Policy Update for the 2017- 2018 Corps Year

59,225 Views | 350 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by HollywoodBQ
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EST = CQ, ol Ags
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In my experience as an exchange cadet to VMI they did not have the same outfit pride. Class pride...most definatly yes. But the outfits were all pretty generic. You had a lot more cadets that were not as engaged as A&M. That comes from as you observed the lack of leadership opportunities. Also the fact that our fish year is in fact a full year is a big difference. Going to have to think about the changes to form an opinion. I still miss fish having to wildcat down the quad and be with a buddy everywhere on the quad. But I am long dead. I loved those experiences. They made my buddies and I very tight, but times change. Not always for the best
Trillary Clinton
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Santa Anna
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AgBQ-00 said:

In my experience as an exchange cadet to VMI they did not have the same outfit pride. Class pride...most definatly yes. But the outfits were all pretty generic.
I'm not saying their outfit identity is on the same level as A&M - i.e. If you gave me a choice between attending a reunion for my class or a reunion for my outfit, I'd definitely choose the outfit reunion. But, they do have outfit identities and bag out the other outfits, etc.

You had a lot more cadets that were not as engaged as A&M. That comes from as you observed the lack of leadership opportunities.
I agree with that. One thing that amazes me is the fact that VMI 5th year and the ultra-rare 6th year cadets still have to go to formation, wear the uniform, etc. Could you imagine 5th, 6th and 7th year cadets at A&M?

That also reminds me of one big thing at A&M which is Class Distinction by uniform parts. Nobody else has anything as distinctive as white belts or Senior Boots.

Also the fact that our fish year is in fact a full year is a big difference.
Yeah, that one still trips me out. They have two hell weeks but after the second one circa February, they're just regular 4th class cadets, no more hard core corps games. Whereas we had to go hard all the way until mid-late April or even up to the old Canoe Trip (which of course is long gone).
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Looking forward to half-assed, deflected answers from the OOC when they post in this thread. Looking forward to the **** they spread. Glad I graduated when I did. The changes I saw coming down the pipe, and this, is just a whole lot more proof why I will continue to refuse to support or finance the current iteration of the Corps of Cadets.

This is a ****ing disgrace. Goodbye outfit identity. Goodbye culture. Goodbye Corps.
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Had some time this evening to put my thoughts into words, I'll provide my comments in bold next to the change.

FOW Updates
Introduction of Standard Corps Day into FOW schedule
Academic Day and EST into the daily schedule
No training during EST
I don't see how these three can be added during FOW, unless they count the days of briefings fish get taken to during as FOW as the academic day that change makes no sense. Adding EST (CQ for you olds) doesn't make sense either. That would mean training would stop at 19:30. I know if most outfits the evenings are used for more locked off conversations with the fish about fish privileges, learning how to polish, etc with the fish.
No inventory fish PFT (total of 3 to 4 PT sessions)
This is a push, they'll just have to take the one with the rest of the returning Corps the first few weeks. 3-4 pt sessions is normal for FOW as it is now.
No Shopping Trips (no req for standardized room items)
I don't get this at all, if they don't have to be standardized in their holes where do you draw the line at where fish can't be individuals?
More Team Building and Leadership Dev exercises
Two things here:
1.the water fight is a big team building/class building event but let's get rid of that

2. FOW is not the time for this. fish have to learn how to wear/wire uniforms, polish brass and low quarters, close order drill before class starts and the first football march in so they don't look terrible along with having to learn everything else that goes with being in the Corps. You can do leadership activities during the rest of fish year if that is going to be a point of emphasis.
No Water Fight (MU Field Meet instead)
This is just stupid. Water fight is one of the few things all cadets can agree on as one of the best parts of fish year. Its good for morale and lots of fish classes come together for the first time at water fight. MU field meet won't accomplish the same IMO
Corps Run on Friday after Thursday night Airout
Everyone just loves a good Corps Walk
Remaining Corps members return Friday prior to classes
Don't think this is all that different, think non cadre and staff can usually check in on Friday and Saturday or something similar

No Freshman Convocation on Sunday prior to classes
Always thought Convocation was a good way to frame that fish are there for school not just the corps, also is usually when the new policy brief for the upperclassmen was so it served a dual purpose.

