leave out some all of the politically correct SJW crap.
On the trending conversation regarding Rey being from "no one" being reversed in TROS ... I think this quote may throw some light on the topic: "You're going to find that many of the truths that we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view" - Ben Kenobi talking to Luke in ROTJ
In TLJ, Kylo tells Rey that she is from no one after spending all of TFA talking about how her family would some day return. There was an expectation set in TFA, perhaps not intentionally, that she was the off-spring of someone we (the audience) would know. Whether that was Luke, Han & Leia, Obi-Wan, or someone else was all discussed at length. (I even said once to my kid that I thought she could be a Palpatine based solely on the way she fought with Luke's lightsaber in that forest in TFA). So along comes TROS, and we find out that she is in fact the granddaughter of Sheev Palpatine, but also that her parents were indeed "no one" because "they chose to be [no one]".
From the point of view of looking at who her parents were, it seems that they were in fact, no one, just as TLJ established.