*** STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER *** (Spoiler Thread)

175,533 Views | 1435 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
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PatAg said:

Brian Earl Spilner said:

At the end during the celebration, when Poe is looking for someone to hug and smiles and nods, it should've been Finn he was looking at.
Didn't he look at Zori, the female merc, and then basically asked her for a kiss again?

Don't think he wanted just a kiss
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GiveEmHellBill said:

Saxsoon said:

Discussion on saber colors as well as what Reys new one is


In one of the stores in Galaxy's Edge, the staff there gave me this same explanation of the colors of Kyber crystals.

I built my own lightsaber there and chose red as my initial blade color. I then bought from the shop a yellow and white crystal. The white actually looks very striking.

I chose purple (went peace and justice style) and then picked up all of the other crystals afterwards
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Stupe said:

Chewie's medal....eyes watered on that and had a huge lump in my throat.

Two deep canon cuts for you: Chewie actually had his own medal that he gave away.

The medal Maz gave Chewie was actually Luke's that Han used to pay a tab, telling her it was his.
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AMW2010 said:

So I saw it first show this morning, I realllllly liked it and enjoyed the movie overall.

I do agree with lots of people if I had to be critical and find something I didn't like was it was sooooo fast paced. Once the movie settled in, it was the most enjoyable.

As someone said above I was really thrown off that the scroll seemed shorter than normal and just threw the emperor out there in I think the first sentence.

If I had to describe the movie, it would be like watching Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 & 2 at the same times, and tossing in parts of the other HP movies just to catch you up.

I loved when chewy got his medal. I loved when Luke raised the Xwing out of the water. I thought Leias lightsaber looked really cool design, but loved the look of Reys new one. I had in the new series everyone had blue, I loved the different shades of blades. I felt like the knights of REN were a giant waste and afterthought. Every time you saw them, they always felt like they were just lurking in the shadows, or just last to the party.
I saw a few of y'all debate how the ties were light speed jumping with the falcon, and I just assumed that they were all in proximity with the falcons to be sucked along. I believe they even talked about it in either empire or return of the jedi... Han or lando was like well take a few of them with us...

I got a good laugh when Poe wanted a kiss at the end and she's like nahhh and they go their own ways.

Cameos: so the bartender was John Williams? I thought it might had been the bartender from Tattoine mainly how he was looking at the droid and they made a point to focus on him and that was Wedge on the falcon?

The biggest part that confused me was how Palp came back after being killed in ROTJ. The time line of how old rey appears to be, and she is already the granddaughter to palp does t make sense. I would love just more explanation on that.

The score was great, williams did a great job of blending everyone's themes and overall was just so good. Like others said, I was sad there was no duel of the fates, but oh well

Palp force ****s at any age
Brian Earl Spilner
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AliasMan02 said:

Stupe said:

Chewie's medal....eyes watered on that and had a huge lump in my throat.

Two deep canon cuts for you: Chewie actually had his own medal that he gave away.

The medal Maz gave Chewie was actually Luke's that Han used to pay a tab, telling her it was his.
binge mode had a rant on this in the ANH podcast. I believe they said it was later explained as damage control that Wookiee culture doesn't value medals so Chewy has no use or appreciation for one.
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Binge mode also did a deep dive into the Endor science article that explained how the Ewok civilization would have been destroyed by the environmental impact of the Death Star 2 explosion and how Lucas ret-conned an explanation for how they blocked the wreckage from damaging the planet. I assume this movie lines up with that explanation
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One thing I didn't quite catch that I'm sure one of you can help me with. When R2 restored 3po's memory, how far was he backed up to? That was one of those moments where I wish I had the rewind remote handy.
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Jim01 said:

But when Rey did eventually kill him, why didn't he just zap into her, as he threatened to do when she initially was going to kill him.
My take on it was that she didn't really kill him. She was defending herself and reflected his lightning back to him...he could have stopped but chose not to do so, so he killed himself. Shrug.
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Jim01 said:

I know people have a hard time with Palpatine being alive, but in rewatching the OT last week it occurred to me, why is Palpatine surviving his fall any more ridiculous than Luke surviving his fall in cloud city?

I don't think Anakin's sacrifice was for nothing. He still saved Luke, who then ultimately helped train Leia, they both then helped train Rey, who ultimately brought victory.

