For those of you interested in the history of West Texas I recommend you visit the website for foundation materials.
One map available within a set is Pocket Map of the State of Texas (1879.) This map is approx 24 inches square and designed to be folded and placed in the pocket of brave settlers venturing onto the frontier of then virtually uninhabited west Texas. The line of the frontier then was approximately along present I-35 from San Antonio to Oklahoma. The few settlements in existance then are noted, as are forts. It fairly accurate in showing prominent land features, locations of trails, locations of waterholes, rivers and streams ... and the proposed route of the Texas and Pacific Railroad between Marshall and El Paso. A must-have if you are curious about how greatgrandpappy navigated to his roosting spot.
Another great map available is the Railroad and County Map of Texas (1885.) This map is interesting because most of the west Texas counties were not yet organized (it required 150 inhabitants to qualify) but it shows the location of the T&P railroad constructed to El Paso. An interesting note is that the railroad planners were required to name a crossing every 5-10 miles along the route. This meant some poor soul had to get a list of every hero, every historical figure, every relative of a railroad bigwig, etc., to come up with enough names to put on crossings. Those crossing names are on the map and still used by railroads today for identification of sidings, crossings etc.,(you can see them when the tracks are near the highway.) Those crossings later became locations for shipping pens, trading posts, settlements and later towns. Many towns when organized kept those original crossing names. (And you wondered how some of those town names came to be.)(T&P was paid 20 sections of west Texas land per mile of track to build the railroad and survey all west Texas counties ... that explains the reference to "T&P Survey" in the legal description of your west Texas homestead."

[This message has been edited by fossil_ag (edited 3/23/2006 12:02a).]