*** STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER *** (Spoiler Thread)

174,481 Views | 1435 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
Francis Macomber
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Aggie_Journalist said:

One thought on the "lacking a clear vision" complaint (which I agree with).

The original trilogy was put together by two different directors with no overarching vision of where it was going, and everyone loves it.

The prequel trilogy was put together by a single director who knew exactly where it was going, and everyone hated it.

I wonder if LucasFilms / Kathleen Kennedy drew the wrong lessons from that and thought a cohesive vision just wasn't that important.

I think that is the exactly what happened.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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everyone hated it.
I can think of at least two posters on this board who will disagree with this statement.
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I get it. A lot of you had fun and it was a nice movie full of emotions, and light sabers, and pew pew pew, and old people rehashing things, and John Williams coasting toward retirement. And that's enough for a lot of people. But from a story perspective, I left the theater wondering what was the damn point of this trilogy.

I get that JJ had a vision of what the trilogy would be when he made TFA. Then Rian came along and decided to ignore most of what JJ setup for him. Then JJ got the keys back and decided to ignore everything Rian setup for him. JJ could have tried to roll with what Rian did (not that his choices were good ones) and at least try to make the trilogy one cohesive story. But in the end TLJ turns out to be the most skipable film in the franchise as you could basically just watch TFA and ROTS back to back and not miss anything.

Now, even with that said, I still wonder what JJ's goal is with the two movies he made. Is it to **** all over Anakin's legacy? When I go back and watch the OT, how am I supposed to feel anything when Darth Vader turns back and fulfills his prophecy to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force when it turns out HE DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT.

30 years later it's all back to where it was. Literally the same bad guy doing the same bad things, same empire, different order, instead of a rebellion it's a resistance.

These films have made me respect the prequels so much more. Sure, the execution isn't great, but it has heart, and a purpose, and at least tries to give us something new while being familiar. Lucas used elements from the Bible, Mythology, and world history to create a vision and a relatable story in a galaxy far far away. JJ just draws from Lucas to rehash and retell the same story within the same universe. It's cheap fan fiction.

In the end this whole thing is just a huge, unguided mess that leaves me feeling unsatisfied, after I was already content after Return of the Jedi.

The OT taught me hope and the hero's journey. The sequels taught me to have a plan.
Belton Ag
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Aggie_Journalist said:

One thought on the "lacking a clear vision" complaint (which I agree with).

The original trilogy was put together by two different directors with no overarching vision of where it was going, and everyone loves it.

The prequel trilogy was put together by a single director who knew exactly where it was going, and everyone hated it.

I wonder if LucasFilms / Kathleen Kennedy drew the wrong lessons from that and thought a cohesive vision just wasn't that important.
The original trilogy was actually done by three directors. ESB and ROTJ were primarily written by Lawrence Kasdan, who used for Empire a screenplay draft written by Leigh Brackett that was heavily revised and updated by Lucas himself (it was during this time Lucas decided that Vader would be Luke's father).

While I don't know that he had the story completely mapped out, Lucas definitely pulled all the strings for the original trilogy.

It's what should have happened for this trilogy. Kasdan should have written all three movies in my opinion.
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dave94 said:

AliasMan02 said:

Stupe said:

Chewie's medal....eyes watered on that and had a huge lump in my throat.

Two deep canon cuts for you: Chewie actually had his own medal that he gave away.

The medal Maz gave Chewie was actually Luke's that Han used to pay a tab, telling her it was his.

Wasn't that medal what Leia was holding when she died? I assumed Her wanting him to have it was more about the emotion of that.

And is Chewie getting a medal still in the current canon?

I didn't see Leia with a medal when she does but may have just missed it. My assumption above is based on the fact that Maz had Luke's medal, told in the new novel The Force Collector.

Chewie having a medal (and giving it away) is canon per the Chewbacca one-shot comic from a few years back.
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At almost seems as if they listened to the fans too much. After TFA, Rian hears the complaints about the rehash and says story be damned I'm going to do the unexpected for the sake of it.
Then it came out and people didn't like it at all, they wanted their old heroes back and answers. J.J. comes in and says I'll give you all of it.
Moral of the story is have a plan and don't listen to groups of people.
Pro Ag
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It's been said multiple times here and my wife mentioned it during the movie, there was "too much". It was too much for a Star Wars movie. For her, that is what made her dislike it (even more than TLJ). For me, it was some things I consider inconsistencies within the universe.