Changes to Uniform Bag
Drop Black Sweater / Poncho
Don't care about the sweater, most cadets don't wear it. Dropping the poncho is stupid, it has to be fairly cheap and the damn thing is super waterproof.
Return to Winter Uniform (Pink Trousers & Gabardine Shirt)
Looks goofy because we aren't used to it but whatever
Reduction in number of Midnight shirts / Boot pants
Most zips have at most 2 midnight tops, 2 B boot pants and maybe 2 pink boot pants.....

2017-2018 Updates
Weekly Schedule Changes
M/W/F Morning
Corps/ROTC/Special Unit PT Sessions
If Army continues to have three pt sessions a week this means all Army contracts in your outfit cease to exist three mornings a week, every week. Same if someone is a different ROTC and in a special unit.
ROTC PT on Thursday if Corps Run Friday
T/TH Morning
Unit Instruction / Drill / Counseling / CR events
Not really a change except there was PT authorized for Thurs mornings this year and some ROTC PT is Thursday
Afternoon Training
Alternative PT Session (total of 4 PT sessions / week)
This is nice considering we can't do afternoon PT now.... but its the same number of sessions we are limited to now
LRC / O-Course / Stamina Course / other
Corps Values Training

Standardized Training at the Major Unit level.
Pass PFT and meet Weight Standards
Proudly wear uniform & Look sharp while marching
Achieve Fish-level tasks
Earn Corps Brass
Cadets trained at Major Unit level to conduct standardized training across the MU
There's already some training to work with the other outfits in your MU now but its more to bounce ideas off new people and see what works in other outfits, I don't see an argument to say this isn't just trying to kill outfit culture. If you want staff to supervise outfits, so be it. Make sure they are hitting the minimum and intervene if not
CTOs will lead / supervise PT sessions in Aug / Sep
Max group runs < 2 miles at 8.5 to 9 min pace
MU trainers will lead / supervise PT sessions in Oct
Max group runs < 3 miles at 8.5 min pace
Unit led PT sessions in Nov (< 4 miles at 8 min pace)
No PT training sessions after Thanksgiving until the Spring Semester
This is ridiculous. Outfits run ability groups that help not push fish past their limits a dangerous amount. A 9 min pace isn't going to cause anyone to get better at running. And if CTOs and MU staff are leading all this how are the outfit training chains supposed to learn and grow? If outfits can only lead PT in Nov that means a total of 3-4 weeks were each outfit gets to have its own identity.
Corps Brass will be conducted solely on West Campus
Not surprised here. Remember being told we were to do corps brass one year on a certain day because there would be less eyes seeing it. Get over it. The corps is supposed to run, and push and be a difficult experience. Also kills plenty of outfit traditions of getting brass at certain places (Sully,Bonfire Memorial, etc) and I would assume also limits the outfits that have zips change into midnights or Class As to pin brass on their fish
Wed 22 Nov (Reading Day)
Corps movement to West Campus
Designated areas for PT sessions
Brass awarded at Corps formation
Return to Quad as a Corps
See above, Corps Brass, the locations of workouts, and the pinning of brass means such different things to so many outfits and this kills all of that

2017-2018 Updates in the Works
MU trainers conduct FOW Basic Skills training for all fish in the Major Unit
Gets rid of the awe and respect fish have for Cadre members in an outfit. Those cadre members that shape you during FOW and then continue to hold important positions in the outfit and the upperclassmen you remember through the years. Are we also saying that we don't trust outfits to be able to teach drill? Give me a break.
Cadre and Returning Cadets must pass an open book exam of the Standard and PPG
Don't take issue with this, know what you teach
Hallway & Greeting Procedures being revamped
Duncan Dining Procedures being revamped
I'm sure most cadets will take issue with the changes here.
Learning Objectives for each class being developed; must demonstrate proficiency to earn / maintain cadet rank/position
Don't disagree with this either, I wouldn't mind a return to the old promote system instead of a min rank for all members of a class
Freshmen promoted to PFC / Sophomores to Sergeant for Spring semester if meet promotion criteria (in development)
Don't like have fish ranked above their peers, not the point of the year.
White Belt privileges and excusals from EST being examined for cadets under a certain GPA (similar to Sophomore year)
This already exists, assumes this means they will raise the min GPA for white belts to stay white belts to higher than a 2.3 or whatever it is now. As long as it isn't raised to something ridiculously high I don't see an issue.

