I was seven when my abuelita died. My aunt (her daughter) moved into her house a few weeks later. My mother and I visited her one night to hang out watching TV. We were in the living room, when all of a sudden, we heard musicbox music. My grandma had an old music box that she kept her jewelry in. It was still in her room, that my aunt hadn't yet had the energy/will to clean up or change. My aunt went to the back bedroom and closed it and locked it. She then returned to the LR. A few minutes later, it happened again. My aunt got pasty white (hard for a dark mexican
) and said "I just locked it with the key!".
At UTSA, Chisholm hall had years of stories about the 4th floor being haunted. Before I had heard any of them, I was an RA during the summer when no students are there, only dance teams from around the state/nation amd incoming Fish for UTSA's "fish camp".
After one of the dance competitions had ended, I was one of two RAs left in the whole dorm. We were tasked with doing the inventory of the 4th floor. I didn't/don't sleep much, so I volunteered to do most of it during the middle of the night.
Once up there, I felt a presence after going into the first room (401). {Since my mother's death as a ten year old, I have been very sensitive to "things".} Well, after feeling the presence, I stuck my head out of the door and looked down the hall (2 or 3 football fields in length). I did so just in time to see/hear ALL of the doorknobs twist and jiggle like someone was trying to open them. This was in succession. 403 moved, then 405, etc...really quickly, like someone/something was running down the hall and hitting the door knobs.
People always told of that noise, or footsteps along the hall. The floor was a foot thick of concrete. And elephant could walk silently down the hall.