It was going to be impossible to make everyone happy with the last installment and I think they tried to do it which may have made it worse in my opinion. Others have also mentioned, trying to cap this off the same year as Endgame also didn't help it given the success in that franchise.

Some of my issues were from the movies and some were based on being a fan of most canon novels. I realize they may not care about the novels, but since Disney is behind it all now I would have liked more fan service on that front as well.

My disappointments that I haven't seen mentioned. I agree with lots of what the others have mentioned as well (every destroyer having planet killing abilities, not enough story about how the Emperor came back even though I understood from the books, etc).
  • TFA made a big deal about Fin not adhering to the conditioning and I thought then it may be because he is force sensitive. From the Aftermath book series, the conditioning the First Order troopers went through starting as kids made it seem like they wouldn't never break. Then in this movie, we see a entire group of troopers that stopped. It took away from Fin's story and didn't really serve much of a purpose.
  • Speaking of the First Order, I was disappointed in Hux's story. As a child and being given an important role in the Aftermath series, him being a spy to take down Kylo and then being killed off was a major let down. He should have been this trilogy's Tarkin.
  • Thought it also really sucked they killed off Snap Wexley. I wish he would have gone on the mission to tap into C3PO's memory given his skills with droids that never showed up in the movies. Why even have him in the movies?
  • They continued to overpower Leia. I feel like Bloodline showed the force connection with Ben, but this movie led people to believe she was as powerful in the force as Luke. She was so important to the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance, they didn't need to give her more in my opinion.
  • Forgot one. The Emperor was pulling the strings, opened Star Wars FaceTime for Kylo and Rey as Snoke but then is surprised about the diad thing.
  • I think Rey should have just said she doesn't have a family name at the end or something about family names aren't important to who you are. Her taking up the Skywalker name wasn't needed in my opinion.

For me, this was better than TLJ and I'll probably see it again as my 13 year old really enjoyed it but overall it was a disappointment on multiple levels.
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If I try to think too much about this movie I'm pretty sure I will dislike it more and more.

The story and plot holes are really just all over the place. The ending is fine but how they got there....

I do hilariously appreciate at one point how the movie just almost gave up explaining on its own nonsense when the communication signal for the fleet was transferred to the command ship and they were asking Fin how he knew it was coming from the command ship, "I just feel it", lol
Brock Sampson
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They fly now!?
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Just watched it again with my 3yo son. He had seen all of the previous movies except ROTS at this point. He loved it and immediately wanted to go home and watch ROTS and The Mandalorian.

This 2nd time around I did notice there are 2 First Order transports by each other when Chewie gets captured. I was specifically looking for this and it happens very quick. But now I know the switcheroo wasn't total BS. I also didn't hear about the Force dyad the first time but heard it this time.
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When I go back and watch the OT, how am I supposed to feel anything when Darth Vader turns back and fulfills his prophecy to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force when it turns out HE DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT.

When the voices are speaking to Rey, Anakin says "Bring balance to the Force, as I did"
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tv1113 said:

If I try to think too much about this movie I'm pretty sure I will dislike it more and more.

The story and plot holes are really just all over the place. The ending is fine but how they got there....

I do hilariously appreciate at one point how the movie just almost gave up explaining on its own nonsense when the communication signal for the fleet was transferred to the command ship and they were asking Fin how he knew it was coming from the command ship, "I just feel it", lol

I think it was meant to imply that Finn is force sensitive and has potential as a Jedi

Abrams confirmed that what Finn was constantly trying to tell Rey in private was that he feels a connection to the Force
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canadiaggie said:

tv1113 said:

If I try to think too much about this movie I'm pretty sure I will dislike it more and more.

The story and plot holes are really just all over the place. The ending is fine but how they got there....

I do hilariously appreciate at one point how the movie just almost gave up explaining on its own nonsense when the communication signal for the fleet was transferred to the command ship and they were asking Fin how he knew it was coming from the command ship, "I just feel it", lol

I think it was meant to imply that Finn is force sensitive and has potential as a Jedi

Abrams confirmed that what Finn was constantly trying to tell Rey in private was that he feels a connection to the Force
This makes a lot of sense. I had assumed that was what he was trying to tell Rey. It leaves a lot of story to be told in their book series, which I'm perfectly fine with.
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Bo Darville said:

Same here. Know a lot of mid 40's Star Wars fans like myself who just flat refuse to see this after what TLJ did. The only reason I gave in and went is because I heard that Johnson got the middle finger on this one.
I don't think you can consider yourself someone who flat out refuse to see it after you've seen it

I'm also pretty sure most of the people like yourself who told us they weren't going to see it after TLJ went and saw it just like you did.
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Been a fan a long time. This finally broke the camel's back. It was terrible. Disney has totally screwed it up.