I've spent a good bit of time today reflecting on my time in the Corps and how these policies would change that. I don't like it. I don't think they will increase the quality of cadet and I think the lack of outfit pride and culture will increase attrition. fish that don't buy into their outfit don't have a reason to stay.
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I had posted before you showed up, just added my thoughts like I promised I would.
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God bless the Corps and the way she used to be.
A Person
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The way the worded it, it sounds like the only point of the Corps is to pass the PFT and look good in uniform. I always was taught and taught people that the only reason those things were important were as tools to teach leadership, discipline, ect.

It seems the leadership team can't see the forest for the trees
Aggie Infantry
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I am sure that Ramirez is behind this. When you hear his personal story of how bad he feels he was treated in the Corps, it all makes sense.

Difference between Ramirez and most of us is that he took it personally. We did not.

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I think the most frustrating thing is that nearly every policy has changed at least every other year since at least my fish year (probably longer but can't say for certain). I'm not sure why this is, but what I think it boils down to two things: GRam can't decide what he actually wants to do and/or the changes aren't taking. As far as the changes not sticking, changing things every time you turn around doesn't help. Either way, it reflects poorly on the staff.

As far as PT standards/policies, there are definitely some outfits that will be helped by these. At the same time, there are those that will be hurt. Not sure what the PFT standard is now, but it changed for the worse a few years ago. It needs to be raised.

Some of you have mentioned that you don't think GRam is one to lie. I won't go as far as to call him a liar, but I'm going to go pretty close. There were multiple times he made statements about a policy and then the CTOs implemented a policy much different. He would later clarify the policy and contradict the one implemented by the CTOs. The CTOs still never changed what they implemented. So either the CTOs were not being given the same orders or the CTOs were contradicting GRam's orders. An example of this would be the CPT policy that was implemented in 2013-2014.

I see some benefits to nearly every change. On most, I think that the negatives outweigh the positives, but there are absolutely some that are net positives.

Over anything else, I'd like to the echo a previous post. There are far too many ****bags allowed to remain when good cadets who screw up are given no chance. I think what honestly drives a lot of this is the academics of the cadet; is the cadet's GPA raises the Corps or class GPA, more often than not, they will be retained despite their many repeated offences. If the GPA doesn't, then **** 'em. I'm not saying academics aren't important because I definitely learned (the hard way) that they are. I am saying that GRam and his staff have have put an importance on them that far outweighs other qualities of a cadet.

I wanted to end on this, but I got off onto a tangent, so here it is: There are far too many ****bags allowed to remain when good cadets who screw up once are given no chance.
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Has anyone received a response from the OOC on the updates given here. The biggest concern I have is whether or not the cadets have truly had the opportunity to voice their thoughts (without repercussions) on these changes and have been given the chance to form these changes rather than be told by the OOC that this is how things will be. Because if there is that much opposition to these changes by current cadets while nothing is being heard by the bulls, the cadets will have less respect for the current bull staff. I know we all have had bulls we've respected the most and then there are those we have respected the least.
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To be fair, when I saw the length of some of these comments I said "lol nope" and shot straight down to the bottom
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Not trying to get off subject, but did read the presentation that will be no Corps trip to Ft Worth for the Arkansas game nest year?
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There has been massive amounts of uproar on facebook, twitter, and instagram not to mention this particular forum. Now that widespread opposition has been established, many cadets are beginning to openly express their disagreements with the new policies. Why hasn't the OOC released a statement or even acknowledged this movement exists?
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JKnight said:

