75,256 Views | 444 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by Brian Earl Spilner
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I feel like Miar has to die. And what happened to the luke tie in and Obiwan having to keep the empire from finding out?
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Agreed that "A Star Wars Story" sucks, but calling it Star Wars: Whatever would be way too confusing now that they're not numbering the main episodes. Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One was better in every way. I just can't understand why they went from this...

... to this...

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Ooooh. I got it.

Obiwan drops his guard with Miar and lets it slip that Luke is vaders kid. Miar betrays Obiwan and goes to the bounty hunter in hopes that the info will buy her freedom. The bounty hunter of course kills Miar anyways to get both bounties but Obiwan stops him from leaving and kills him before he can alert the empire.
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Sorry, fig, missed your post while I was typing mine.
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It confuses me, because I really liked the original style.... Making it "A Star Wars Story" not only makes it a mouthful, but to me is also less visually appealing.
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No worries, we're obviously on the same page with this one
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Ooooh. I got it.

Obiwan drops his guard with Miar and lets it slip that Luke is vaders kid. Miar betrays Obiwan and goes to the bounty hunter in hopes that the info will buy her freedom. The bounty hunter of course kills Miar anyways to get both bounties but Obiwan stops him from leaving and kills him before he can alert the empire.

I've thought about it a lot, and I'm not really digging the idea of the female love interest betraying Obi-Wan. That makes it too easy for him to stop loving and return to his Jedi ways. Rather, it needs to be a choice; something bittersweet that he decides on his own.

Going to back to an earlier idea, I love the idea of the villain coming to kill Obi-Wan, and it's him who eventually discovers that Obi-Wan is watching over Vader's kid (much less that Vader actually has a kid in the first place). Then Obi-Wan eventually kills him before he can alert the Empire.
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I dunno.. You gotta admit. A good unseen plot twist is a vital part of the best star wars movies .
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Agreed. I've just seen that particular plot twist a million times. I think we can do better.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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how about obi-wan swings his saber the other way and falls in love with Owen Lars?
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Ok just spitballin here.

Karst turns out to have so much power that he has to be using the force somehow. Though it's obvious he's completely untrained in it.

Turns out he had a young son that was even more in tune with the force. Though he died.... At the hands of Anakin at the academy.

He blames Obiwan because he was Anakins mentor. So when he finds out Obiwan is on the planet he obsesses with killing him.
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Speaking of plot. And of keeping secrets. Are we perhaps sabotaging the chances of this ever getting made with the fact that the entire plot is being brainstormed on a public internet forum?

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Onward to To 5 star General board!!!!
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I thought about that, and I don't think it matters at this early stage. Again, the chances of this script actually getting picked up by Lucasfilm are astronomically low, so I'm not too worried. But let's say it actually does - at that point, I would just ask TexAgs to take the thread offline, if not long before then. Also, I should probably make it clear that I never expect the full, detailed plot to be posted here. We'll get it to a point, then it'll be up to me to go off and write it, and a million different things could happen during that process that will change certain beats/characters/plot points around and what not. That, and I sure as hell won't post actually drafts of the script in this thread either. If I get that far, we can figure out a system for passing it around to a select few, or some kind of private board or something.
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Because this was really bothering me...

C'mon Lucasfilm, at least rework the alignment of the rule line with the text, the original version just looks lazy.

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Ha, I gotta be honest, I like the original better. Now, the spacing between the Rogue One title and the outline border is uneven. They basically chose the lesser of two evils, and I see why...
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I did an evenly spaced version as well.

The main issue the typeface they chose for "A" and "story", it's so thin in comparison to "Star Wars" that any alignment they attempt will have issues.

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I dig that last one.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Still loving "Anthology".

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In order to work with the 7th issue of the Star Wars comic, I think we need to move our film back one year. In that comic, Ben has some resolution to the very sorts of questions we expect him to ask in our movie. While we shouldn't necessarily be slavish to the comics or other media, we should try to honor them when we can. It just works better if our movie happens before the comic.

I love the idea of our heroine being in her 30s, btw.

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Working some more on building characters and the bones of the story:

Karst Mekolo, Bothan Bounty Hunter

In a business full of violent cutthroats, Karst is a professional. He's in it for the money, not the thrill of the hunt or the satisfaction of a disintegration. He does his species credit in his methodical process and the fact that he observes things that others overlook. It has made him very good at his job.

