phrases.

I mean, two guys that live in the same area who use the same phrases could both have a custom Tikka CTR cut down to 18" using the same model TBAC Ultra 7 suppressor.

Neat, pfg had a RPR in 6.5 with a Seekins MXM mount. Oh, tikkashooter sold a RPR in 6.5 with a Seekins MXM mount? Hmm.

PFG drove a 2017 F250 with the 6.2 gasser? Nice truck! Wait, tikkashooter sold a 2017 F250 with the 6.2 gasser? I mean, Ford are popular trucks. Maybe they both have the same truck with the same options, and both shoot custom 6.5 Tikka CTRs with the same suppressor and both owned a 6.5 RPR using the same scope mount and live in the hill country.
Speaking of cars for sale….

That is a unique and beautiful car port tikkashooter has. I feel like I've seen it somewhere before and remember thinking how good looking that car port was last time I saw it…who posted that…

Huh. Well, maybe they have the same contractor since they both live in the same area, and also have the same year model and trim level truck, the same rifles and the same political views. But I bet they dont both nerd out about the same construction details.

Okay. That was an hour+ of my life I won't get back. There is plenty more but I think thats sufficient to make my point.
To be very clear, I hold no ill will towards pfg/tikka. I only searched texags posts. I have zero interest in digging further into the mans life or disturbing his privacy in any way. Heck, I even blocked out the truck license plate for him because I didn't want yall getting all weird and up in his business either.
I started looking into this yesterday thinking I might owe the man an apology because he has explicitly denied being pfg, is flagging any post claiming he is pfg and because he asked in a post yesterday for someone to prove that he was PFG. So….yeah. I'm 100% certain tikkashooter is pfg.
Tikkashooter used to post as pfg and has lied about it repeatedly. He is reporting posts when anyone notices. Because multiple other users have noticed and commented that pfg=tikka, I wanted to make sure no one else gets banned for thread derailing when pfg/tikka reports them for stating the obvious like I did.
I'm disappointed that a fellow Ag would repeatedly lie to other Ags on the OB. I wanted to make sure no one else caught a ban when the inevitable pfg=tikka observations show up in the next thread, so here we are.
Got my first TexAgs ban (as far as I can remember) in 12 years yesterday. I didn't call anyone names but The pfg=tikka discussion that has popped up multiple times was considered thread derailing, so now we are going to resolve the issue here and derail no more.

I wasn't the poster who initially brought up the pfg=tikka connection in that thread, and I'm far from the only poster to mention the similarities between the two. In another now deleted post from the same thread, Tikkashooter asked for someone to prove he was pfg or stop saying it. He has repeatedly denied being pfg or knowing who that even is.
And I thought, thats a fair challenge…because what if I'm wrong? I'm not perfect and if I had been one of several posters mistakenly IDing this guy as an old poster, I owed him a public apology.
Time for some OB style sluething.

So, PFG. Prolific poster before he quit posting in spring of 2020. Lives in the hill country. Loves tikka rifles, was more left leaning than most OBers, built a custom home with rainwater collection systems, had a distinctive posting style.
Tikkashooter. Starts posting in 2021. Lives in the hill country. Loves tikka rifles, is more left leaning than most OBers, built a custom home with rainwater collection systems, has distinctive posting style.
But he's right. Doesn't prove anything. Two guys can both live in the same area, like the same guns, and hold the same beliefs.

Okay. But still. Two different guys could use the same phrases.

I mean, two guys that live in the same area who use the same phrases could both have a custom Tikka CTR cut down to 18" using the same model TBAC Ultra 7 suppressor.

Neat, pfg had a RPR in 6.5 with a Seekins MXM mount. Oh, tikkashooter sold a RPR in 6.5 with a Seekins MXM mount? Hmm.

PFG drove a 2017 F250 with the 6.2 gasser? Nice truck! Wait, tikkashooter sold a 2017 F250 with the 6.2 gasser? I mean, Ford are popular trucks. Maybe they both have the same truck with the same options, and both shoot custom 6.5 Tikka CTRs with the same suppressor and both owned a 6.5 RPR using the same scope mount and live in the hill country.
Speaking of cars for sale….

That is a unique and beautiful car port tikkashooter has. I feel like I've seen it somewhere before and remember thinking how good looking that car port was last time I saw it…who posted that…

Huh. Well, maybe they have the same contractor since they both live in the same area, and also have the same year model and trim level truck, the same rifles and the same political views. But I bet they dont both nerd out about the same construction details.

Okay. That was an hour+ of my life I won't get back. There is plenty more but I think thats sufficient to make my point.
To be very clear, I hold no ill will towards pfg/tikka. I only searched texags posts. I have zero interest in digging further into the mans life or disturbing his privacy in any way. Heck, I even blocked out the truck license plate for him because I didn't want yall getting all weird and up in his business either.
I started looking into this yesterday thinking I might owe the man an apology because he has explicitly denied being pfg, is flagging any post claiming he is pfg and because he asked in a post yesterday for someone to prove that he was PFG. So….yeah. I'm 100% certain tikkashooter is pfg.
Tikkashooter used to post as pfg and has lied about it repeatedly. He is reporting posts when anyone notices. Because multiple other users have noticed and commented that pfg=tikka, I wanted to make sure no one else gets banned for thread derailing when pfg/tikka reports them for stating the obvious like I did.
I'm disappointed that a fellow Ag would repeatedly lie to other Ags on the OB. I wanted to make sure no one else caught a ban when the inevitable pfg=tikka observations show up in the next thread, so here we are.