*** STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER *** (Spoiler Thread)

174,487 Views | 1435 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
G Martin 87
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And how could you not explain how Palpatine survived? Not even one line to explain that?

This is the problem with jumping into the middle of the whole Palpatine story. But I like someones theory on here where the big blue flash when he fell down the shaft in ROTJ was him doing something with his force energy to transport his consciousness somewhere else until his Sith Cult members or whatever they were could collect his body.
My Mandalorian prediction:
I think Disney is using The Mandalorian to connect the dots between ROTJ and ROS. The Moff who was shown in episode 7 will be revealed to be in charge of the effort to find a "cure" to restore the Emperor after the Battle of Endor.
Gangnam Style
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Obi-Wan: "These are your final steps Rey. Rise and take them."
Anakin: "Rey"
Ahsoka: "Rey."
Kanan: "Rey."
Anakin: "Bring back the balance Rey, as I did."
Ahsoka or Aayla: "The light. Find the light, Rey"
Qui-Gon: "Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you"
Anakin: "The Force surrounds you, Rey"
Mace: "Feel the Force flowing through you Rey."
Anakin: "Let it lift you."
Ahsoka: "Rise Rey"
Qui-Gon: "We stand behind you, Rey"
Old Obi-Wan: "Rey"
Yoda: "Rise in the Force."
Kanan: "In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength. "
Obi-Wan: "Rise"
Qui-Gon: "Rise"
Luke: "Rey, the Force will be with you. Always."
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I thought decades ago the comics (Dark Empire) had palps having somehow transported his soul to an advanced and hidden cloning facility. Timeline is a little different (as is the story) but it's not TOTALLY out of left field.
"The only happy Aggie is an unhappy Aggie." Shelby Metcalf
G Martin 87
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Gigem314 said:

"A thousand generations live in you now"
I loved the direction JJ took with this...and getting to hear all the Jedi masters speaking to Rey was an incredibly cool moment. I was hoping for a 'force ghost' reunion of everyone, but this was enough. It ties in the legacy of the Jedi. Obi-Won, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Windu, etc.
JJ must be a fan of Dune. This is literally the power of the Kwisatz Haderach.
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Gangnam Style said:

Obi-Wan: "These are your final steps Rey. Rise and take them."
Anakin: "Rey"
Ahsoka: "Rey."
Kanan: "Rey."
Anakin: "Bring back the balance Rey, as I did."
Ahsoka or Aayla: "The light. Find the light, Rey"
Qui-Gon: "Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you"
Anakin: "The Force surrounds you, Rey"
Mace: "Feel the Force flowing through you Rey."
Anakin: "Let it lift you."
Ahsoka: "Rise Rey"
Qui-Gon: "We stand behind you, Rey"
Old Obi-Wan: "Rey"
Yoda: "Rise in the Force."
Kanan: "In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength. "
Obi-Wan: "Rise"
Qui-Gon: "Rise"
Luke: "Rey, the Force will be with you. Always."

Goosebump moment for sure. So glad this was included.
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Empress Palpatine was smokin hot. Would bang
"The only happy Aggie is an unhappy Aggie." Shelby Metcalf
The Collective
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a few takes...

-If you think Palpatine was a late add and not planned....what do you think was the plan then? I do fully believe she was always going to be a palpatine but what better way to bring that up than with Palpatine resurrection and her destroying him for good.

-Kylo and Rey were always drawn together so anyone that cant accept that relationship just wasnt paying attention. It was always about the draw between them and their link through the force. I thought their interations through the force in this movie were FANTASTIC. The passing of items in those scenes was shot spectacularly and tied into the story line very well

- with them being tied together as palpatine explained being extremely rare they were able to have force links that others couldnt. So it wasnt so much that she was more powerful than old man yoda but she had a different link in sorts her and ren shared their powers through the force.

-force healing isnt new so i didnt have a problem with those aspects at all. it was shown recently in Mando, then she used it on the snake and explained how it worked, then she killed ren and was able to force heal and bring back ben...allowing him to come to the light and turn around saving her the same way.

