Been a while since I've dropped in this thread, but I have a few new suggestions that hopefully some of you may enjoy.
As discussed previously, Zaya's quality has significantly diminished over the years - to the point where I will no longer buy it, and I nurse the little I have left of the original. This weekend I discovered a decent replacement that had a taste that was somewhat reminiscent of Zaya - it is called Vizcaya Black: only 30 bucks or so I think its worth trying out to see if you like it. I wouldn't say it replaces Zacapa as my running favorite, but I really enjoyed it.
Another one I just recently got was Santa Teresa 1796 Solera: one had somewhat of a slight scotch style finish to me, but was still an enjoyable sipper. It is lighter in body than Zacapa, and although it is near the same price point, I wouldn't put it at the same level as Zacapa. I think it is a good addition to my collection just to have every once in a while.