(Looks like this is post #420 for this thread. Nice.)
For a rebuttal like this, might be helpful to just make a new post.
Anyone else not get notifications when Staff makes edits?Staff? Idk said:
[As already noted privately with Bender. We have no email record of any users complaining about Tikka and before yesterdays Tikka thread, Tikka had about 20 flags thrown and cleared(because it was deleted or another reason) on his nearly 3,000 posts over the last 3 years. That is not going to be a record that prompts a full investigation into a user and their potential past accounts. Just commenting and arguing with a user on threads does not create a record for us to reference and look into. If there are some of you that did email or PM in on this user, please forward those emails into us, we would be happy to review them and enter them into this case for future reference. We will come back on here and admit that a user emailed or PM'd us and we missed it. We have nothing to hide here. In the assassination thread derail case, all a user had to do is email us and say, "hey, this thread was cruising right along, this user is messing it all up and this is not the first time he has done this, we really do think they are PFG, can you investigate because we are tired of dealing with this." That one email would have prompted a deeper dive. It even prevents Bender from ever being banned and all of us move along. That was not the way you guys handled it and we had to pull down this thread for 9 minutes(NINE) to make sure we understood the situation and make sure there was not anything posted on the thread that could be screenshot that would make things go sideways for us as a company. Bender was pulled from the site for 62 minutes and pulled from the site at the exact same time at Tikka. He has already posted again today and had full freedom to post 62 minutes after he was pulled off. We worked as quickly as possible to confirm things well enough on both the thread front and users involved. Outside of users posting mischaracterizations over our intent during that 62 minutes last night and throughout today, everything would have been resolved in less than an hour last night or resolved completely yesterday around 2:30pm had Bender simply emailed us his case against Tikka or resolved even earlier if someone had emailed us at any point in time over the three years the account existed. Again, if there are messages(not posts on threads, messages sent to us via email or PM) that any of you have sent, please forward them to us, but as far as we are concerned, this case is closed. -Staff]
For a rebuttal like this, might be helpful to just make a new post.