At least until episode xii when jar jars grand nephew confronts the recently reressurected Palpatine.
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DannyDuberstein said:

One thing I didn't quite catch that I'm sure one of you can help me with. When R2 restored 3po's memory, how far was he backed up to? That was one of those moments where I wish I had the rewind remote handy.
He said he was excited to be going on Rey's first (solo, i think...this would have been before everyone else forced themselves along) mission. Since he didn't go with her to find Luke, he must not have been referring to that. Unless he is talking about something in between the movies, I am going to assume he was talking about the mission that just happened.
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DannyDuberstein said:

One thing I didn't quite catch that I'm sure one of you can help me with. When R2 restored 3po's memory, how far was he backed up to? That was one of those moments where I wish I had the rewind remote handy.
I think when he got his memory back he said something about how he was about to go on a trip with Rey so maybe before they all head off to the Pasaana desert planet earlier in the movie is my guess. Loved when R2 told him they already did that, overall felt good to have 3PO as GOOD comic relief again, hasn't really happened for a decade or so.
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Thanks. That's about what it sounded like to me as well, but I wasn't sure and was thinking maybe they slipped in a pretty old callback that i missed, like all the way back to a previous movie.
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Brian Earl Spilner said:

Yeah, as crazy as it seems, you really wonder if the franchise ever really gets off the ground without him. Music makes such a deep connection to the audience. His contribution to SW was pure perfection.
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Stupe said:

Emotional moments:

My mouth dropped and then I said "No, no, no, no" and then I got choked up when that transport ship blew up and I thought Chewie was on it. Man....that HURT

X-wing coming out of the water when he couldn't do it in ESTB. I was elbowing my son in the ribs when that happened.

Seeing Luke's helmet....more rib elbowing

Chewie's medal....eyes watered on that and had a huge lump in my throat.

gotta agree, Luke raising his X-Wing again with THE SAME JW musical score part from the scene in ESB really hit me in the feels, all I could think of was the next Luke/Yoda exchange "I dont believe it/that is why you fail"
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double aught
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Matt_ag98 said:

Stupe said:

Emotional moments:

My mouth dropped and then I said "No, no, no, no" and then I got choked up when that transport ship blew up and I thought Chewie was on it. Man....that HURT

X-wing coming out of the water when he couldn't do it in ESTB. I was elbowing my son in the ribs when that happened.

Seeing Luke's helmet....more rib elbowing

Chewie's medal....eyes watered on that and had a huge lump in my throat.

gotta agree, Luke raising his X-Wing again with THE SAME JW musical score part from the scene in ESB really hit me in the feels, all I could think of was the next Luke/Yoda exchange "I dont believe it/that is why you fail"
One of the best lines in the series to me. Right behind "I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
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So, my initial impressions are mixed. I'm always grateful for new Star Wars and enjoyed myself. Also I will caveat that I'm sure I will like the movie more and more over time.

Scatter shooting:

I haven't read the whole thread, but like others I think the first half was something of a blur. There were an awful lot of steps to get to the need for the Sith beacon, with the spy, the dagger, and the 3P0 reprogramming side quest. But ultimately it was a solid journey of discovery for Rey.

I didn't think they could redeem Ben, but did in a great way. Really worked.

I thought the shoehorned dialog for Leia based on whatever they already had in the can was pretty awkward and forced at times.

Best lightsaber duel episode of the whole 9 films overall.

Loved the cameos by Anakin, Mace Windu, Qui Gon, Ahsoka, etc.

The continuation of the link between Rey and Ben was unexpected to me and played really well.

Ultimately my biggest letdown was how hard JJ pandered to haters of TLJ. I get wanting to try to bring people back into the fold but things like (I perceive) sidelining Rose to appease the savages who harassed Kelly Marie and all that just rubs me the wrong way.

Oh, and Rey being a Palatine feels like JJ picking his favorite fan theory and then forcing it to work.

I could have really done without the planet killing Star Destroyer.

Poe definitely didn't leave a spice running career to join the Resistance. He was in the New Repulbic navy. I guess maybe a spice runner before that? Thought that was a super random side trip.

Overall I enjoyed it but put the ST as 7, 8, 9 right now. I'm excited to move on from the Skywalker saga and get some new stories.

Edit: Oh, and not a beef but something we laughed some about after. JJ straight up DOES NOT CARE what Hyperspace is or how it works. Lol.
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Kids loved it and I enjoyed it. But two hours later and I'm thinking it's a pretty terrible movie. Michael Bay could have made this thing.

