*** Masters of the Air ***

96,763 Views | 786 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by double aught
Scotty Appleton
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Makes sense as does the blatantly forced material. Plenty of eye-rolling dialogue this week.

There were actually multiple 8th Air Force Aces who were in that camp if the purpose was to introduce fighter pilot stories. You know, guys with a lot more skins on the wall….

I am on the fence as to whether I bother watching the last episode.
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I'm going to watch, because it's only one more. I bought Apple+ specifically for this show. I should get my money's worth.

I expect to be eyerolling the whole time though.
G Martin 87
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I'm not arguing in favor of less content, but it seems like there's a misconception that POW camps were chock full of exciting storylines and adventure opportunities for the prisoners. This is an odd complaint. If you want more action, you're going to get it in the final episode when the prisoners are marched out in the dead of winter.
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I've gone back and forth. some episodes are good (3&4) and the rest are completely mediocre. This last one was so bad it made up my mind. this has so much potential but ultimately fell flat. it was said before by 71, but everything about this was mishandled. Timing, casting, writing, subject matter… they just tried to do too much.

Prime example: the two characters who get shot down and have to escape occupied territory…. we spent more than half an episode focusing on only them, only for it to be forgotten and then have them show up riding bikes on base. Someone said it earlier as aell. "we're going to use you as bait" and then we jumped to total air superiority over occupied France

overall i give this a B-, and it's the "How I met your Mother" effect. i'm so invested in it at this point i might as well finish it out
Joan Wilder
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Ag Since 83 said:

There are a few different examples of them teasing something and then having it happen off screen in the show, but I think the worst case is from the end of episode 7 to episode 8.

End of episode 7: "Rosie, we need to destroy the Luftwaffe before we can invade France, so you need to be the bait. Are you up for that challenge?"

Beginning of episode 8: Now at D-Day, having seen the bombers used as bait 0 times

Such an odd decision….why not show the fighters taking down the luftwaffe? And D-Day takes place off screen, described by Rosie to Crosby? They decided to have the narrator sleep through D-day?! How do you not show them bombing Normandy? (And delaying their bomb drops over concerns of hitting the troops, thus not knocking out some of the gun targets).

They've established Rosie as one of the lead characters and we're invested in him. Why pivot back to Crosby and not Rosie who flew on D-Day??! Then have him come back and Crosby realize he slept through the invasion? I can't come up with another rationale for that choice except they didn't have the budget to short the Normandy bombing.

The intro of the Tuskegee guys into the camp, with some soldiers recognizing their units' skills and others being put off by black GIs in the camp is an interesting story - those characters could have just been introduced then and there. The CGI of their missions in France was laughably bad.

To me the actor playing Bucky seems to be doing a bad Ben Affleck impression. I find his performance worse than Butler's.

Sandra's story seems to be completely made up as Crosby had no idea what she did. Again…strange decision to show her doing vague resistance tasks in France instead of perhaps, SHOWING D-DAY?!
(Unrelated, The actress playing Sandra plays Miep Gies in "a small light" which is outstanding)
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This episode was a swing and a miss. As many of you pointed out, why wait until the second to last episode to introduce 2 new story lines, and I have a feeling Sandra's will be done, we may get some sorta 1/2 ass conclusion next week, but why even go down that route. I feel like we're getting a Game of Thrones done on us. Great start, excellent middle and then just crash and burn at the end.
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You guys are saying it better than me. The show turned into a mess. Some of the middle episodes suggested how great it could be, but the show couldn't maintain any focus. It's like a modern cartoon where every 30 seconds you're on to the next scene. No depth.
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arrow said:

You guys are saying it better than me. The show turned into a mess. Some of the middle episodes suggested how great it could be, but the show couldn't maintain any focus. It's like a modern cartoon where every 30 seconds you're on to the next scene. No depth.
So many wasted minutes in these last episodes. The POW scenes should have been thought out better. This one had Bucky playing imaginary baseball for a couple minutes (yes, life was excruciatingly boring in those camps and drive you crazy) and Buck made a homemade radio that he sits and listens to (yeah, we get that but why so many times showing it).

