Michael Earley

75,775 Views | 421 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by annie88
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Roy coy said:

Former players coming out of the wood works for support for Earley is not coincidental. Seems very coordinated.

I hope it's Vaughn and Earley. Two young hungry studs plus out NIL would be deadly. Not to mention, I'm fairly positive a few players would follow Vaughn this way.
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dcg4403 said:

Ag00Ag said:

COYOTE1213 said:

MR Gadsden said:

themissinglink said:

MR Gadsden said:

So let me get this straight, when we hire assistant coaches wouldn't they have independent contracts from the head coach? So if the HC bails like the slimeball did, Early would still be employed by A&M, right? He didn't have to go to Austin immediately. So I don't buy this, he has a young family BS. He could have stuck around and let things play out, put feelers out just in case the new coach didn't want to keep him, but I would assume there would be a buyout or severance due him if that was the case. Or maybe I'm wrong and these assistants have contracts based on the head coaches employment. In which case that would be the ****tiest situation ever.
The problem is new coaches want to their own guy. Not retaining Earley would be stupid but you never know. He had a guaranteed raise offer at his new job offer and an unstable situation at his existing position.

I understand but what I'm saying is he wouldn't just automatically be unemployed, unless for whatever reason his contract was written that way. I'm saying he had options.

The way this whole thing went down, he might not have had time to realize that he had options.

Its a ****ty situation to be put in, for sure.

He would automatically be unemployed as soon as his contract ends. Likely that is soon.
He would also have a new job before the new HC even arrived. If he had not gone with POS that is. His integrity intact, he's a well know assistant coach just coming off a CWS runner up! Most likely even have HC opportunities from smaller schools coming his way. He had to know his stock was rising.

But he followed POS to asstin. So much for that. He failed to take an important stand on principle that would have left no doubt about his character. A stand that would have even further elevated his stock. Instead, he followed POS to asstin.

And this was exactly where my head was about 3 hrs ago. Back to my comment about people having choices. Schloss didnt hold a gun to their head.

But I also can imagine Earley being placed in an extremely difficult situation. And he was being sold a Schloss bill of goods. No telling what that POS said to them.

But the love shown for Earley is too hard to deny. Screw it...hire him as HC. Why the hell not at this point.
See bold type...or threatened him with. He could have told him if he stayed, he would put out the word he was a bad coach and he did not want him. People like Sloosh would not think twice about ruining someone else's career to advance their own.
Yukon Cornelius
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That doesn't explain why they would hate him tho
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Earley will never coach at TU. Not after interviewing at A&M. Their new skipper will never allow it. Took his eggs out of the TU basket and took them back to College Station.
Gyles Marrett
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dcg4403 said:

Ag00Ag said:

COYOTE1213 said:

MR Gadsden said:

themissinglink said:

MR Gadsden said:

So let me get this straight, when we hire assistant coaches wouldn't they have independent contracts from the head coach? So if the HC bails like the slimeball did, Early would still be employed by A&M, right? He didn't have to go to Austin immediately. So I don't buy this, he has a young family BS. He could have stuck around and let things play out, put feelers out just in case the new coach didn't want to keep him, but I would assume there would be a buyout or severance due him if that was the case. Or maybe I'm wrong and these assistants have contracts based on the head coaches employment. In which case that would be the ****tiest situation ever.
The problem is new coaches want to their own guy. Not retaining Earley would be stupid but you never know. He had a guaranteed raise offer at his new job offer and an unstable situation at his existing position.

I understand but what I'm saying is he wouldn't just automatically be unemployed, unless for whatever reason his contract was written that way. I'm saying he had options.

The way this whole thing went down, he might not have had time to realize that he had options.

Its a ****ty situation to be put in, for sure.

He would automatically be unemployed as soon as his contract ends. Likely that is soon.
He would also have a new job before the new HC even arrived. If he had not gone with POS that is. His integrity intact, he's a well know assistant coach just coming off a CWS runner up! Most likely even have HC opportunities from smaller schools coming his way. He had to know his stock was rising.

But he followed POS to asstin. So much for that. He failed to take an important stand on principle that would have left no doubt about his character. A stand that would have even further elevated his stock. Instead, he followed POS to asstin.

