He thought anyone driving a weird machine had to be Wylie Coyote. Maybe it said "Acme" on the side.
Doesn't sound good to me. Fingers crossed.FAT SEXY said:
Could only account for one juvenile.. its in an entirely different tree.. also seen one of the adults flying around calling like crazy. Not sure if that's a good sign
Big time damagelabmansid said:
I went by there this afternoon. When I got out of my vehicle, I saw what I thought was one of the adults fly north and circle around and land in a tree behind a bunch of leaves so I couldn't get a good look at it. The grackles were badgering it of course. I finally eased my way around to where I could sort of get a look at it, and I think it was one of the juveniles, the one that looked older to me from yesterday. I didn't see or hear any of the adults around.
I saw that some limbs got knocked down from the storms yesterday. One of which was a limb from the same tree the nest is in. In fact, the limb that's now barely hanging on is just next to the nest branch. I got some cell phone photos of it.
Here is how it looks today. You can see the nest in the fork to the upper right, and the hanging branch in the middle, lower down. I think this was the branch the younger bird was flying back and forth to from the nest yesterday. There is also a pretty good layer of leaves covering the ground that got knocked off.
It just so happened that I took a pic yesterday of the nest tree. So you can compare the difference.
Merlin bird ID by Cornell lab is a phone app that is really good for identifying.
Update: My roadrunners lost their eggs - found both eggs broken, one on the ground and one still in the nest. A real bummer since I bought a trail cam and was going to hang it in the tree.siclaro said:
I have a pair of road runners building a nest in a cedar elm by my driveway. I have no idea why they chose this location as I have 100 or so trees on my property. I hope I don't run them off.
Road Runner Building Nest
Sorry to hear that about the roadrunners. There's a chance they could try again. Fingers crossed.siclaro said:Update: My roadrunners lost their eggs - found both eggs broken, one on the ground and one still in the nest. A real bummer since I bought a trail cam and was going to hang it in the tree.siclaro said:
I have a pair of road runners building a nest in a cedar elm by my driveway. I have no idea why they chose this location as I have 100 or so trees on my property. I hope I don't run them off.
Road Runner Building Nest
As a consolation, here are a couple of videos of a crow being dive-bombed by a mockingbird - got some use out of the trail cam after all.
Crow and Mockingbird A
Crow and Mockingbird B
I don't think it is a Kite either. Closer to a red-tailed or red-shoulder hawk IMO. Here is a MS Kite.Badace52 said:
Wow... Looks like maybe a leucistic Mississippi kite.
Edit: Actually it looks too big. Maybe a leucistic red tailed hawk??