Academy Awards

72,042 Views | 626 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by Tanya 93
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Any guesses on who is going to close out the In Memoriam section this year? My guess is a Debbie Reynolds/Carrie Fisher combination.
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corleoneAg99 said:

TCTTS said:

Right there with you on that. I always start these things about half an hour to forty-five minutes in. Then, once I'm caught up, it's fun to follow along on Twitter in real-time for the bigger awards. But yeah, there's A LOT to fast forward through. I'm happy for them and appreciate what they do, but I just don't need to hear what the costume designer has to say in their acceptance speech.

My wife and I probably weren't going to watch anyway because out of touch millionaires lecturing me via their political beliefs is a real beating but when this years Moonlight v. La La Land debate turned into black America v. white America that meant I was going to watch something else tonight. And this will be the first time since I met my wife 10 years ago that we won't watch the Oscars together, have an award quiz competition, do dinner, etc.

I'll come back to the show when it's mainly about movies again and not identity politics, agendas, and PC culture.
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Good guess, but also:
Alan Rickman
Gene Wilder
David Bowie
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You even get lectured on Texags for not liking their award show
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TCTTS said:

corleoneAg99 said:

TCTTS said:

Right there with you on that. I always start these things about half an hour to forty-five minutes in. Then, once I'm caught up, it's fun to follow along on Twitter in real-time for the bigger awards. But yeah, there's A LOT to fast forward through. I'm happy for them and appreciate what they do, but I just don't need to hear what the costume designer has to say in their acceptance speech.

My wife and I probably weren't going to watch anyway because out of touch millionaires lecturing me via their political beliefs is a real beating but when this years Moonlight v. La La Land debate turned into black America v. white America that meant I was going to watch something else tonight. And this will be the first time since I met my wife 10 years ago that we won't watch the Oscars together, have an award quiz competition, do dinner, etc.

I'll come back to the show when it's mainly about movies again and not identity politics, agendas, and PC culture.
I hope you are both able to make it through this very difficult time.

For some reason I thought you'd have a better response than that. You never can tell about people!
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TCTTS said:

Yeah, and when you made that Dave Matthews comparison in the other thread, if I recall correctly, there were quite a few responses from people saying it was a terrible analogy.

The fact of the matter is that La La Land was made by a bunch of a young, outsider, New York filmmakers who went hat-in-hand all over town, trying to get it made, only to have it rejected time and again. "Hollywood" didn't get together to concoct some masturbation fest. And please tell me what about the movie shows "how great" Hollywood is? If anything, it's a movie about just how ruthless the business can be, and how much people have to compromise just to "make it" in the industry. It doesn't paint a pretty picture by any means, but still tries to find what joy there is in such a pursuit.

I wish you guys who constantly look to be offended by Hollywood in this manner knew just how insecure and uninformed you come across. If you want to hate the movie, fine. But hating it for these particular reasons is asinine.

Yeah, I don't care about the people who made it. I care about it's content. I can separate the actor/filmmaker from their product (Looking at you, Sean Penn). This movie was just a boring circle jerk. Just a step below Terrence Malick, the Bob Dylan of filmmaking.
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TCTTS said:

corleoneAg99 said:

TCTTS said:

Right there with you on that. I always start these things about half an hour to forty-five minutes in. Then, once I'm caught up, it's fun to follow along on Twitter in real-time for the bigger awards. But yeah, there's A LOT to fast forward through. I'm happy for them and appreciate what they do, but I just don't need to hear what the costume designer has to say in their acceptance speech.

My wife and I probably weren't going to watch anyway because out of touch millionaires lecturing me via their political beliefs is a real beating but when this years Moonlight v. La La Land debate turned into black America v. white America that meant I was going to watch something else tonight. And this will be the first time since I met my wife 10 years ago that we won't watch the Oscars together, have an award quiz competition, do dinner, etc.

I'll come back to the show when it's mainly about movies again and not identity politics, agendas, and PC culture.
I hope you are both able to make it through this very difficult time.

Literally a 100% chance TCTTS wrote that after voting down the post.

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For the political in us the politics board take in this:
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TCTTS said:

Genuine question... is the problem more that they'll be bashing Trump/a Republican, or that it's a bunch of celebs using their platform to get political? I'm just curious if, say, there was some kind of hypothetical NASCAR or Agriculture awards show (literally just trying to think of predominantly conservative professions), and everyone was using their platform to speak out against Hilary or Obama, would some of you have as much of a problem with it?