And this was exactly where my head was about 3 hrs ago. Back to my comment about people having choices. Schloss didnt hold a gun to their head.

But I also can imagine Earley being placed in an extremely difficult situation. And he was being sold a Schloss bill of goods. No telling what that POS said to them.

But the love shown for Earley is too hard to deny. Screw it...hire him as HC. Why the hell not at this point.

And assuming he wasn't in on it this likely came at him fast in under 24 hours when there wasnt a ton of options and the option to go involved immediately knowing your next job and a raise most likely while knowing still lots of time to interview elsewhere. Not much different than a kid committing but then still going on visits. I'd bet a large amount of money seeing him at the press conference that he was not happy and not where he wanted to be. The expressions told the story. If he wanted the job and I'm Albert's I'd hire him immediately.
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Roy coy said:

Former players coming out of the wood works for support for Earley is not coincidental. Seems very coordinated.

I hope it's Vaughn and Earley. Two young hungry studs plus out NIL would be deadly. Not to mention, I'm fairly positive a few players would follow Vaughn this way.

HC - Vaughn
AC - Earley
AC - Pennington
PC - ?
World's worst proofreader
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I seriously, seriously doubt that POS was theatening. More likely something like....

You have exactly 10 mins to decide. You can join me at the most prestigious baseball program in the history of the NCAA and I will double your salary and make sure you are a HC within the next 2 years. Or you can stay and hope A&M hires a HC that wants to retain you. Easy choice if you ask me....dont be a dumbass."
Leonard H. Stringfield
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RED AG 98 said:

1. Get Vaughn.
2. Bring Rick back
3. Add lots of Major League soundbites

4. ???

5. Win the whole damn thing

Get me up to speed here I'm not familiar with vaugn
who is that?
Farsight Institute, Atlanta, GA
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trouble said:

DallasAg 94 said:

trouble said:

He didn't sign an NDA. And possibly not his contract for the sips.

So does that mean he is still employed by A&M?!

I would think no. But I'm not nearly educated enough in employment law and such

I'd imagine they all turned in a letter of resignation before donning those putrid colors. If not he's still employed, or his contract has expired and hadn't signed a new one yet.
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The Hallettsville Hammer speaks…
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Rob Vaughn. Bama baseball coach
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Give Earley a 1 year, moderate salary with stupid incentives (1 million to win SEC, 800k to win SEC Tournament, 800k to win Regional, 1 Million to get to Omaha, etc)
Give him a hefty amount to hire assistants, and let him roll

We can't get the guys we want right now anyways. If Earley is a flop, they can go get that "guy" around Regionals next year
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Yukon Cornelius said:

That doesn't explain why they would hate him tho
The implication, here, was that maybe he was seen as an instigator, recruiting some of them early, or otherwise in on the POS scheme.

The alternative -- maybe they just didn't think he was that good -- doesn't hold a lot of weight in my mind because the staff was much improved over last year. There has been lots of talk about him focusing on analytics perhaps to a fault.

Maybe it's a little of both? I don't know. But keeping all these pitchers isn't something I really thought would happen even without the staff turnover. It's kinda unheard of in this new NIL + portal era.
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trouble said:

Rob Vaughn. Bama baseball coach

I am not familiar with him. He is young...like it. He has a .600 winning percentage...so so. He is a Texas boy...love it.

I can see the desire for him as a new up and comer.

HOWEVER, Earley working for him as AHC? I dont see that. Doesnt give Earley the chance to assume the next HC vacancy. Why wouldnt he stay in Austin at that point? He is already there and avoids even more ridicule.
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This thread is giving me morning wood and it's not even morning yet

This just seems like SUCH a no brainer
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trouble said:

Rob Vaughn. Bama baseball coach

I like Vaughn. Has he been interviewed?
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Would love to keep Targac on as a grad assistant working toward full coaching assistant.
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Like the idea of the asst. coach route. Can give an incentive laden contract. Spend bulk of money on NIL. If he's not the guy, no huge buyout.
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When he walked into the interview room at A&M today his career at TU was over.
Yukon Cornelius
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AgDaddy94 said:

When he walked into the interview room at A&M today his career at TU was over.

This movie keeps getting better and better. Hope he finds a spot here.
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Why would a coach allow pictures to be taken and public notices that you are now part of the new coaching staff if you are not?

