"There Is No Climate Crisis"

75,576 Views | 905 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by nortex97
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D-Fens said:

It a religion that requires blind faith in consensus.

And it is unfalsifiable by design because the serious measurable consequences are ALWAYS moving into the future.
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ShinerAggie said:

Selection Bias In Datasets Advances A False Narrative The Sun Has No Climate Impact


* * *

Advocates of AGW may only use Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) reconstructions that align with the perspective that the Sun has little to no impact on climate. Consequently, climate models may only use the PMOD's model-based satellite data (which shows a declining trend since 1980) rather than the ACRIM (which shows an increasing TSI trend from the 1980s to 2000s).

* * *

That's laughable. How can they possibly be taken seriously?
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VegasAg86 said:

ShinerAggie said:

Selection Bias In Datasets Advances A False Narrative The Sun Has No Climate Impact


* * *

Advocates of AGW may only use Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) reconstructions that align with the perspective that the Sun has little to no impact on climate. Consequently, climate models may only use the PMOD's model-based satellite data (which shows a declining trend since 1980) rather than the ACRIM (which shows an increasing TSI trend from the 1980s to 2000s).

* * *

That's laughable. How can they possibly be taken seriously?
It's policy-driven "science" since the end goal is control, not saving the world or anything else. Plus, most people are either too busy looking at tiktok or scientifically illiterate.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Real Crisis Uncovered - Whitey


The white evangelical march toward climate disaster

The most striking and disturbing finding of the Public Religion Research Institute's new climate change survey is that while the proportion of all Americans who consider climate change a crisis has risen 16% since 2014, among white evangelicals it has dropped 38%.

That brings crisis-level concern among white evangelicals down to 8% the lowest of any religious community in the country. They are also the only community whose support for action to mitigate climate change falls below 0.5 on a scale of 0 1. (Their 0.41 support level compares with 0.57 for all Americans.)

At the other end of the scale are the nones (or, in PRRI lingo, the unaffiliated), among whom crisis concern has risen by nearly a quarter, from 33% to 43%, with support for mitigation action at 0.66.

Black Protestants are the only other religious community whose crisis-level of concern about climate has declined in the past decade (from 24% to 19%). But their support for mitigation action, at 0.61, is above the national average. (It may be that, since 2014, the situation of Black people in American society has edged climate out of the crisis category for some.)

Related video: There's a New Aspect of Climate Change to Worry About (Dailymotion)

Of course, it's hardly news that white evangelicals come in last on the scale of faith-based climate concern. Beginning in the 1990s, they were the principal audience for the Interfaith Council for Environmental Stewardship, an outfit funded by the Koch brothers and fossil fuel companies that promoted skepticism about climate change and the science behind it.

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captkirk said:

An oldie, but a goodie. This time, they mean it.
tk for tu juan
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1989 Article said:

He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

Human ego vs Earth, winless since the beginning of time
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A smattering of heavenly islands scattered across the Indian Ocean

Want to be the envy of all your friends? Just casually drop "I'm vacationing in the Maldives" into conversation, preferably in the dead of winter. Nothing screams "paradise" quite like the Maldives, a 26-atoll chain of islands with powdery beaches, turquoise waters, and dreamy overwater bungalow resorts.

T&P for the luxury resort properties that will soon be inundated by the rising Indian Ocean.
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This entire update on the German power/energy sector is hilarious and should be read by anyone who finds the green energy nut jobs/climate change panic believers to be Comically Stupid.

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nortex97 said:

This entire update on the German power/energy sector is hilarious and should be read by anyone who finds the green energy nut jobs/climate change panic believers to be Comically Stupid.

I've been keeping up with this peripherally. It would be funnier if it were not coming here next.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
oh no
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What is the data relationship between people who are very concerned with man made rising C02 and those that still wear masks? Pretty high i would expect.
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Germany starting up old coal plants for the winter. Realty strikes.
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wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

This couldn't be any more stupid.

Lincoln, NE had one of its coldest days on record 2-3 years ago at -31, going back well over 100 years.


That's taking 2 minutes to look. If I took an hour, I could find 100 places with similar data.

You have NO IDEA what you're talking about. NONE. Next thing you're going to say is the extreme cold is also evidence of global warming.

Its all BS. This was a high school debate subject in the '70s and '80s. No one then, except useful idiots, took it seriously. The left adopted it as a religious tenet in the '90s for...useful idiots. See a theme going? You seriously want to subscribe here?
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Update on German green energy situation:

________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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captkirk said:

Real Crisis Uncovered - Whitey


The white evangelical march toward climate disaster

The most striking and disturbing finding of the Public Religion Research Institute's new climate change survey is that while the proportion of all Americans who consider climate change a crisis has risen 16% since 2014, among white evangelicals it has dropped 38%.

