Teslag said:
aTm2004 said:
MouthBQ98 said:
The Ukrainian constitution requires elections be put on hold during wartime, apparently, as a wartime election would be of dubious legitimacy.
So, he has an incentive to continue the war?
Ya, the incentive is there's a foreign country on his soil killing his people
You missed my point completely.
He has money and will have money in the future. What he will not have is power, so his incentive is to retain power. Because of that, IMO, any kind of compromise to end the war is off the table to him because he doesn't want to give that up, and is hiding behind his people and patriotism shield.
He's in a no-win situation and should know when to take a deal that helps end the war and killing of his people, but he won't for selfish reasons he'll never admit.
And if you think for a second I'm pro-Russia, I'm not. In fact, I couldn't care less about either of the 2 countries. If both of their leaders are gone tomorrow, I'd feel the exact same as I do now. I'm looking at it (his incentive) purely from a human nature point of view. The only drug power takes a backseat to is vagina.