Karst operates under license from the Black Sun, one of the largest criminal syndicates in the Galaxy, and an organization that often deals with the Empire. He was also a favorite agent of Lord Tion, an Imperial noble and commodore who patrolled parts of the Outer Rim in his flagship, the Devastator.

It is Karst who discerns that there is something afoot other than smuggling on the Nova Ruby, and becomes suspicious of Miar. Suspicious enough to follow her when she leaves the ship to seek alternative transportation home when the yacht is impounded.

General Plot Outline

  • Open with an establishing montage of Kenobi, going about his daily life. No lines spoken let the music say it all. These are daily chores and mindless work. He harvests black melons in the desert for water. He closes off windows against an approaching sandstorm. He takes cover to avoid passing Tusken. He checks traps and pulls out desert rodents that he uses for food. He trudges on foot to Anchorhead/Toshi Station to barter for supplies. Finish montage with Kenobi settling down at a table in this alien place, looking around carefully before realizing that nobody even cares he's there. He calls over a waiter. Last lingering shot as he looks really depressed and alone.
  • Next sequence needs to establish Miar and her journey on the Nova Ruby, but also needs to be an action sequence. Maybe a raid by Imperials, or Imperial-hired mercenaries, as it turns out that the captain of the Ruby has been smuggling on the side and drawn undue attention. When the authorities in question search the computer's records for evidence of the smuggling, they note that the personal files of the passengers have been sliced. This isn't what they're looking for, and is dismissed by most, but lingers with one of the mercs our Bothan bounty hunter antagonist.
  • The slicing was done, of course, by Miar. She was hacking the transmissions and records of the passengers to turn over to the Rebels for data mining.

Plot Problems

  • Kenobi needs a way to get around. How does he get to and from the Lars farm, or to Anchorhead/Mos Eisley to get supplies? Traditionally these things are all written as very far apart. Solution may just need to be that things are relatively close together, at least close enough for a Jedi Master to be able to walk in a couple of days.

Forgot to mention that Karst being Black Sun affords some interesting story opportunities. First, it brings this canon organization into the mainstream for the first time. Second, it further establishes a rival syndicate to the Hutts; after all, if we ever get a film about the Star Wars underworld, the Black Sun would be at the forefront.

Finally, it puts Karst in a bind on Tatooine. He would either have to meet with the Hutts to tell them he is operating in their territory, or else try to operate under their radar. Both have story opportunities. He might even do both... first the latter, then the former.

IMO, this archetype is all too common in the SW universe. I think Robot Chicken had the right idea with this video. How about coming up with something a little more "flamboyant"? Like Dengar...

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So I know this is out of left field, but why not make the main antagonist a rogue darth maul? we know he's alive at the end of the clone wars series and he does have a personal vendetta against Kenobi. Although it appears he will make an appearance in Rebels about 3 years before episode 4, so continuity would be an issue. Still though, it's an interesting thought plot wise, and he was a great bad guy on the big screen.
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So I know this is out of left field, but why not make the main antagonist a rogue darth maul? we know he's alive at the end of the clone wars series and he does have a personal vendetta against Kenobi. Although it appears he will make an appearance in Rebels about 3 years before episode 4, so continuity would be an issue. Still though, it's an interesting thought plot wise, and he was a great bad guy on the big screen.

I think we want something fresh, and Maul's backstory would confuse people as well. Plus, I'm relatively certain that he will die in Rebels. That has been the pattern for dealing with characters who were important in TCW, but didn't show up in later films. To remove questions like "where are the Nightsisters in all this?" they write them out.
Ag Since 83
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Yeah definitely stay away from Maul. The movie only audience would be wondering how the hell he's alive.
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That would be me. I was just about to post "Isn't he dead?" Apparently not
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Maul is not dead for now. From the Rebels mid-season trailer

Lightened up a bit:

"Call me, old master."
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I absolutely LOVE this title.

HOWEVER, I can see some casual moviegoers being confused and thinking the title of this film as "Star Wars: Rogue One Anthology."

Maybe switch it up a little?

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Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope...

...of distraction from this TERRIBLE work I'm trying to do, when my true calling is OBVIOUSLY as a famous screenwriter.
Stunt Double
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I was keeping up with this thread when it started and really liked some of the initial ideas. Some of this may have been discussed or added but here my quick input...