This is the question I meant to respond to. Not sure what happened there.
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While I disagree with TCTTS in this thread, he is, without a doubt, one of the most thoughtful and prolific contributors on things entertainment related, and sticks 99+% of the time to those subjects. Yeah, his Politics post a few weeks ago was cringe worthy, but I say that for everyone involved in that thread. He has more than earned enough goodwill (at least to me) to go off topic once and in a while. If only all of us were to be as value add as he is....
Can I propose we create an official Academy Awards thread to talk ONLY about the AA as they are occurring, and keep this one to off topic/tangentially related Award/flame war stuff?
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Much appreciated. And would be all for that.
The Collective
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

It always baffles me how offended some people get about actors talking politics. It's pretty easy to ignore and enjoy the rest of the show.

You're like feminists.

I think it is the best part.
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I don't want to be lectured to by a bunch of out-of-touch Hollywood people while they are giving themselves awards and patting themselves on the back. It's that simple.

So, I am simply going to not watch. And I get the feeling that this year's telecast will be one of the lowest-watched telecasts in decades because very few people care about these films.
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GiveEmHellBill said:

I don't want to be lectured to by a bunch of out-of-touch Hollywood people while they are giving themselves awards and patting themselves on the back. It's that simple.

So, I am simply going to not watch. And I get the feeling that this year's telecast will be one of the lowest-watched telecasts in decades because very few people care about these films.

I agree. I hope the ratings are disastrous because it means that people are waking up to the fact that Hollywood is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

I don't think the resident Hollywood guy in here should be pontificating on whether we should be watching when he has a history of bashing the guy that will be bashed all night long.

Why should we watch that? Would you watch a movie or TV show that you didn't like? Would you be shocked that someone talked down to you because you refused to watch something you didn't like?

"I didn't watch it."

"Why not?"

"I don't like the subject matter."

"You're an idiot. Just roll your eyes, that's all you gotta do. Just roll your eyes."
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I'm not "pontificating" on whether you SHOULD be watching. I don't care if you watch or not. I'm simply commenting on your decision not to watch an entire three-hour event because maybe 5% of it, if that, will be dedicated to speaking out against or making fun of a controversial political figure. I'm merely saying that there are always some genuinely funny/entertaining bits and that for me, it's fun to see some of the celebs and I thoroughly enjoy watching the celebration of cinema in general.

And no, I wouldn't watch a movie or TV show that I didn't like. But your analogy doesn't hold water because I watch movies and TV shows all the time in which I disagree with 5% (or more) of the choices made therein and/or the moral/political stances taken. But I still watch because the rest of the movie/show is pretty damn entertaining outside of those things.

It's obviously your prerogative to not watch or not like awards shows or hate the idea of "Hollywood" or whatever - I get that. I'm not trying to convince anyone here to watch something they don't want to waste time with. I just find it kind of hilarious how adamantly some people take a stand against stuff like this, when it's just not that big of a deal, all things considered. That, and people who can't laugh at themselves or make light of their cause even just a little always drive me insane. There are things about Trump I like and there are thing about Trump I don't like. And whether you believe he's the exact right figure for this nation right now or a complete buffoon, it's hard to admit that there aren't certain things about him that are ripe for mockery. I'm just saying, it's possible to support him but also laugh at a joke Kimmel makes about him, and that everyone getting their panties in a bunch over all this only tells me that you care way too much what other people think about whatever it is you support.
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GiveEmHellBill said:

I don't want to be lectured to by a bunch of out-of-touch Hollywood people while they are giving themselves awards and patting themselves on the back. It's that simple.

But an out of touch reality star/President that still throws rallies for himself is cool, right? Why is there so much angst about these shows from those that claim they don't care and won't watch?
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third coast.. said:

TCTTS ill be in San Diego soon, lets get a drink and see a movie. i want to catch a glimpse of a celeb at manns like you always talk about. i went there once before but mainly mocked the people dressed up as movie characters and got pictures in l ron hubbards winter wonderland hahaha
Let me know when.
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TCTTS said:

I'm not "pontificating" on whether you SHOULD be watching. I don't care if you watch or not. I'm simply commenting on your decision not to watch an entire three-hour event because maybe 5% of it, if that, will be dedicated to speaking out against or making fun of a controversial political figure. I'm merely saying that there are always some genuinely funny/entertaining bits and that for me, it's fun to see some of the celebs and I thoroughly enjoy watching the celebration of cinema in general.

