Kayal is no longer listed on the roster.
Thanks and gig'em, Kayal. BTHOgraduation!Third coach is still not listed.
Mary and Lulu head north to Edmond, Ok. Lopata, Vidmanova, and Mateas are also playing in this tournament.
Mia heads back to her hometown of Edmond
ton, CA to pair up with Arseneault again in doubles. In singles she'll have to face Kayla Cross again, Mia got the first set 6-4 both times they have played this year, but ended up losing.
https://www.itftennis.com/en/tournament/w35-edmonton/can/2024/w-itf-can-2024-006/order-of-play/ITA Texas Regionals in Fort Worth:
Action starts Wednesday.
(Singles finalist and doubles champions advance to NCAA individuals in Waco).
Singles: Jeanette, Nicole, Daria, Lexington, Lizanne
Doubles: Lizanne + Daria, Lexington + Jeanette
https://colleges.wearecollegetennis.com/Competitions/ITA/Tournaments/players/437AB70E-8F78-4844-ACDC-BF954F44B8E3Carson and Salma are both playing in Bakersfield, CA. https://www.itftennis.com/en/tournament/w35-bakersfield-ca/usa/2024/w-itf-usa-2024-043/draws-and-results/