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StrykerAg said:


When I go back and watch the OT, how am I supposed to feel anything when Darth Vader turns back and fulfills his prophecy to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force when it turns out HE DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT.

When the voices are speaking to Rey, Anakin says "Bring balance to the Force, as I did"
Totally read that quote in my head as the Pedo looking Anakin BS Force Ghost add to RoTJ #RIPYubNub
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Having had a chance to sleep on it and start reading/listening to some reviews, I have more thoughts. I enjoyed the movie. That has not changed, and I don't expect it to change.

I kind of hate how we've gone from analyzing the movie to analyzing the motivations of the entities - directors, studios, actors - behind the movie. It's a lot less fun and more cynical. But at some level, that seems to be how those entities want it. More on this later*.

I forgot that a lot of critics actually liked TLJ. A lot of the themes they like, I also am generally sympathetic to (for now I'm setting aside the plot being dumb and pointless).

The best example is that you don't need to be born important to do something important. I don't mind that at all, and I have no particular compulsion for everyone to be related to everyone else. What bothers me is that Rian Johnson broke the trilogy plot to make all these points.

That takes me back to the asterisk, which is that I feel like what RJ did was somehow selfish. Rather than riffing on the plot Abrams set up, he consciously chose to break off every plot thread. "Look at me, look how subversive I am and how controversial my movies are." This wasn't about you.

And that takes me back to the real reason for this post, which is critics panning TROS because it subverts everything from TLJ. Well, you can't have it both ways. If it's fun and cool that TLJ openly subverted everything from TFA, why is it bad and wrong that TROS openly subverted everything from TLJ?

IMO, TFA had a very specific goal, which was to be fun, safe, and Star Warsy. It did that too well. I expected TLJ to move into new ground plot-wise and even thematically, but not in such a silly and dysfunctional way.

So, that sort of put the onus back on TROS to re-do what had already been done in TFA, which is to get people back on board with Star Wars. Unfortunately, this is where the themes should have been getting more complex and the plot starting to simplify, but instead the plot got hideous and themes reverted back to the beginning.

It was almost like Abrams tried to make a whole trilogy in one movie. Set up themes, establish a mood, build up a supervillain, have some middle installment quests, bring everyone down to nothing and then build them back up, have a romance, make the protagonist go through a crisis of badness, make the antagonist go through a crisis of goodness, give every minor character an arc, have two huge simultaneous climactic battles, give Carrie a fitting send-off, and on and on and on.

So yeah, this movie was too busy. There was no exploration of a theme, it was thematic noise. You're not really following the plot, you're hanging on and trusting that when you diagram it on your wall later with lots of newspaper clippings and red string it will all make sense. The Force abilities are flying off the charts, pretty much anything can happen and there are no rules.

But back to what I like: Finn, Poe, and Rey pick back up where they left off as truly likable characters that I am emotionally invested in and want to see succeed. Kylo continues his tour de force as the most complex and interesting character in the each movie of the trilogy. There's a credible big bad guy again. There are kickass lightsaber battles. Several of the "emotional moments" are great. Leia killing herself to distract her son so that Palpatine's granddaughter can kill him and save the rebellion... there's a lot going on there, but it's a meaningful sacrifice. Kylo coming to the light was done with incredible conviction (there are a lot of parallels to Anakin's journey here... topic for another post). It's fun to watch.

More later, I'm listening to a podcast TCTTS posted and kind of live-blogging my response.
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I don't like how everyone wants every last little thing explained. Some things need to be, but these are movies, not documentaries. Its ok for some things to be vague or mysterious. And we don't need to stop for ten minutes to get a flashback for everything. It feels like a lot of critics want that, whereas I am a lot happier to fill in some of the blanks myself, or accept that there is a backstory, as long as we get a line of dialogue or something so that we understand what the character feels or thinks.

There's too much fan service in the movie... none of it was bad, it pretty much all worked, but there's too much of it.

