I have one like this one that I really like. It mounts on top of a pole, and lots of different species really like it. Many birds don't like the feeders that require landing on a perch surrounding feeding holes and this one fits the bill, no pun intended.FAT SEXY said:
Obviously this is the thread to ask this in..
Anybody got any recommendations on good feeders? I'd like to find something that clamps on a pole(I have an old dish mount pole not being used), but I'm open to all other suggestions.
Solid and Made in the USA is preferred.
If you have squirrels in your area, I also highly recommend a baffle like this to go on the pole under the feeder. It keeps them from climbing up and getting on the feeder.
I also have one of the Droll Yankee tube feeders I keep sunflower seed in, but it mounts best from a hook or horizontal pipe or similar support. It was fun watching the squirrels get spun around and try to hang on when I first put it up. Now they know to pretty much just leave it alone.