There has been massive amounts of uproar on facebook, twitter, and instagram not to mention this particular forum. Now that widespread opposition has been established, many cadets are beginning to openly express their disagreements with the new policies. Why hasn't the OOC released a statement or even acknowledged this movement exists?
Insty. Do we have Instagram models in the Corps?
I guess I need to move past the bikini shots and raise my Instagram game.
Rice and Fries
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JKnight said:

There has been massive amounts of uproar on facebook, twitter, and instagram not to mention this particular forum. Now that widespread opposition has been established, many cadets are beginning to openly express their disagreements with the new policies. Why hasn't the OOC released a statement or even acknowledged this movement exists?

Because at the end of the day, General Ramirez will declare that this is all his sandbox, and if you don't like it, then gtfo. He's going to do what he wants to do and not give two turds about anyone else. He must preserve his "prestige/reputation" as the man who helped "bring the corps into the 21st Century".
Swing Your Saber
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Aggie Infantry said:

I am sure that Ramirez is behind this. When you hear his personal story of how bad he feels he was treated in the Corps, it all makes sense.

Difference between Ramirez and most of us is that he took it personally. We did not.

How was the General treated poorly? I have never heard this.
Cannon Crew Ag
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snowmnag970 said:

JKnight said:

There has been massive amounts of uproar on facebook, twitter, and instagram not to mention this particular forum. Now that widespread opposition has been established, many cadets are beginning to openly express their disagreements with the new policies. Why hasn't the OOC released a statement or even acknowledged this movement exists?

Because at the end of the day, General Ramirez will declare that this is all his sandbox, and if you don't like it, then gtfo. He's going to do what he wants to do and not give two turds about anyone else. He must preserve his "prestige/reputation" as the man who helped "bring the corps into the 21st Century".
To name a few of my "favorite" ways that GRam could address this:

"If you don't like my corps, then you can leave. The exits are to the sides!"

"This is below my noise level" (I absolutely hate when he says this)

"You now live in the hardest corps that their has ever been" - This is the one that makes me actually question his sanity