I don't really understand people thinking that TROS is anywhere near as bad as TPM or AOTC. It's light years better. The ST was disjointed, but it never puts me in danger of falling asleep, which I usually do at some point in the PT. I don't get the glee that some seem to feel at placing it in that class. Not talking about anyone here, talking about critics.

I'm trying not to be "that guy" who talks about how critics are disconnected from what people actually like to watch, but sometimes it's hard to avoid. Like listening to these two, who seem genuinely upset that there wasn't more "queer representation", and think that this is a truly bad movie but loved TLJ. I think long and hard about movies from time to time, but come to completely different conclusions about what worked and what didn't, and which movie threw the trilogy out of kilter.

Maybe I am just a moron middle American, but clearly I'm looking for something different in my sci-fi/fantasy picture shows. Maybe if you spend 40-80 hours a week watching and reviewing movies, you pretty quickly are bored by the normal things and need to see something different. Or maybe we're all just magnifying things because we've all spent a lot of time in front of a tv watching Star Wars, we all think we're experts on it, we all have very set opinions, so we all set up somewhat more extreme positions than we otherwise would have and defend them to the death to prove what good fans we are.
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Just got out of the theater. So much better than The Last Jedi. One of my favorite in the entire saga.

Of course it had silly plot points and had to pull a rabbit out of its hat for the villain storyline but for what JJ Abrams was left with it was about as good as it could be. The only disappointment to me was that it took almost to the end of the third movie to really emotionally connect with Rey.

Very pleasantly surprised.
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TripleSec said:

Been a fan a long time. This finally broke the camel's back. It was terrible. Disney has totally screwed it up.

Can you elaborate why you feel this way? I felt like it was the best of the new trilogy. I think they handled the mess left for them by The Last Jedi as well as they could.
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Bruce Almighty said:

There's a lot of similarities between this and Justice League

I actually had this same exact thought the first 10 minutes of the movie when a couple of the jokes fell totally flat and I realized I didn't care about Poe or Finn at all. Several minutes later, the movie got good and I forgot all about the comparison.
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And the scene with the Emperor in the throne room had the entire theater shaking, literally my seat was bouncing. A really awesome sequence, one that I'm not going to over analyze for logic but for visuals, emotion, and the experience of it, really awesome.
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People can claim its overthinking or that there is a disconnect between critics and regular fans but it all comes down to what you wanted from this. If you wanted a copy of RoTJ then you're probably pleased. And thats fine.

But for me, that's just lazy. I didn't mind that approach for TFA becaue they were trying to show they could put out good star wars movies. But that was 4 star wars movies ago. At this point, at the culmination of the "skywalker saga", to do nothing new and instead to copy everything - including the villain - is just uninspired to the max.

There are plenty of franchises that just rinse repeat and give me what I expect and want and thats fine. For instance, a fast and furious movie. But Star Wars doesn't claim to be that. They claim to be better. The expectations are set higher. Apparently the shouldn't be.
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Random question to break up the *****ing for a minute, did we ever find out how Maz got Lukes lightsaber?
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Oh, and here's the interesting Anakin / Kylo comparison I mentioned earlier.

When we meet Anakin, he is a good kid who has normal emotions. His path to the dark:
Born a slave on a hardscrabble world
At age 9 separated from his mother and moved to a completely different planet
His master and sponser dies immediately
Falls in love with a woman he has to keep in secret
His mother dies in his arms and he slaughters a village in his rage
Haunted by visions of her death sent to him by Darth Sidious
Manipulated by this political mastermind as he is distrusted by the Jedi order
When he finally turns to the dark side in a bid to prevent Padme and his unborn child from dying the way his mother did, it ends up seeming cheap and unexplained

When we meet Kylo, he is an avowed dark side user who hero-worships Darth Vader and murders his father face-to-face. His path to the light:
Chooses not to fire on his mother's position
Feels his mother die through the force
When he turns to the light side in reaction to his mother's death, it seems organic and believable

Two things are interesting to me about this. The first is how they both are really driven to change sides through their relationship with their mothers. All the galactic power stuff doesn't drive their decisions, it's personal.

The second thing is that Anakin works better in a history book; his whole life is a list of reasons to turn dark, but Kylo worked so much better on screen. Some of it is that Driver is a better actor than Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christianson, and some of it is that Abrams and Johnson are far, far better at getting emotions on screen than Lucas was. We see Kylo struggle more with indecision and doubt than Anakin ever does.

