"There Is No Climate Crisis"

86,687 Views | 928 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by oh no
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wxmanX said:

all from greenhouse gases bud.
every bit of it.

if we didn't have co2, our planet would be frozen over.

here is the formula 5.35*ln(co+c/co) = watts

Since 1979 we have added about 1.5 w/m^2...doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.

that is about 80w per 25ft^2, everywhere on this planet.

Radiative forcing - Wikipedia

read this article and learn something.
Which is not a problem, the earth has been much warmer and just fine.
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There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
tk for tu juan
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etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
Still waiting on temps for the last 250k years to prove this year is the hottest ever.
oh no
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etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
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wxmanX said:

all from greenhouse gases bud.
every bit of it.

if we didn't have co2, our planet would be frozen over.

here is the formula 5.35*ln(co+c/co) = watts

Since 1979 we have added about 1.5 w/m^2...doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.

that is about 80w per 25ft^2, everywhere on this planet.

Radiative forcing - Wikipedia

read this article and learn something.

Water vapor is greenhouse gas as well and more impactful then co2.

Guess we should drain the oceans.
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oh no said:

etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.

Neither theory is panning out.
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!
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etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the dem talking points.
Science Denier
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etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
1. This political debate is about making US businessess uncompetitive with our global competition.
2. This political debate is about taxing US citizens
3. This political debate is about making US goods more expensive
4. This political debate is about putting money in the hands of one political party (give it to "environmentally friendly business who then turn around and give much of it back to the left in political donations.

This debate is based on the intent to fund dictatorships. Evolution was nothing like this.
oh no
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Science Denier said:

etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
1. This political debate is about making US businessess uncompetitive with our global competition.
2. This political debate is about taxing US citizens
3. This political debate is about making US goods more expensive
4. This political debate is about putting money in the hands of one political party (give it to "environmentally friendly business who then turn around and give much of it back to the left in political donations.

This debate is based on the intent to fund dictatorships. Evolution was nothing like this.
unless you're talking about the evolution from capitalism to communism
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fixer said:

wxmanX said:

all from greenhouse gases bud.
every bit of it.

if we didn't have co2, our planet would be frozen over.

here is the formula 5.35*ln(co+c/co) = watts

Since 1979 we have added about 1.5 w/m^2...doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.

that is about 80w per 25ft^2, everywhere on this planet.

Radiative forcing - Wikipedia

read this article and learn something.

Water vapor is greenhouse gas as well and more impactful then co2.

Guess we should drain the oceans.


In the 1970's real pollution was cleaned up in the U.S.
Sulphur Dioxide and other pollutants were removed from emissions. Factories would place signs on smokestacks saying 99.9% CO2 and water.

With the actual success cleaning air and water, instead of claiming victory, the environmentalists con men, like Al Gore, made CO2 an imaginary pollutant. Once carbon emissions are greatly reduced, water vapor is the next likely boogeyman.
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wxmanX said:

don't really care. Ya'll have fun.

Gig'em, I am out.

Again? How many times is that now on this thread alone?
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B-1 83
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etxag02 said:

There are so many similarities between this political debate and the one we had over evolution.
Not.even.close. The VP of the United States did not make millions off of evolution, and hundreds of billions of dollars in government money weren't riding on any belief in evolution.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!

Again, "All time" or since when?
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I remember this list or one very similar to it. I was quite surprised to see that I, a licensed civil engineer, apparently had adequate qualifications to sign on to it if I so wished. That seemed pretty odd to me considering I had no academic or professional background in climatology or similar. There's no reason to think my opinion on the matter is at all better than anyone else's.

If you don't think I have the qualifications to advise people on climate change then you ought to question this list as well. Might as well call it "We Found 1609 Rando's Willing to Put Their Name On List Saying They Don't Believe in Climate Change!".
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wxmanX said:

BC Canada all-time record high yesterday.

42C = 108F!
Can you please highlight on this picture how much recorded data we have on earths "climate", please? You are saying all-time high, after all. All-time is....well, all of time.

As a hint, it's likely a fraction of a pixel of the grass beneath the front tire of the truck. Records go back to the mid 1800s, but measuring global climate with the use of satellites is obviously about 60 years, giving a great benefit of the doubt -- and to continue to give into the benefit of the doubt, lets pretend there is a satellite in existince that provides 100% accurate data for the entire planet, that this ONE satellite could take the temperature of the entire global climate accurately as a matter or proof, instantaneously.