That brings crisis-level concern among white evangelicals down to 8% the lowest of any religious community in the country. They are also the only community whose support for action to mitigate climate change falls below 0.5 on a scale of 0 1. (Their 0.41 support level compares with 0.57 for all Americans.)

At the other end of the scale are the nones (or, in PRRI lingo, the unaffiliated), among whom crisis concern has risen by nearly a quarter, from 33% to 43%, with support for mitigation action at 0.66.

Black Protestants are the only other religious community whose crisis-level of concern about climate has declined in the past decade (from 24% to 19%). But their support for mitigation action, at 0.61, is above the national average. (It may be that, since 2014, the situation of Black people in American society has edged climate out of the crisis category for some.)

Related video: There's a New Aspect of Climate Change to Worry About (Dailymotion)

Of course, it's hardly news that white evangelicals come in last on the scale of faith-based climate concern. Beginning in the 1990s, they were the principal audience for the Interfaith Council for Environmental Stewardship, an outfit funded by the Koch brothers and fossil fuel companies that promoted skepticism about climate change and the science behind it.

Of course. The group that can be smeared, marginalized, attacked, bullied, and openly mocked with no repercussions. Sure is a heavy cross to bear (pun completely intended).

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
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Good news: funds dumping green energy stocks left and right.


Global renewable energy funds saw record outflows of money in the third quarter of 2023 as stocks of wind and solar developers and suppliers crashed amid rising costs, higher interest rates, and supply-chain challenges.

Renewable energy exchange traded funds (ETFs), tracking the performance of clean energy companies, suffered a total of $1.4 billion of outflows in the third quarter, the highest outflows of any previous quarter, according to data from LSEG Lipper cited by Reuters.

The record outflows between July and September only partially offset net inflows of $3.36 billion for the first half of 2023, the data showed.

However, renewable energy stocks started to come under pressure around the middle of this year as development costs surged amid high interest rates and supply-chain delays.

The S&P Global Clean Energy Index, comprised of the 100 biggest companies in the renewable energy sector, had a year-to-date return of -31.08% as of October 9, while the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF had a -29.78% YTD return as of October 6.

Some individual stocks haven't fared much better. For example, shares in the world's top offshore wind farm developer, Orsted, had dropped by 44.49% year to date to October 10, with most of the decline accumulated in recent weeks.
This is one of those things that only has a trailing impact, if it continues, which I suspect it will. We need less 'renewable' energy investments, to be sure (outside of nuclear).
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Science of Climate Change About Historical CO2-Data since 1826: Explanation of the Peak around 1940


Recently a compilation of almost 100.000 historical data about chemical CO2 concentration measurements between 1826 and 1960 has been published as post mortem memorial edition of the late Ernst-Georg Beck. This compilation can give important insight in understanding natural CO2 emission processes, but it has been criticized, in particular a documented significant increase of the atmospheric CO2 concentration around 1940. In this contribution we do not respond to any criticism of more or less suitable places for sampling or the interpretation of respective data, but concentrate on the CO2 data around 1940 and the variations over the last century. We show that the observed concentration changes not only correlate with observed temperatures, but can also quantitatively be explained, mainly in terms of the temperature dependent soil respiration.

________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
BCG Disciple
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Tonga eruption last year is going to make the climate fear mongerers unbearable over the next few years. Going to be a lot of liberal meek bare chests beating claiming they're right.

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ShinerAggie said:

Is this a "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes" type statement? He is saying the actual, measured date is impossible. I guess we should ignore it and trust the estimates generated by models with anthropogenic drivers built-in.

Edit: The statement I am referring to is: "Engelbeen (2023) the possibility of huge CO2 levels around 1930 is physically impossible and contradicted by several other proxy's and contradicted by CO2 levels as measured in high resolution ice cores."
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Maybe I misunderstand your comment, but I didn't take it that way at all. I think he is saying that actual, physical CO2 measurements are of better quality with more resolution than ice core reconstructions, and using the actual measurements leads to a different conclusion than when assuming CO2 values derived from ice cores are representative of atmospheric compositions at those times.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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oh no said:

The U.S. has been blessed. It has had more fire than its 10-year average, but the area burned, 2,386,207 acres, was less than half the average.