There's something else there. I am really interested in other peoples' thoughts on this juxtaposition because at the end of the day I don't get why Kylo works and Anakin doesn't.
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I agree, I think performance and script were just better. The dialogue in AotC in particular was so unbelievably cheesy it was hard to take Anakin seriously.
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Baby Yoda but Babu was one of the few things I did like about this movie.
Joe Exotic
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fig96 said:

Bo Darville said:

Same here. Know a lot of mid 40's Star Wars fans like myself who just flat refuse to see this after what TLJ did. The only reason I gave in and went is because I heard that Johnson got the middle finger on this one.
I don't think you can consider yourself someone who flat out refuse to see it after you've seen it

I'm also pretty sure most of the people like yourself who told us they weren't going to see it after TLJ went and saw it just like you did.

The point kinda went over your head. I gave in once I found out the movie was a big F you to that sack of **** Rian Johnson.
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Bo Darville said:

fig96 said:

Bo Darville said:

Same here. Know a lot of mid 40's Star Wars fans like myself who just flat refuse to see this after what TLJ did. The only reason I gave in and went is because I heard that Johnson got the middle finger on this one.
I don't think you can consider yourself someone who flat out refuse to see it after you've seen it

I'm also pretty sure most of the people like yourself who told us they weren't going to see it after TLJ went and saw it just like you did.

The point kinda went over your head. I gave in once I found out the movie was a big F you to that sack of **** Rian Johnson.

In other words, you didn't flat out refuse to see it.
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Bo Darville said:

fig96 said:

Bo Darville said:

Same here. Know a lot of mid 40's Star Wars fans like myself who just flat refuse to see this after what TLJ did. The only reason I gave in and went is because I heard that Johnson got the middle finger on this one.
I don't think you can consider yourself someone who flat out refuse to see it after you've seen it

I'm also pretty sure most of the people like yourself who told us they weren't going to see it after TLJ went and saw it just like you did.

The point kinda went over your head. I gave in once I found out the movie was a big F you to that sack of **** Rian Johnson.
No, I got the point. It's still humorous.

You also probably need to work on some anger issues.
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Forgot to mention this the other day, but how crazy is it that the in the climaxes for the culmination movies of both the MCU (Avengers: Endgame) and Star Wars (TROS) - both released in 2019, both Disney movies - feature these nearly identical moments...

The good guys, in an "all is lost" moment, have been decimated to the point where essentially only the most gung-ho hot shot is left on the battle field (Cap facing down Thanos, Poe in his fighter), nobly fighting on in the face of certain defeat, only for a black character to surprisingly join the action off screen, chime in via the crackle of a radio (Falcon to Cap, Lando to Poe), bringing with them the rest of the good guy's fleet, one that ultimately goes on to defeat the bad guys fleet.

Not only that, but the truly triumphant moments of each climax then end with the primary good guy leads claiming to their respective primary villains, "I am Iron Man" and "I am all the Jedi."

I kept wondering how TROS could possibly top Endgame's climax. Turns out it basically attempted the exact same thing, though I seriously doubt the productions communicated or that Abrams purposely aped Endgame. Pretty nuts how much it all lines up, though.
Rex Racer
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Body By Fisher said:


If that's the point that The Last Jedi was trying to make, it was 18 years too late. Heck, 40 years too late because Luke was from the middle of nowhere on Tatooine.

Umm...I don't want to spoil anything, but Luke's father was actually kind of significant.
I know, that's the point I was making. The post I was responding to was saying that The Last Jedi's point was that a Jedi could come from anywhere, even lowly places. I had no problem with that. That's not the point the Last Jedi was making. The Last Jedi tried to say that anyone could be a Jedi. That's not accurate in Star Wars lore.
Joe Exotic
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fig96 said:

Bo Darville said:

fig96 said:

Bo Darville said:

Same here. Know a lot of mid 40's Star Wars fans like myself who just flat refuse to see this after what TLJ did. The only reason I gave in and went is because I heard that Johnson got the middle finger on this one.
I don't think you can consider yourself someone who flat out refuse to see it after you've seen it

I'm also pretty sure most of the people like yourself who told us they weren't going to see it after TLJ went and saw it just like you did.

The point kinda went over your head. I gave in once I found out the movie was a big F you to that sack of **** Rian Johnson.
No, I got the point. It's still humorous.

You also probably need to work on some anger issues.

Why? I got everything I wanted in the finale and all the dumb crap in TLJ was walked back.
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