-LASTLY and this one is probably going to get blasted but my wife is a big REYLO nut so she went into the movie hoping for their union but she was more hoping for her turning not him (we both knew that was never happening though) but with that aspect I actually felt like that helped the movie make more sense as opposed to non reylo fans.....but with that she was telling me about an alternative belief that I do think could make for a good next trilogy.....that is: Ben bringing her back to life and while doing so keeping his hands on her, specifically on her belly, could this be a way to bring a"rise" of a NEW skywalker meaning a true child of both darnkess and light that will finally bring a balance to the force
The Collective
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Most deserved cameo: John Williams.
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Somebody asked about Rey's parents.

At some point in the movie, I believe somebody said "the emperor's son". I think that was showing the lineage from Palpatine to Rey, on the paternal side.
The Collective
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birdman said:

Somebody asked about Rey's parents.

At some point in the movie, I believe somebody said "the emperor's son". I think that was showing the lineage from Palpatine to Rey, on the paternal side.

Sith are patriarchal. Good to know.
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birdman said:

Somebody asked about Rey's parents.

At some point in the movie, I believe somebody said "the emperor's son". I think that was showing the lineage from Palpatine to Rey, on the paternal side.
Yeah they said Emperor's son.
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cpsencik04 said:

-If you think Palpatine was a late add and not planned....what do you think was the plan then? I do fully believe she was always going to be a palpatine but what better way to bring that up than with Palpatine resurrection and her destroying him for good.
I agree with this. I think that, had Abrams been able to execute his creative vision over the whole trilogy that the reveal that Rey is a Palpatine would have happened in Episode 8. Perhaps she (and maybe Kylo teamed up?) defeat Snoke but then learn that some remnant of Palpatine is the puppeteer behind the scenes and that is your cliffhanger and reason to go see Episode 9. As it was, there was no compelling story driven reason at the end of 8 to get people to go see 9.
double aught
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Well, I really enjoyed it. I'm sure if I thought very critically about it, I could find issues. But why do that?
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Took the fam las night to watch (down here we had the premiere Thursday 12am) and enjoyed it. I would give it 7/10, the palpatine deal was a stretch to me but my boys seemed to enjoy the twist. George Lucas always wanted the movies to appeal to kids and I guess Disney has done so
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So help me understand the dream sequence scenes from the last two:

1) Does TROS help us interpret the cave / vision scene from TLJ where we see all the Rey's and mirrors? I cant think of anything.

2) in TROS, when she goes into the secret Sith chamber on the Death Star where the Sith Holocron is hidden, she encounters Sith Rey... my assumption is this is the dark side showing itself similar to the cave scene in ESB with Luke and Vader. But was there an overall point to this other than it hinting at Rey's family?
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I just thought of something that would have been a great ending..

At the very end, when she says her name is Rey Skywalker.. Rey should have rub her stomach as if she was pregnant. .... think about it for a second... you can cringe now.
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Ambres said:

I just thought of something that would have been a great ending..

At the very end, when she says her name is Rey Skywalker.. Rey should have rub her stomach as if she was pregnant. .... think about it for a second... you can cringe now.
Its funny you mention this, because my son asked this earlier if somehow Ben made her pregnant when he touched her stomach (we had been talking about how Anakin was 'created' by palpatine).
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Awesome. Considering what he was left with, JJ did service to the franchise. With this movie and the mandolorian, I'm now excited to where the franchise heads.
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TriumphForks said:

cpsencik04 said:

-If you think Palpatine was a late add and not planned....what do you think was the plan then? I do fully believe she was always going to be a palpatine but what better way to bring that up than with Palpatine resurrection and her destroying him for good.
I agree with this. I think that, had Abrams been able to execute his creative vision over the whole trilogy that the reveal that Rey is a Palpatine would have happened in Episode 8. Perhaps she (and maybe Kylo teamed up?) defeat Snoke but then learn that some remnant of Palpatine is the puppeteer behind the scenes and that is your cliffhanger and reason to go see Episode 9. As it was, there was no compelling story driven reason at the end of 8 to get people to go see 9.
could have been good... TLJ ends with Kylo going to some dark and distant world, then we see the back of the throne and Palpatines laugh and credits. It would mirror the end of TFA.
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exitone said:

Ambres said:

I just thought of something that would have been a great ending..

