noticed that this thread had fallen of the edge again
let me add a little bit to our wealth of West Texas knowledge
In the Abilene paper yesterday was an "Ask Doug" article asking how far off is the horizon - Doug's answer was a little wrong....hell almost completely wrong but the formula he gave was correct
Altitude above the ground times 1.5
and then the square root of that equals miles to the horizon
so if my eyeball is 6 foot from the ground
then the horizon is 3 miles distance
the problem arises - so to speak - when you or the horizon is elevated. If I'm sitting in my office on the top floor of a 20 story building - 200 feet or so up - I can see 17 miles to the horizon (200 * 1.5 = 300 SQRT equals 17 miles)
same deal up on the plains
Lubbock has an elevation of about 200 more feet than Tahoka. So if you're sitting in downtown Tahoka you're looking up hill to Lubbock and on a clear day can probably see tall buildings and grain elevators more than 20 miles away
how's that for obscure discussion material

[This message has been edited by TheSheik (edited 8/19/2010 4:11p).]