Two Everglades episodes! I really need to get back out there with a guide. I've done it twice, but didn't use fly gear on the 1st trip and only caught reds.
I brought my fly rod and wife on the 2nd trip, but I let my wife take all the shots at tarpon with a spin reel. I wanted her to get addicted and join the club. She got the casting yips when she saw the fatties rolling. It was cool to see her get jitters about fishing. I know those tarpon jitters all too well. Even though she didn't land one, it was an awesome day.... actually, she still hasn't caught one. She reeled one to the bank on a different trip, but a snake slithered right over her feet and she screamed, threw the rod at me and ran away in an instant. The tarpon fell off just out of arms reach.
That tarpon pic is glorious. Tarpon photography in general does a good job of capturing the essence of the game. More so than other outdoor photography imo.
Love this thread, keep the content coming!