Scientists believe that homo sapiens have existed as far as 350,000 years ago, so somewhere in the Pleistocene Era, so we should consider that it's possible for our species to exist, adapt, and thrive through much more deviant temperatures, when living in caves with basically zero technological advances, remedies to disease, heat, cold, famine, predation, or any other factors that would prevent them from becoming extinct.

See this graph:

So pretend to extrapolate this graph backwards 233 times as far back as you see right now, and that is how long scientists believe that homo sapiens have been living on Earth. Acknowledge how irrelevant the current peak in 5-6 generations is compared to Earth's "natural" temperature.

So..blade of grass is what we're measuring and you're alarmed about a 1.5C increase, even when its almost impossible to measure with any sort of accuracy due to too many variables....

And the only solution is not to just plant trees, but to gut the middle class with tax increases to "fix" the problem, while ignoring that India and China dont give any ****s about this at all and are increasing their CO2 emissions at an increasing rate.

You can also factor in human technological advances in that time period that means that we have air conditioning, health care, understanding of diseases that has only helped our longevity, not hurt it.

Well, with all due respect...

I dont apologize for thinking you're completely full of **** and dont know **** about "the science". You cant even think beyond what your TV tells you.

I will happily love for any Texas A&M professor or even Harvard Professor in "Climate Science" which is actually just an Liberal Arts subscription degree to prove this wrong.

Including Andrew Dessler, Aggie prof that went on Rogan's podcast and embarrassed himself.
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4stringAg said:

wxmanX said:

yea, whatever.

World is 1.6C above the mean, NATL highest temps ever, Gulf highest temps ever. Record warm TX, highest lows ever in Baton Rouge, Tampa, Miami, PHX this year.
Morrocco 122F, highest ever.
Greece, 119F highest ever.
Spain 118F tied highest ever.

LOL. One year's worth of data doesn't make it a crisis. and certainly doesn't point to any manmade causes. When we have a cooler summer in a year or two, does that mean we've solved the climate problem?

Oh you mean the summer of '21 we just had, I don't every hear anyone remembering that. Could hardly find a nice day to swim in June/July in Central Texas.
oh no
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the science has been settled since The Land Before Time came out in 1988 that the earth was hotter for Little Foot than it is right now.

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Look buddy, we're NOT about to tolerate any kind of reason, well thought out questions, or logic. You will immediately be processed back to the emotion center and told to "review" the "science" sponsored by the government---our friend.

Honestly, I've got a fix for all of this, but can't really figure out how to say it without getting banned, so I'll use what little diplomacy I have.

Since "global warming/climate change" has ONLY been around since Al Gore made his movie, then the fix all Dems and manic-depressive climamatologits/politicians want (same thing), who soooo very badly want a big chunk of your money by telling you we're all going to die if we don't hand it over, must sign a single doc with a single sentence. These politicians have told us they can stop, and maybe reverse the "climate change" (isn't that still climate change?). Fine, let's give the okay for an extra special tax to go to DC with no other countries in the world playing. Since it's taken about 20 years for us to seal our fate, it should take approximately 20 years for our DC overlords to fix it.

IN 20 years, if the problem hasn't been solved, then all of the money MUST BE RETURNED to the tax payers, and all of the money, every single bit of it, taken from the families of either the politician, or the politicians descendants. So the government can't lie their ass off, which they will in 20 years, ten different private companies will construct reports based on the previous 20 years.

I was going to say something else more definitive regarding the voting politicians, but this will do. Most of them are in DC for money and connections, so let's make a law for this topic only, to take their money if it doesn't work.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
B-1 83
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Rocag said:

I remember this list or one very similar to it. I was quite surprised to see that I, a licensed civil engineer, apparently had adequate qualifications to sign on to it if I so wished. That seemed pretty odd to me considering I had no academic or professional background in climatology or similar. There's no reason to think my opinion on the matter is at all better than anyone else's.

If you don't think I have the qualifications to advise people on climate change then you ought to question this list as well. Might as well call it "We Found 1609 Rando's Willing to Put Their Name On List Saying They Don't Believe in Climate Change!".
EXACTLY like the thousands of scientist cited that agreed with the climate change hoax, and were widely admired and lauded for their bold stand.
Being in TexAgs jail changes a man……..no, not really
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It was "97%"!!!!

That was drummed into our head relentlessly, and still is to a degree. No scientist names, or how many had qualifications, how were they chosen, were they just Americans, do they have ANY experience ( or like so many professors, couldn't cut it in private industry.