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For starters, as a current cadet, let me tell you that our Commandant is the least approachable man you can possibly meet. If you actually manage to speak with him and tell him your problems/question his motives, he will immediately shout you down and "one-side" the entire conversation, as I, along with many more cadets have experienced. He does not care about the concerns of his cadets, and he will not stop at turning the Corps of Cadets, a program geared towards leadership and personal responsibility, into a career readiness program, as is already happening.
I am currently in the Band, yet I will neglect to say which outfit, as questioning Ramirez' motives will give you a one-way ticket to the Cadet Performance Review Board, AKA, expulsion. If there is one thing that breaks my heart, it's having to argue with old BQs, because I respect each and every past cadet who has been redass enough to wear a Lyre, rather than that ugly corpsturd brass. However, you are entirely wrong in multiple places, and I hope you will see this from the eyes from a current BQ Zip who has watched his Cadet Corps soften to the point of a Fraternity over his past 4 years.
  • Yes, by all means, outfit culture will be entirely stripped away. The new training, say, C Company will have to use will be the exact same training as C Battery, due to the push for "Major Unit Trainers". For example, Wildmen pissheads will not be training the Crusader fish (not that they can know that anyways), because the MU trainers will, and it will be the same training that a C Batt fish will receive. So when this is implemented, what's the point in having an outfit culture, if everyone is receiving the exact same instruction and training.
  • All fish are technically CDT PVTs, but PVT is a Sophomore rank. By the second semester, there will not be any fish in the Aggie Cadet Corps. There's no reason, seeing as they will take off their AMUs and put on PVT rank. So, you either get to call them by their first name, or rather than saying, "Hey, fish Jones, come over here!", you will instead have to say, "Hey, PVT Jones, come over here!". This is a ridiculous change brought on by our honorable Commandant.
  • Yeah, we obviously can't beat the **** out of people anymore, people are too soft for that nowadays. But Waterfight is an all-time good bull event, and when I went to my waterfight as a fish, it quickly turned into a playful splash fight, to an all out CT vs. BQ brawl. No one got hurt, it was good bull, and everyone had a good time. A wag fish was hurt this year, but it was her own damn fault for trying to fight in something little more than a mosh pit. Waterfight is good bull, and a much better stress-reliever than sports, I can promise.
  • Commander's Intent was the norm before these BS policy changes. The CO in my company has given his training and PT intent with little to no problems, discrepancies arising if it sounded to "hazing oriented", and were fixed shortly. It's gone now, and replaced with Commandant's Intent for his 10 Major Units. As stated above, everyone will receive the exact same training, and the CO of each outfit will have his or her training plan given to them, and be told to like it, or get removed from their position/the corps.
  • No, these weak PT sessions will absolutely not give any of the cadets enough of a workout to be able to pass their PFT. The ROTCs have their own PT sessions multiple times a week because they know these new army PT sessions won't do enough for their soon-to-be commissioned officers. The goal isn't just to pass the PFT, it's to MAX it, and I promise that you cannot max the run portion at 8.5 to 9 minute pace, at LESS THAN 2 miles. These slow runs simply won't cut it for anyone, and will bring the entire CORPS PFT average down. You say to just exercise on your own, but do you not understand how much stuff these cadets deal with? A day for a cadet is JAM PACKED, and after exercising/training in the morning, going to formation, getting **** on in class all day, coming back to the dorm, and going to formation, they will be too tired/busy to exercise on their own. Believe me, because I have experienced this/know hundreds of people in this boat. It won't work, the PT scores will drop, and the whole corps will turn into a bunch of fatties.
Have you ever heard the saying "Hard times don't last, Hard people do?" It's a damn good quote, and applies directly to being a fish in the corps. You join the Cadet Corps to better yourself and become a leader. You don't join to do weak PT and be politically correct. Ramirez has a hard-on for getting his precious Corps to 3000 cadets by 2020. That's good bull, and would be great if it could happen, but it won't. This was the smallest fish class ever, attrition rates are through the roof, and people are beginning to lose faith in this organization. Individualism, Outfit Identity, Hard as Hell PT, and Redass Cadets made the Corps the unique organization it used to be. That time is over now, and it will never come back. This overwhelming push for the same training across the quad will be the final nail in the coffin, and I would not be surprised to see our Aggie Cadet Corps burn out and fade away by 2030. Ramirez is turning this Corps into a Fraternity that wears uniforms, and there is nothing that can be made to stop it.

Sorry this post was so long, but you needed to be corrected and I wanted to let you know how bad the situation actually is.
I would highly recommend that everyone who reads this shares it to their friends, and should reconsider any and all donations made to the CCA. If Ramirez won't listen to his own cadets, he sure as hell will listen to the money.

Also, EST stands for Evening Study Time, AKA, CQ.


A Dying BQ.

Edit: Apparently, I need to learn how to spell and format sentences better.
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Howdy sir,

Current BQ Zip here, allow me to answer your question: NO. The corps has devolved so much that outfit commanders and other leaders face removal from the positions/the corps if they dare question our Glorious Commandant and his Major Unit Cronies *cough* *cough* I mean Commanders.

Yes, it's that bad.

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Howdy sir,

If I read the brief slides correctly, only the Band and the ODs will be traveling to Ft. Worth.
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We should have a drink after final review
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My son is a BQ Pisshead. The Corps is very different from when his dad was a CT but for the most part the changes up to now have been pragmatic and necessary. Old Ags can't get it thru their head that "2.0 and go" is unacceptable in today's market and especially when attendance runs $25K per year.

That said, these changes go WAY too far. Why don't they just change it to where you fill out a registration form, pay a club fee and get your uniform to wear around campus? It's about the same difference. My son's fish year was transformational for him and I'm sorry the incoming cadets won't benefit as much as they might have.