And still another wtf on the "use you as bait" and then skipping over probably the tactics and events leading to the greatest accomplishment of the overall air campaign.
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Show is having a hard time finishing, next thing you know we're gonna see a one-eyed polar bear…
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agree with everyone else, the last two episodes have been a hot mess.
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The two most anticipated shows for me this year on my list have been such disappointments: Masters of the Air and True Detective.
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Southlake said:

Show is having a hard time finishing, next thing you know we're gonna see a one-eyed polar bear…
If it falls on a fat Nazi, it'll be worth it.
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Ok…. true story.
My wife and I agreed that we could watch Masters of the Air together if we could watch Feud: Truman Vs the Swans together.

The Swans are winning on story, writing, characters, and after the horrible CGI on the P-51 raids on the French coast, I would say cinematography.
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AJ02 said:

The two most anticipated shows for me this year on my list have been such disappointments: Masters of the Air and True Detective.
Start watching Shogun.
Sapper Redux
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Sorry, I'm slow this morning, but are you saying it's also disappointing after a strong start or that it's a cure for that?
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Shogun is ridiculously good. No way it's the former.

Especially since it's only on episode 4 of 10.
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Heck of a good finale for me.
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Yeah, that finale was good.

It should be noted that Rosie was shot down twice. The one they didn't show was more dangerous than the one they did show. The dude was a certified badass.
Ag Since 83
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A lot to like about the finale. And I'm far enough into Crosby's book now to think overall his story was told pretty well. There was definitely more from the book that could/should have been included in the show, but budgets, time, etc....

But....what happened to Meatball?
Sweet Kitten Feet
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Pretty solid final episode. I agree with others though that the pace at the end was just too quick. Needed a couple more episodes to fully flesh out some of the storylines and characters. Overall good series though.
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I enjoyed the series, but it didn't hook me the same that BoB or the Pacific did. I just didn't connect well with any of the characters. In fairness, I felt the same after my first watch of the Pacific before really loving it on second watch. Maybe this one needs a second viewing to soak it all in.
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Ultimately this entire thing was a huge disappointment
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I don't think I've ever seen a series with so much momentum jump the rails so quickly.
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Final episode was very well done.

Overall, the series did not work for me as well as the other two did.

I still think casting Austin Butler was a mistake.

As others have said, it took me several viewings to appreciate The Pacific, so maybe that will be true here, too.
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Overall I'd give it a B, on par with or slightly ahead of the Pacific but obviously behind Band of Brothers. I think it'll improve over multiple viewers as well.

The Air War in Europe was always going to be a very hard story to tell because of multiple factors, most notably the attrition of crews and that they were in combat from 1942-1945. Getting a continuous story for the entire length of the war based on a group of men was going to be tough because they either died so fast or were lucky to hit the mission limit and go home. Makes total sense why they latched onto the 100th because you had an opportunity to have 2 main guys from the beginning who flew 20+ missions and then finished the war in a POW camp and survived as well as having a guy like Rosenthal who flew 52 total missions. Even then, the pacing was going to be way too fast to cover everything.

I think they made mistakes by starting an evasion storyline, but not following it (other than an extra scene that said they made it home). The expansion of the Subaltern into being a spy was all made up for the show (Crosby never actually knew what she did) and was a waste. The inclusion of the Tuskegee men should have started at the beginning or it shouldn't have been included at all. They deserved more than being a footnote in the final 2 episodes. Overall, just really rushed (and it seemed they were running out of budget for the episode 7/8 CGI). Could have used at least 3 more episodes to slow it down.

I do think they did a very good job of showing how the bomber missions were flown and the dangers that came with that. I had no issues with the acting or casting. Nate Mann (Rosie) was the real standout for me. I thought he did a great job.

I do hope Spielberg & Hanks are able to continue doing shows like this although I have a feeling that companies aren't going to want to pay to make them. Sadly the men and women from that generation are rapidly leaving us. Most are in their late 90s now. I think its incredibly important to be reminded of what they did for all of us.

