When are noms? I assume Paul nominates Corey and Nicole?
We should know who was nominated, and probably who won veto when the feeds come back tonight (10pm PST). HOH gives you immunity, but the veto holder has the real power this week as they are the only vote (unless Paul wins, then he decides who gets to vote). I feel like Nic has the best shot to win, typically it involves dates or knowing facts about who did what in the house.
Just now watching the episode. Vic was a giant ****** when Corey called him into the hoh room to talk.
He was definitely pissy, but the main reason he was upset was he and Paul were blindsided. He understood the strategy behind it once he calmed down, I just think Corey and Nic just handled it poorly. It seems to be the theme of the season. If Corey had just explained before the noms that he didn't want to risk Nic going up in case one of Paul/Vic won the veto, I don't think Vic would have been as angry. They could have even played it up that they still wanted to get James out. That way if Vic/Paul won veto, they wouldn't have been upset with them and then they could have then explained the need to get the non-veto winner out once noms were final. Instead they burned a possible jury vote.