I think I just had a potentially awesome idea for the teaser trailer...
Think along the lines of the first
Man of Steel teaser trailer. Similar vibe, with only music and a voice over. Here, however, all we hear is the voice of Qui-Gon reciting the Jedi Code...
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.
... except each line is juxtaposed wth seemingly contradictory imagery. It's these huge, sweeping, 70mm shots of Obi-Wan and his plight on Tatooine... feeling emotion, the passion of love, caught in the chaos of warring factions, seeing death, etc. All alluding to this idea that keeping his oath and previous way of life, as hard as he may try, is a huge burden on him, alone, with no kind of support group or kindred spirits.
I feel like core idea of the movie is about the Obi-Wan of the prequels coming to terms with his new life on Tatooine, and kind of losing himself a bit in the process. He's still the same Obi-Wan we know and love, as tried and true as ever, but I feel like he still needs to go through some sh*t in order to become the Obi-Wan of the OT. If anything, in order to reaffirm who he always was.
Anyway, I may be way off, but I think a teaser trailer along those lines could be pretty powerful, if done right, and would really speak to the heart of the movie.