Thanks Sentinel...I was thinking I could somehow do this through an existing gmail account that I use.
If you only have one copy, the data doesn't exist.
It's not available to us yet, but I have a request in to Google for an invite.
By default, new Google Apps functionality is automatically enabled for email accounts. This case is a little different since they are only rolling it out to select groups.
quote:RayRay disksquote:
Holographic video files are 10TB
GreenRay disks
quote:It's resolved. If you have any problems send us an email
Dangit, I hope I don't forget about all of this by the time this is resolved:
quote:Look two posts up?
I'm trying to figure out the best way to move my stuff that I have on my normal Google account to my .aggienetwork account?
DAMNIT!! I just moved 11gb worth of pics/movies from my dropbox/iphone to amazon cloud.
In case you guys need to do cloud-to-cloud transfers I've used this site before with good results: Best part is it gives you 10TB of traffic for free without signing up for an account.
Amazon cloud gave me unlimited space for pictures but I didn't know they capped videos at 5gigs.