Don't understand this one, I guess I need texags opinion on the matter.
Does Desantis think he is actually fooling anyone into thinking he's taller than he actually is? It's beyond comical, kinda sad at this point watching him walk around campaigning in his high-heeled boots.
So what is his motivation here? Is it misguided? Does he believe this sets him apart from his competition if he's a few inches taller? Or are we witnessing real-time human evolution with the shape of his foot molding into something never before seen?
Does Desantis think he is actually fooling anyone into thinking he's taller than he actually is? It's beyond comical, kinda sad at this point watching him walk around campaigning in his high-heeled boots.
So what is his motivation here? Is it misguided? Does he believe this sets him apart from his competition if he's a few inches taller? Or are we witnessing real-time human evolution with the shape of his foot molding into something never before seen?