At the very end, when she says her name is Rey Skywalker.. Rey should have rub her stomach as if she was pregnant. .... think about it for a second... you can cringe now.
Its funny you mention this, because my son asked this earlier if somehow Ben made her pregnant when he touched her stomach (we had been talking about how Anakin was 'created' by palpatine).
Did you explain that that isn't how sex works
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Back from a lunchtime Drafthouse showing and I enjoyed it, not a perfect film but entertaining and did a good job wrapping things up. Random notes...

- Loved Ben's redemption arc, hated the kiss. That would've worked so much better without it.

- Did we know Leia was a fully trained Jedi? That surprised me a bit.

- Battle sequences and effects work was top notch, and all the humor landed well.

- Really liked Hux as the mole, and even though I saw Lando coming that worked well.

- Liked that Ben and Leia Force ghosted, and JJ stuck the landing with Rey on Tatooine.

Overall I'm positive on it, going to see it again tomorrow night where I can sit back and think about the story a bit more.
Ag Since 83
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Great discussion on this thread. After thinking about it all day, I've decided this is a bad movie but not one that I can really hate in the way I hate the prequels. And this thread proves that talking about its zany and messy plot will be a lot more enjoyable than talking about the prequels
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So Palpatine and his Sith Loyalists had Snoke in the cloning tanks. So we know Snoke was a clone. I'm wondering if this goes back to the thought of was Snoke really Darth Plagueis. In this case though, a clone of Darth Plagueis.

Based on the books, the description of Darth Plaguesis was identical to Snoke.

I dont think the SW TROS book is going to be released for a while. But I wonder when it does, if it goes into more depth on how Palpatine returned, who was Snoke, etc. Basically, building up the story they flew through in the first act.
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Cool. Glad to know you and Ambres don't read all posts
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cpsencik04 said:

Cool. Glad to know you and Ambres don't read all posts
Ooops, hmm not sure which post your reference... skimmed again and did not find the reference. <<-- my wife has well established that I miss things pretty obvious so very likely it went over my head.
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Really enjoyed it. Wish they could have leveraged VIII better, but IX fits overall redemption story in every way. Clunky at times, but overall, very well done. Now TLJ can go join Rocky V in the Unknown Regions.
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Book release is on March according to Star Wars Theory
"The only happy Aggie is an unhappy Aggie." Shelby Metcalf
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It was actually decent, better than TFA and miles better than other movie that shall not be named. Couple of eye roll moments for me, but it was better than I expected.
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I'm surprised that nobody has brought up the millennium falcon's lightspeed jumping. I had no idea what was happening in that sequence. It was just a giant blur. And how did the tie fighters follow them?
Ag Since 83
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I wanted to bring that up all day but couldn't remember what they called it. That was a good example of how they get into trouble trying to make this too much of an action series.
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OKCAg2002 said:

I'm surprised that nobody has brought up the millennium falcon's lightspeed jumping. I had no idea what was happening in that sequence. It was just a giant blur. And how did the tie fighters follow them?
maybe it's just going into lightspeed without having the calculations all done so you don't crash into something.

And the First order had tracking through lightspeed abilities from TLJ.
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double aught said:

Well, I really enjoyed it. I'm sure if I thought very critically about it, I could find issues. But why do that?
Same here. Took my son and we both really enjoyed it.
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CoachRTM said:

Gangnam Style said:

Obi-Wan: "These are your final steps Rey. Rise and take them."
Anakin: "Rey"
Ahsoka: "Rey."
Kanan: "Rey."
Anakin: "Bring back the balance Rey, as I did."
Ahsoka or Aayla: "The light. Find the light, Rey"
Qui-Gon: "Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you"
Anakin: "The Force surrounds you, Rey"
Mace: "Feel the Force flowing through you Rey."
Anakin: "Let it lift you."
Ahsoka: "Rise Rey"
Qui-Gon: "We stand behind you, Rey"
Old Obi-Wan: "Rey"
Yoda: "Rise in the Force."
Kanan: "In the heart of the Jedi lies her strength. "
Obi-Wan: "Rise"
Qui-Gon: "Rise"
Luke: "Rey, the Force will be with you. Always."

Goosebump moment for sure. So glad this was included.
Huge goosebumps and a lump in my throat.
double aught
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I think they called it lightspeed skipping.
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