"United" front appearance
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This. Crazy move.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
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He doesn't want to be in Austin.
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AgDaddy94 said:

When he walked into the interview room at A&M today his career at TU was over.

Hopefully you know more than the majority of us.

Funny, as I am on board with Earley as HC. And agree, get a inexpensive contract with him and focus on NIL. Give him 3 years max. Seems this give you more options and flexibility if things dont go as planned. And it seems at A&M, things don't go as planned more than anyone wants to witness or be part of.
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I don't know
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I've made many poor, hasty decisions. Some were easily undone. Some had lasting consequences. None were anywhere as public as this decision by Earley. Maybe that nagging feeling in gut, the lump in his throat, maybe that wasn't going away and he was no longer GOOD with the decision?
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LB12Diamond said:

trouble said:

Rob Vaughn. Bama baseball coach

I like Vaughn. Has he been interviewed?
Not according to anything I've seen. There are a few nameless candidates still though...
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AgDaddy94 said:

When he walked into the interview room at A&M today his career at TU was over.
Yep. Something is motivating him to get out of Austin and interviewing with us was the first step in an uncertain journey. Again, his sip photo shots suggest a man with something eating on his conscience. Maybe he took collateral damage from the schlossnozzle shlt bomb and needs to come clean after having a chance to think it over.
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I'm glad the players like him.

What if he had a burner phone? Does that change things?

Would A&M be able to go after the others?

Assuming the burner phone story is factual.
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New tidbit however -- Earley and Vaughn played minor league ball together. Isn't that neat?
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RED AG 98 said:

I've made many poor, hasty decisions. Some were easily undone. Some had lasting consequences. None were anywhere as public as this decision by Earley. Maybe that nagging feeling in gut, the lump in his throat, maybe that wasn't going away and he was no longer GOOD with the decision?

I could see Slosh telling him it had to be all of them or the deal was off…something in this vein. But I seem to recall the sips trumpeting the fact that they were swiping our whole staff. Could be easy to get swept up in it before you realize how sleazy it was.
Sea Pony 07
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I really like the idea of Earley. I like. The idea of bringing in a young gun with passion and a strong rapport with the players. Give him 3 years to see what he can do.
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RED AG 98 said:

New tidbit however -- Earley and Vaughn played minor league ball together. Isn't that neat?

Was it true that Earley would come back if Skip was hired?
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3 years is a drop in the bucket. what are they waiting for?
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Agsncws said:

Ag00Ag said:

COYOTE1213 said:

MR Gadsden said:

themissinglink said:

MR Gadsden said:

So let me get this straight, when we hire assistant coaches wouldn't they have independent contracts from the head coach? So if the HC bails like the slimeball did, Early would still be employed by A&M, right? He didn't have to go to Austin immediately. So I don't buy this, he has a young family BS. He could have stuck around and let things play out, put feelers out just in case the new coach didn't want to keep him, but I would assume there would be a buyout or severance due him if that was the case. Or maybe I'm wrong and these assistants have contracts based on the head coaches employment. In which case that would be the ****tiest situation ever.
The problem is new coaches want to their own guy. Not retaining Earley would be stupid but you never know. He had a guaranteed raise offer at his new job offer and an unstable situation at his existing position.

I understand but what I'm saying is he wouldn't just automatically be unemployed, unless for whatever reason his contract was written that way. I'm saying he had options.

The way this whole thing went down, he might not have had time to realize that he had options.

Its a ****ty situation to be put in, for sure.

He would automatically be unemployed as soon as his contract ends. Likely that is soon.
He would also have a new job before the new HC even arrived. If he had not gone with POS that is. His integrity intact, he's a well know assistant coach just coming off a CWS runner up! Most likely even have HC opportunities from smaller schools coming his way. He had to know his stock was rising.

But he followed POS to asstin. So much for that. He failed to take an important stand on principle that would have left no doubt about his character. A stand that would have even further elevated his stock. Instead, he followed POS to asstin.

You'll have to pardon me if I side with the player's perception of his morals and character over yours

Yes!!!!! Can't understand why some can't get this, over everyone's disdain for schlossburglar. His salary was to be doubled. No guarantee of a job at A&M. No guarantee his salary wouldn't decrease. No guarantee of a good job.
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