And no, I wouldn't watch a movie or TV show that I didn't like. But your analogy doesn't hold water because I watch movies and TV shows all the time in which I disagree with 5% (or more) of the choices made therein and/or the moral/political stances taken. But I still watch because the rest of the movie/show is pretty damn entertaining outside of those things.

It's obviously your prerogative to not watch or not like awards shows or hate the idea of "Hollywood" or whatever - I get that. I'm not trying to convince anyone here to watch something they don't want to waste time with. I just find it kind of hilarious how adamantly some people take a stand against stuff like this, when it's just not that big of a deal, all things considered. That, and people who can't laugh at themselves or make light of their cause even just a little always drive me insane. There are things about Trump I like and there are thing about Trump I don't like. And whether you believe he's the exact right figure for this nation right now or a complete buffoon, it's hard to admit that there aren't certain things about him that are ripe for mockery. I'm just saying, it's possible to support him but also laugh at a joke Kimmel makes about him, and that everyone getting their panties in a bunch over all this only tells me that you care way too much what other people think about whatever it is you support.

Sounds like maybe some people don't agree with you on the entertaining qualities of this award show. You're wasting a lot of time on other people's reasons for not watching.
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Railing on Trump isn't a big deal. Making social justice the focus of every major award is.

Enough already.
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Potcake said:

GiveEmHellBill said:

I don't want to be lectured to by a bunch of out-of-touch Hollywood people while they are giving themselves awards and patting themselves on the back. It's that simple.

But an out of touch reality star/President that still throws rallies for himself is cool, right? Why is there so much angst about these shows from those that claim they don't care and won't watch?
Because I usually watch the Oscars and will not this year because it's apparent that this year will be taken over with political soapbox preaching and the same tired Trump jokes you can hear every night on Kimmel, Colbert, Fannon, Cordon, Myers, etc. I never claimed that I "don't care" about the Oscars. Quite the contrary, actually. But thanks for venturing over from the Politics board to complain about someone who simply wasn't going to be watching the Oscars this year.
Aust Ag
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I bet there will be more complaining about the one-month-in President tonight that there was at the peak of Johnson's death-fest of Vietnam.

Kimmel will be on a slippery slope though....he will want to pile on because the crowd, but he has to not appear too rabid, as he's got a late-night show that he will not want to ruin. He's got a sort of Lettermanesqe everyman quality that he needs to maintain.
Bunk Moreland
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Kimmel is smart. He'll incorporate Trump in a funny way that makes fun of Trump, but he's not going to wade into political jabs and sjw bull***** There will be enough of that in the winners' speeches.

TCTTS, do you seriously see Denzel winning?

That saddens me. Affleck deserves this one by a mile.
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It's super tight, but all the "experts" are saying Denzel has pulled out in front as of late, and that his SAG win last week all but solidified it apparently. That said, I don't know the exact stat, but it's something like no Oscar winner for Best Actor has ever won AND lost all the previous awards that Affleck won. Which obviously points to Affleck winning. But there's also the old domestic abuse stuff that has been bubbling up, re: Affleck, and that might have been enough right there to tip the scales to Denzel in voter's minds.
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We aren't big movie theater people but wife wants to go see The Lion and Manchester. I just saw the interview with Affleck and all I picture is Bob Ford. He owned that role.
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Aust Ag
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That's interesting TCTTS....Voters for Football HOF (T.Owens) and Academy are similar. Hold back on guys for other issues.
Know Your Enemy
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nickstro66 said:

How is Sing Street not nominated for anything

THIS X 1,000
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Great opening. I don't care who you are, that was fun.
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Yup. I've always thought JT was a great entertainer.
double aught
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TCTTS said:

But there's also the old domestic abuse stuff that has been bubbling up, re: Affleck, and that might have been enough right there to tip the scales to Denzel in voter's minds.
If that's true, then it's pretty hippocritical, considering the success of Woody Allen and Polanski.
Bunk Moreland
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Solid by Kimmel. I was wondering if someone would use the stage to say stfu and come together.

I'd respect the opinions of celebrities a lot more if they spoke for causes instead of against causes.
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I'd love to see Casey win and go on stage with that wino look
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