First footage just played at Comic-Con...
Josh Lincoln Dickey @NotoriousJLD
George Miller's MAD MAX footage is unholy amazing. Wowow. Something new and scary and rad. Didn't care about this project but now ... #SDCC
Eric Vespe @EricVespe
Holy sh*t... That totally looks like a Mad Max movie. Massive explosions, crazy-ass punks, freaky bad guy with mask...
Germain Lussier @GermainLussier
Mad Max: Fury Road makes the previous three movies look like silent films. It's so massive and wild looking. I'm sold. #SDCC #ComicCon
Alex Billington @firstshowing
I really cannot even begin to describe some of the footage we saw. We haven't seen an action movie like Mad Max: Fury Road in a LONG time.
Borys Kit @Borys_Kit
My mind was just blown away. #FuryRoad The most insane thing I've seen all Comic Con.
ErikDavis @ErikDavis
"My name is Max. My world is fire and blood" HOLY CRAP the footage for FURY ROAD was insane. Dirt, dust, violence, & SO much crazy #SDCC
Peter Sciretta @slashfilm
Mad Max Fury Road looks like the next level of the evolution of whats possible in a cinematic car chase sequence. amazing. #ComicCon
Devin Faraci @devincf
Literally cannot describe the insanity of the FURY ROAD footage. CHASE SCENE IN A TORNADO SWARM!!! #SDCC
Brian Truitt @briantruitt
Mad Max looks INSANE. Like the best kind of INSANE. As if a meth lab exploded all over a hot rod flick. #sdcc
[This message has been edited by TCTTS (edited 7/26/2014 12:51p).]