-Intro to the movie should be introducing Obiwan Lord of the rings style when Aragorn(stryder) is in the corner of the tavern (Cantina) and he has the hood on and smoking all mysterious style. Some conflict arises and pretty much leads into the Jabba's gang storyline mentioned before.

-After finishing with the Jabba dealing he is contacted to meet with someone privately to receive a message. They meet at a T-16 beggars canyon race type thing where the focus is more on their discreet conversation, but in the back ground you can hear announcers referring to skywalker winning and see a quick scene of his T-16 in action then back to the conversation.

-the conversation he has is about saving Bail Organa on mandalore. This could be Obi's first time leaving planet since bringing Luke so he has a moment of checking in on their farm briefly one last time before leaving. (very small nods but not full on interaction, just enough to let you know theyre there and on his mind).

-Organa can be in some kind of situation where he is being held by bounty hunters for being a rebel spy (hes obviously known from the prequals as a republic sympithizer and not committed Alderaan into the empire so they are trying to bring him in for conspiracy etc etc.)

-Enter bounty hunters who have tracked him to Mandalore (mandalore is always neutral in everything i have seen) or maybe even are holding him while trying to negotiate their bounty aka wanting more dolla bills because hey theyre scum. The cast of bounty hunters can be the group below as they make their cameo in ESB and have some B character roles in TCW. Boba fett has ties to this group from TCW so i think it would be cool to tie his Anthology film to going on this bounty with this group (not full story but just heres the orders lets go!roll credits)

-In TCW Obiwans love interest is obviously the Mandalorian queen, and obviously it never works out for them other than shared feelings and she ends up getting killed which was a heart breaking moment for Obi. He does however meet her sister who was one of the members of Death Watch I believe. His off world scene where he is called to Mandalore (which we never see in any of the movies, only a few episodes of TCW) he reconnects with the sister and has a Mel Gibson in the Patriot moment with her by falling in love with her while reminiscing about the original love interest. Depending on how the Rey parent revealing goes in Episode 8 this could go either way where it leaves you assuming she would be the one to bear his child, or just add it up to one of the many contemplations he has regarding the jedi code where he ultimately says he has to return to tatooine (but atleast we got to see Obi in love on the big screen).

-Mandalore chick with fellow mandaloreans in their bad ass armor help Obi wan save Organa and sometime during the Obi Organa interaction we get a slight nod to Leia.

-Obi returns to Tatooine where everything is calm and peaceful and all is right in the world again....if the Rey storyline continues as his baby then the Mandalorian chick shows up to live with him and bang.Obviously they wouldnt concieve Rey now due to timeline, but he could have a premonition jedi style where he sees her being born and given her real name(if its not rey), conflict that makes them want to take her into hiding, then the flying away from Jakku scene.

-part of the premonition can be quigon jin and obi wakes up beginning his immortality training or whatever its called.

-roll credits

Sorry for really bad spelling and grammar. I got excited the more I typed.
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Ha, I wish I had some good news, but unfortunately I'm just too busy to dig into this at the moment. My life is absolutely crazy right now, more so than I thought it would be - in a good way - but that leaves things like this neglected, which sucks. Not giving up on it, though. It's just going to be a while before I can free up the time. Sorry!
Brian Earl Spilner
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I was gonna ask about this today.
Ag Since 83
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Hmm, a movie about Ewan MacGregor alone in the desert struggling with demons and how to save everyone...
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I just spent way too much time reading through this entire thread and this sounds awesome.

How the heist scene could work:
Organa is on his transport ship to (insert planet here for insert reason here). The bounty hunter, Karst, eager to get a piece of information that can help him get "in" with the Empire, raids the ship and kills almost everybody on board before he traps Organa, C3PO, and R2 as they try to get to the escape pods. He then forces Organa to give him information about the up and coming Rebels by either A) giving him the truth serum that Vader uses in A New Hope or B) threatening Leia's life (if she is on the ship). It is at this point that Organa gives up the information about a certain Rebel spy named Miar.

The bounty hunter, eager to show the Empire his worth, takes on the task of hunting down this spy himself instead of relaying this information directly to the Empire. *cut to title sequence*

An interesting side note that could potentially come out of this heist is that this could be the event that brings sympathizers into Organa's cause and brings about the Rebel Alliance as we know it in A New Hope. It could also show Organa that he won't always be there, so he starts training Leia to eventually take over for him when the time arises.

I'm sure there are lots of holes that could be punched in this and there's most definitely a better way of doing it, I'm just spit balling here.
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