Another son is a junior in HS and I'm not going to encourage him to go to Corps (I would if he were band because surely they'll still get a little identity unless he insists they all just form a block T every game and at least pretend to play an instrument).
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BQ17 said:

No, these weak PT sessions will absolutely not give any of the cadets enough of a workout to be able to pass their PFT. The ROTCs have their own PT sessions multiple times a week because they know these new army PT sessions won't do enough for their soon-to-be commissioned officers. The goal isn't just to pass the PFT, it's to MAX it, and I promise that you cannot max the run portion at 8.5 to 9 minute pace, at LESS THAN 2 miles. These slow runs simply won't cut it for anyone, and will bring the entire CORPS PFT average down. You say to just exercise on your own, but do you not understand how much stuff these cadets deal with? A day for a cadet is JAM PACKED, and after exercising/training in the morning, going to formation, getting **** on in class all day, coming back to the dorm, and going to formation, they will be too tired/busy to exercise on their own.

Emphasis here is my own.

I think your post here has a lot of problems, including an obvious air of entitlement and arrogance. But I want to focus on your assertion that cadets are just too busy to work out.

Let me tell you about being an adult. This is what life is like. I'm not complaining. I rather like my adult life. But let me tell you what an adults day is like.

It is JAM PACKED, as you say. I wake up at or before 5 AM, cook breakfast for my family, feed my dogs, prepare lunch for the day, get ready for work, rush off to work, do my best at work, rush home to take care of family, cook dinner, clean my home, work in my yard, and get ready to do it all again tomorrow without whining like a child.

Oh, also, I find at least an hour in there to PT as well, because I choose to.

This is the life of millions of adults who don't complain that they don't have time. I guarantee you those of you in the Corps who WANT and sacrifice (especially their social media time) for that extra level of physical preparedness will attain it.

You're also speaking out of both sides of your mouth here. You say the commandant and leaders don't trust the cadets when they should. But you readily admit that cadets will not sacrifice the time to do extra PT.

So which is it? Can cadets be trusted to take charge of their own physical fitness, or can't they?

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How many hours a week does the average white belt spend watching TV, movies, messing around on facebook, instagram, twitter, drinking, going out to eat, and general just dicking around?

Do THAT research and get back to me with how cadets don't have time to do extra PT.
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Also, if you are so concerned with the future of our cadet corps, are you doing anything concrete about it? I mean besides *****ing on an internet thread.

You're practically dead anyway, so why would it matter if you and all your buddies were kicked out? Instead of just sitting, *****ing with your buddies in front of your 45 inch TVs while you troll Texags from your iPhone 7, why doesn't your entire BQ class march down to the commandants office and do something?

Your response might be, "He'll punish my unit next year!" But if the situation is as dire as you say it is, the Corps will be worthless anyway and will be nonexistent in 10 years. Why can't B-Co zips, if they are such hardasses, make sure the commandant's office knows exactly their concerns?

Edit: These cadets are so afraid that the commandant will say or do mean things to them, that they're limiting their activism to "open letters" on the internet. Which always work, right? Right guys? It's almost as if these cadets are as soft as they're telling us the corps will be if the commandant doesn't read and implement the solutions they don't actually present in their brave open letter.
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Drum5343 said:

Also, if you are so concerned with the future of our cadet corps, are you doing anything concrete about it? I mean besides *****ing on an internet thread.

You're practically dead anyway, so why would it matter if you and all your buddies were kicked out? Instead of just sitting, *****ing with your buddies in front of your 45 inch TVs while you troll Texags from your iPhone 7, why doesn't your entire BQ class march down to the commandants office and do something?

Your response might be, "He'll punish my unit next year!" But if the situation is as dire as you say it is, the Corps will be worthless anyway and will be nonexistent in 10 years. Why can't B-Co zips, if they are such hardasses, make sure the commandant's office knows exactly their concerns?
I would strongly urge you to step back and look at what is happening here... These are cadets trying to gain a platform to speak from in safety. People like you have the ability to support them or shoot them down. Yes there is more to be done, however this is better than nothing. Furthermore, I would caution you to look back, at one point you felt the same, belittling people for not being in the same stage in life as you is not an argument, its ignorance. If this upset you so much why don't you go to campus and preach to the BQ's? These are questions aimed at attacking ones character and commitment not at addressing issues. The current corps climate pushes the PR aspect of making a big corps instead of focusing on cadets and their leadership development. We should try to retain the focus of this thread and not attack others.
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lordy, this is escalating quickly. You know their schedules and their TV sizes. Did you invest your life savings in CTO PT training manuals or something?

