Easy. I'd like to take this one if y'all don't mind.

Truth, especially in this situation, requires reflection on past behavior as well as an introspection of self. When that reflection and introspection reveal something ugly and uncomfortable, a lie provides an easy escape, a kind of security blanket, if you will.
The lie provides not only a way to defer that reflection and introspection, but it also allows a new history via birthing a brand new self.
A new self free from any unfavorable history is a powerful thing. And powerful things are not without cost.
Well, that cost was just paid today when bender called the loan due. The cost is an entire implosion of the new self and its detachment from the old history, as well as gathering up all the new unfavorable history required to maintain the lie, and hanging it around the neck of the past unfavorable history.
What is left in the lie's place is something so much more grotesque than the original unfavorable scenario, and it should be. Because the punishment for distorting truth should always be more painful (in the long run) than the original discomfort from the original scenario.
We have to believe that for our world to operate. And I do. Which is why I get so much satisfaction from this thread. It's proof.

Truth, especially in this situation, requires reflection on past behavior as well as an introspection of self. When that reflection and introspection reveal something ugly and uncomfortable, a lie provides an easy escape, a kind of security blanket, if you will.
The lie provides not only a way to defer that reflection and introspection, but it also allows a new history via birthing a brand new self.
A new self free from any unfavorable history is a powerful thing. And powerful things are not without cost.
Well, that cost was just paid today when bender called the loan due. The cost is an entire implosion of the new self and its detachment from the old history, as well as gathering up all the new unfavorable history required to maintain the lie, and hanging it around the neck of the past unfavorable history.
What is left in the lie's place is something so much more grotesque than the original unfavorable scenario, and it should be. Because the punishment for distorting truth should always be more painful (in the long run) than the original discomfort from the original scenario.
We have to believe that for our world to operate. And I do. Which is why I get so much satisfaction from this thread. It's proof.