I'm not going to spend much time worrying about it though. We'll see what they come up with in a couple of years.
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I feel bad that the actress was harassed, but her character was a mistake which jacked up a growing rapport with the existing trio. Awkward 5th wheel. She was properly minimized IMO, and even then, I thought her scenes in this one kind of sucked
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I did think the Lando-ex storm trooper chick scene at the end was kind of awkward with them just goofily smiling at each other.
Liquid Wrench
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DannyDuberstein said:

I did think the Lando-ex storm trooper chick scene at the end was kind of awkward with them just goofily smiling at each other.
I'm guessing that was the missing daughter storyline that apparently got trimmed.
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That's what i assumed. I think they probably should have kept trimming. It was kind of weird to go "is he her dad? Or is the old ladies man kind of hitting on her?" since there was essentially zero setup for it.
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I would be interested in a 4 hour directors cut at some point to see if it made it better.
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What a lazy and uninspired movie. I can't think of a weaker way to end this. Really what was the point of anything after RTJ to end like this?

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Holy crap that was great! Not sure how all will feel about it, but I enjoyed the redemption of Ben Solo. Bravo to Adam Driver, guy just nailed his role.

Will take another viewing to unpack it all, but I loved it.

And what the heck, her staff was a lightsaber all along... we've argued that since TFA photos were released. So, we can only assume she knew it all along I guess.
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jr15aggie said:

Holy crap that was great! Not sure how all will feel about it, but I enjoyed the redemption of Ben Solo. Bravo to Adam Driver, guy just nailed his role.

Will take another viewing to unpack it all, but I loved it.

And what the heck, her staff was a lightsaber all along... we've argued that since TFA photos were released. So, we can only assume she knew it all along I guess.
What did you like about his redemption? Because to me it felt completely unearned and awful. Especially when you consider that the series is built on one of the biggest redemption stories of all time with Vader.
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exitone said:

Chewie finally got his due this movie

How did we not see Rey being a Palpatine?!?! We should have guessed that the second we heard Palps the trailer.

I was hoping for a few more Easter Eggs... more references to Rebels and Ashoka. I was listening for Ashoka when all the Jedi were talking, but I didn't hear her.

That's been my guess from the start. Just saying.
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Not sure about unearned. There was clearly always a strong connection with Rey, and while the pull always seemed to be focused on her and the dark side, there was pull on him too. Yeah, it's a cheaper version than the greatest of all time, but I didnt think that made it awful
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I will say this, if one film maker had been allowed to enact his vision on the entire trilogy then it would have gone better. You can't have JJ starting one way, then Rian coming and completely changing directions, only to have JJ try to salvage it by taking a disgustingly middle of the road view with ZERO risks and a ton of rehash. Disney screwed the pooch there.

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DannyDuberstein said:

Not sure about unearned. There was clearly always a strong connection with Rey, and while the pull always seemed to be focused on her and the dark side, there was pull on him too. Yeah, it's a cheaper version than the greatest of all time, but I didnt think that made it awful
Oh I mean I definitely think there was pull on him, they had hinted at it for all 3 films in some way shape or form. But it felt incredibly forced which is why I say its unearned. There was literally no trigger at all. People may view this differently, but for me they did it because that's what they did before. I probably would be less harsh on it if this were the only part of the film that felt that way, but almost every large plot point felt that way to me.
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I will say I enjoyed all the Sith stuff. I'm a sucker for massive crumbling temples and old relics.

Plus I felt a little India Jones homage with Palps melting at the end.
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Rey bringing him back was the final trigger, no?
Cinco Ranch Aggie
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Loved the cameos by Anakin, Mace Windu, Qui Gon, Ahsoka, etc.
What, did I blink or something? Totally missed this. Or were you referring to when we heard the Jedi voices speaking to Rey (of which the only voice I could identify for certain was Yoda)?
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BoydCrowder13 said:

I hate the Force powers in these new ones. They make Rey god mode. She can now pull a Plagieus and control life and can teleport objects through the Force. 900 year old Yoda was a freaking newb compared to that.

That's my biggest complaint with this new trilogy. The force doesn't give you God powers. Healing... Okay, maybe. And that's when after seeing it in The Mandalorian first. But bringing back from the dead? Teleporting objects?

And I thought the connection Rey and Ren had was because of Smoke. If he's gone, how is it still going on?

That said, I like the way it was executed. It all worked for me. But I wish they could have made these movies...and this one specifically, without all that.
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