How busy they are depends on their major and what else they are involved in. However I can assure you that none of them have much time free apart from Friday nights. Perhaps you were a lazy butt when you were there but don't project.
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RossLawrence1876 said:

Drum5343 said:

Also, if you are so concerned with the future of our cadet corps, are you doing anything concrete about it? I mean besides *****ing on an internet thread.

You're practically dead anyway, so why would it matter if you and all your buddies were kicked out? Instead of just sitting, *****ing with your buddies in front of your 45 inch TVs while you troll Texags from your iPhone 7, why doesn't your entire BQ class march down to the commandants office and do something?

Your response might be, "He'll punish my unit next year!" But if the situation is as dire as you say it is, the Corps will be worthless anyway and will be nonexistent in 10 years. Why can't B-Co zips, if they are such hardasses, make sure the commandant's office knows exactly their concerns?
I would strongly urge you to step back and look at what is happening here... These are cadets trying to gain a platform to speak from in safety. People like you have the ability to support them or shoot them down. Yes there is more to be done, however this is better than nothing. Furthermore, I would caution you to look back, at one point you felt the same, belittling people for not being in the same stage in life as you is not an argument, its ignorance. If this upset you so much why don't you go to campus and preach to the BQ's? These are questions aimed at attacking ones character and commitment not at addressing issues. The current corps climate pushes the PR aspect of making a big corps instead of focusing on cadets and their leadership development. We should try to retain the focus of this thread and not attack others.

I don't think complaining about the commandant on Texags is actually better than nothing. It is either worse or the same as doing nothing.

These cadets don't need to speak from a platform of safety! They need to take some risk! "Oh no I might get kicked out of the corps and that would be hella embarrassing!"

If these cadets want to be leaders, they can't rely on safe spaces! They need to take risks and be willing to face the consequences.
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Wildman15 said:

We should have a drink after final review

Pretty sure you still owe me a beer too from sometime
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loveaTm said:

lordy, this is escalating quickly. You know their schedules and their TV sizes. Did you invest your life savings in CTO PT training manuals or something?

How busy they are depends on their major and what else they are involved in. However I can assure you that none of them have much time free apart from Friday nights. Perhaps you were a lazy butt when you were there but don't project.
But that's life isn't it? None of us have much free time because we're working to take care of our families. What I'm saying is that if they "don't have time" to do extra PT it is not the Corps' fault. They need to take responsibility for that.

And yes. I could be a lazy butt at times. And I often felt like I didn't have time to work out. But if I'm honest with myself, I simply prioritized other things over my PT. I had other buddies who were just as, if not more, busy, but they were PT bosses and got better grades than me. They made the time for what was important to them.
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Drum5343 said:

RossLawrence1876 said:

Drum5343 said:

Also, if you are so concerned with the future of our cadet corps, are you doing anything concrete about it? I mean besides *****ing on an internet thread.

You're practically dead anyway, so why would it matter if you and all your buddies were kicked out? Instead of just sitting, *****ing with your buddies in front of your 45 inch TVs while you troll Texags from your iPhone 7, why doesn't your entire BQ class march down to the commandants office and do something?

Your response might be, "He'll punish my unit next year!" But if the situation is as dire as you say it is, the Corps will be worthless anyway and will be nonexistent in 10 years. Why can't B-Co zips, if they are such hardasses, make sure the commandant's office knows exactly their concerns?
I would strongly urge you to step back and look at what is happening here... These are cadets trying to gain a platform to speak from in safety. People like you have the ability to support them or shoot them down. Yes there is more to be done, however this is better than nothing. Furthermore, I would caution you to look back, at one point you felt the same, belittling people for not being in the same stage in life as you is not an argument, its ignorance. If this upset you so much why don't you go to campus and preach to the BQ's? These are questions aimed at attacking ones character and commitment not at addressing issues. The current corps climate pushes the PR aspect of making a big corps instead of focusing on cadets and their leadership development. We should try to retain the focus of this thread and not attack others.