If you missed the interviews that BoB had, watch the documentary that Apple released today as well. Has interviews with Harry Crosby, Rosie Rosenthal, John Murphy and several other members of the 100th.

Ag Since 83
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I put this show above The Pacific and below Band of Brothers.

Band of Brothers is just a perfect storm. One unit, with several continuously present members, together from before D-Day until after V-E Day, and several missions which lend themselves to being the focus of individual episodes.
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Well I didn't have a dry eye more than 10 minutes at a time during that last episode, good enough for me.

There's a lot they could've done better but they made it and it's more than we had. I don't get the Butler hate, when I think of a flyboy from that era he looks exactly like what I think of.
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If you missed the interviews that BoB had, watch the documentary that Apple released today as well. Has interviews with Harry Crosby, Rosie Rosenthal, John Murphy and several other members of the 100th.

Thank you so much for mentioning this documentary. It is certainly comparable to the interviews on Band of Brothers, and is actually better in a way because there is color film and still shots of a number of the interviewees, even in the POW camps. Amazing documentary!
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Masters of the Air was fantastic for me, despite things that have been noted over the past 2-3 episodes. Given my life long love of WWII aviation, this likely gives this series a boost over the others. I loved both Band of Brothers and The Pacific, but I loved watching this one more. But that does not make it a perfect show. It has some flaws, particularly in the tangent storylines they followed when the entire focus should have been in the air over Germany. And I will maintain this should have included more episodes to flesh out details better.

I will rewatch soon. I hope to pick up on little details that I likely missed. I also strongly recommend watching the hour long documentary that debuted today.
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The finale was good. After seeing how the show concludes I think it really just needed a tenth episode to let ep. 7 and 8 develop more depth.
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Just finished. I thought it was very good, and the inclusion of the black airmen was done fairly well. For now it's probably third out of the three series but on a rewatch it could possibly surpass the Pacific for second.
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Great final episode. It landed. 7 and 8 were horrible while 5 and 6 were right up there with the best ever. I'm blaming covid and the choices to use 4 different directors that made it so disjointed. I will
absolutely be rewatching annually and will probably land on 1,4,5,6,9 as a 5 hour watch.

Episodes 1-4 - Cary ***unaga solid but forgettable
Episode 5-6 Anna Boden and Ryan fleck ****ing amazing like on a whole different level
Episodes 7-8 Dee Rees horrible, sub-par
Episode 9 Tim Van Patten saved it. Solid ending
Ghost of Bisbee
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I enjoyed this quite a bit.

The guy who played Rosie did a phenomenal job
Zombie Jon Snow
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Loved it overall, a couple of weak episodes but overall top notch. Not quite BoB but really good still. The finale was damn near perfect.

For a show about Masters of the AIR one of the lasting impressions for me will be what life as like as a POW or trying to escape enemy territory through the underground network, etc. And that was really great. Also the uncertainty those guys who made it back to base had, and had to deal with, about their comrades who went down. They just didn't know. The Army or Marine perspectives were always much more clear. Not saying dealing with that is easier, but at least you know when someone is gone and can make sure their body makes it home (no one left behind). I never thought about the fate of the guys shot down in the air war.

The four leads or primary characters by the end anyway, Rosenthal, Crosby, Cleven and Egan were phenomenal. While it was hard to identify or relate to who was who on the early flight scenes with the masks on, etc. those guys really shined through. I suppose that was also kind of the point though, they were faceless and unfortunately replaceable (next man up). And they got the character development of course. But they were all really strong characters and performances in very different ways. Keoghan as Biddick was also great in the first 3 episodes before his death.

Cinco Ranch Aggie
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This pretty much sums up my view upon only the one watch of the show. Although I suspect with my bias toward aircraft, I'm going to rate this as my favorite of the three series.

I will add that while I had hoped for an ending where the main characters return to America and the lives that would commence from there, much like the ending of The Pacific, but giving us the character by character rundown was a great alternative way of accomplishing the same thing.
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