Canada has not fared so well. The number of fires is up by 21%, and the area burned, 17,874,112 acres, is 655% above the 10-year average.

Edit to fix links.
oh no
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well then i guess the only answer to pay more taxes to government. remember: only big gov socialist spending programs can prevent forest fires.
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oh no said:

well then i guess the only answer to pay more taxes to government. remember: only big gov socialist spending programs can prevent forest fires.

Forest management is important part of fire prevention.
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ShinerAggie said:

Maybe I misunderstand your comment, but I didn't take it that way at all. I think he is saying that actual, physical CO2 measurements are of better quality with more resolution than ice core reconstructions, and using the actual measurements leads to a different conclusion than when assuming CO2 values derived from ice cores are representative of atmospheric compositions at those times.

Yes, I get that is what Beck's work shows. My comment was in reference to the Englebeen (2023) quote. I didn't make that clear.
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VegasAg86 said:

ShinerAggie said:

Maybe I misunderstand your comment, but I didn't take it that way at all. I think he is saying that actual, physical CO2 measurements are of better quality with more resolution than ice core reconstructions, and using the actual measurements leads to a different conclusion than when assuming CO2 values derived from ice cores are representative of atmospheric compositions at those times.

Yes, I get that is what Beck's work shows. My comment was in reference to the Englebeen (2023) quote. I didn't make that clear.
Understood. No problem
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Figure 1 (click to enlarge). Comparison of how global surface temperature is presented, top is anomaly data magnified to a narrow temperature range, as presented by the media, bottom is the same data, presented in absolute temperature, in the range of normal human experience.

Pro: Official Government Data Shows an Alarming Rapid Rise in Temperature Over 140 years
NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) is the original organization to raise the warning on global temperature increases, due to increasing carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere, during an address to the U.S. Senate by Dr. James Hansen in June 1988.

NASA GISS maintains a website where the data and graphs derived from that data are publicly available. They say:

The GISS Surface Temperature Analysis ver. 4 (GISTEMP v4) is an estimate of global surface temperature change. Graphs and tables are updated around the middle of every month using current data files from NOAA GHCN v4 (meteorological stations) and ERSST v5 (ocean areas), combined as described in our publications Hansen et al. (2010) and Lenssen et al. (2019). These updated files incorporate reports for the previous month and also late reports and corrections for earlier months.
They offer a graph of global temperature for each year from 1880 to the present as seen below….
Source: everything climate.
oh no
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Comparison of how global surface temperature is presented, top is anomaly data magnified to a narrow temperature range, as presented by the media, bottom is the same data, presented in absolute temperature, in the range of normal human experience.
such a scam. sad the communists have so many dumb youths fooled by the alarmism religion.
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Critical thinking is in short supply these days.
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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I heard climate change caused hamas to murder, rape, and torture innocent Israelis on 10/7.
DeSantis 2024

FJB, FJB, FJB, etc
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There is NOTHING that the magical CO2 molecule cannot do!
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Holocene climate change in Arctic Canada and Greenland


What was the millennial-scale pattern of temperature change through the Holocene?

The primary outcome of this synthesis is that most records in Arctic Canada and Greenland display clear evidence for periods of both warmer-than-present and cooler-than-present conditions at the millennial timescale during the Holocene. A large proportion of sites in the Arctic Holocene database (Fig. 4) display a thermal maximum in the early or middle Holocene, and their lowest temperatures in the last millennium, albeit with both spatial and temporal variability.
In other words, there is no climate crisis:

Greenland ice sheet was much lower during previous warm periods:
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
Tony Franklins Other Shoe
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The info is there, but just to bring it into focus, the Holocene is just shy of 12,000 years. We have the idiots screeching about freezing to death and then boiling to death in the last 50 years based on roughly 100 years of very manipulated data. Geologic time is a *****.

Person Not Capable of Pregnancy
nu awlins ag
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Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:

The info is there, but just to bring it into focus, the Holocene is just shy of 12,000 years. We have the idiots screeching about freezing to death and then boiling to death in the last 50 years based on roughly 100 years of very manipulated data. Geologic time is a *****.
Time Magazine had a picture on the front of their mag wondering, "Are we entering another Ice Age?" How can anyone with a quarter of a brain cell believe any of the climate morons?
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Update: I did not click all the way through this and generally don't trust Zeihan's summaries but it is probably true in this case, imho. We are cutting down forests in the southeast US to compress wood into pellets to burn for electricity in Europe because they don't want to use Russian natural gas or nuclear.

Earth wins! All hail the climate change holy grail!
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