I don't think complaining about the commandant on Texags is actually better than nothing. It is either worse or the same as doing nothing.

These cadets don't need to speak from a platform of safety! They need to take some risk! "Oh no I might get kicked out of the corps and that would be hella embarrassing!"

If these cadets want to be leaders, they can't rely on safe spaces! They need to take risks and be willing to face the consequences.
Would you risk your job? Would you throw 1600 dollars away? It's not that simple and let it be known this thread started as a simple display of changes not an attack at a person. Its not safe spaces, I am not making you accommodate me, you chose to read these. You chose to be triggered. Why? I'm not sure, if anything I would expect an Ol' Ag to support cadets wishing for a harder corps that is a bigger challenge. But if that is how you feel, there is no point in arguing, I will respect your opinion, however if you do wish to see change, and disagree with the means used, then calmly suggesting a change of plans would be a welcome thought to be included.
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Great! They should all arrive at Texas A&M fully developed in every way. Self disciplined, 100% intrinsically motivated with a full grasp of priorities and time management.

They don't. Up until now each outfit has known them as individuals and helped developed desired characteristics in them. If they arrived with all these attributes they wouldn't have any need for the Corps.

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RossLawrence1876 said:

Drum5343 said:

RossLawrence1876 said:

Drum5343 said:

Also, if you are so concerned with the future of our cadet corps, are you doing anything concrete about it? I mean besides *****ing on an internet thread.

You're practically dead anyway, so why would it matter if you and all your buddies were kicked out? Instead of just sitting, *****ing with your buddies in front of your 45 inch TVs while you troll Texags from your iPhone 7, why doesn't your entire BQ class march down to the commandants office and do something?

Your response might be, "He'll punish my unit next year!" But if the situation is as dire as you say it is, the Corps will be worthless anyway and will be nonexistent in 10 years. Why can't B-Co zips, if they are such hardasses, make sure the commandant's office knows exactly their concerns?
I would strongly urge you to step back and look at what is happening here... These are cadets trying to gain a platform to speak from in safety. People like you have the ability to support them or shoot them down. Yes there is more to be done, however this is better than nothing. Furthermore, I would caution you to look back, at one point you felt the same, belittling people for not being in the same stage in life as you is not an argument, its ignorance. If this upset you so much why don't you go to campus and preach to the BQ's? These are questions aimed at attacking ones character and commitment not at addressing issues. The current corps climate pushes the PR aspect of making a big corps instead of focusing on cadets and their leadership development. We should try to retain the focus of this thread and not attack others.

I don't think complaining about the commandant on Texags is actually better than nothing. It is either worse or the same as doing nothing.

These cadets don't need to speak from a platform of safety! They need to take some risk! "Oh no I might get kicked out of the corps and that would be hella embarrassing!"

If these cadets want to be leaders, they can't rely on safe spaces! They need to take risks and be willing to face the consequences.
Would you risk your job? Would you throw 1600 dollars away? It's not that simple and let it be known this thread started as a simple display of changes not an attack at a person. Its not safe spaces, I am not making you accommodate me, you chose to read these. You chose to be triggered. Why? I'm not sure, if anything I would expect an Ol' Ag to support cadets wishing for a harder corps that is a bigger challenge. But if that is how you feel, there is no point in arguing, I will respect your opinion, however if you do wish to see change, and disagree with the means used, then calmly suggesting a change of plans would be a welcome thought to be included.
Would I risk my job? For what? If I believed my bosses were driving the company into the ground, I hope that I would risk my job by speaking up. And if I get fired for raising my concerns, then that was probably a terrible organization anyway.

I DO support cadets taking a leadership role and I do support a challenging corps of cadets experience. But these cadets, if they don't like these changes and if they truly believe this will ruin the corps, should take the risk of being kicked out if it means they actually do something to change what they don't like.
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