What were they agreeing to, who wrote the question(s), etc.?
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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I also think it's funny how they attack the credentials of the signatories, as if anyone with basic critical thinking skills couldn't come to a similar conclusion. There are a lot of people out there that analyze data as part of their job duties, and it really doesn't take much of a critical examination of the CAGW hypothesis to punch big holes in the "consensus."

If I executed my data analysis they way climate "scientists" do, I'd lose my job at the very least and possibly face fraud charges.

Heck, even Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann doesn't have a degree in "climate science."
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Plus you likely have an "R" in front of your voting record, so you're a much bigger target.

It's also likely you have FARA violations at some point in your life. Even if the SOL has expired, they can resurrect the Statute of Limitations for Republicans like they did with several members of the Trump cabinet.

So yes, it's pretty much a guarantee you'd be a climate criminal. Candidly, you're probably one already.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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I appreciate your agreement, but the global climate change hoax started post world war two. I wasn't alive then, but there is plenty of evidence of its use.

First it was global cooling

Then it was the next ice age

Then it was global warming

Then it was climate change.

Between the hedges, there was also panic about the Ozone layer, rainforest depletion, acid rain, save the whales, et al.

We need unaccountable dollars to solve problems that we can never prove have been solved.

It's all just been a bull**** hoax by everyone in Congress to bilk money from taxpayers to enrich themselves.

NONE of these are actual existential crises.

We do have crises in our country that do require tax dollars to fix. Homelessness, crime, drug addiction, and more.

The way that every single one of the 535 deal with these "problems" is trying to make all of the rest of us fight each other so they dont have to.
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I know!

I guess it really started after Spindle Top and the rest of the trillions of barrels of oil that gave us AC, along with virtually every other single amenity we have today, including subdivisions.

My sarcasm is a wonderful sense of humor, but it a ****ty way of looking at life. Too bad I have so many wanting to tell me how to live it differently while they have zero mirrors in their home.

I tell ya what. Since the Dems started going after water heaters a little over a month ago, I'm gung ho on having the northern section of the US lead the way in removing their water heater from their homes and apartments. By May of next year, we should have glowing reports of clean fresh air to breath from those citizens after they refused to contribute to "climate change".
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
tk for tu juan
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fasthorse05 said:

Plus you likely have an "R" in front of your voting record, so you're a much bigger target.

It's also likely you have FARA violations at some point in your life. Even if the SOL has expired, they can resurrect the Statute of Limitations for Republicans like they did with several members of the Trump cabinet.

So yes, it's pretty much a guarantee you'd be a climate criminal. Candidly, you're probably one already.

Touche! Well played
________________________________________________________ "Citizens are deceived en masse but enlightened one at a time."
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Most people never realize that oil and gas are as natural resources as plants, animals, and water. They were all created naturally and should be referred to accordingly. Humans wouldn't survive without exploiting the natural resources we have. We've gotten better at it, more prosperous for it, and better at adapting to natural changes (primarily due to the sun and earths cycles) that occur.
Funky Winkerbean
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All organisms, big and small, exploit the environment they live in. We are not an exception and it's human arrogance that is trying to get us to believe we are any different.
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And unless you're a plant, for an organism to live many more must die.
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BuddysBud said:

fixer said:

wxmanX said:

all from greenhouse gases bud.
every bit of it.

if we didn't have co2, our planet would be frozen over.

here is the formula 5.35*ln(co+c/co) = watts

Since 1979 we have added about 1.5 w/m^2...doesn't seem like a lot, but it is.

that is about 80w per 25ft^2, everywhere on this planet.

Radiative forcing - Wikipedia

read this article and learn something.

Water vapor is greenhouse gas as well and more impactful then co2.

Guess we should drain the oceans.


In the 1970's real pollution was cleaned up in the U.S.
Sulphur Dioxide and other pollutants were removed from emissions. Factories would place signs on smokestacks saying 99.9% CO2 and water.

With the actual success cleaning air and water, instead of claiming victory, the environmentalists con men, like Al Gore, made CO2 an imaginary pollutant. Once carbon emissions are greatly reduced, water vapor is the next likely boogeyman.
This tracks well with my experience as well...
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There is zero evidence that actually getting to 'net zero' would have an impact beyond perhaps, if you want to believe it a sixteen thousandth of a percent.

Further, I'm waiting for someone to explain the 9 year pause in warming and how all this is supposed to work without the participation of China-India-Africa.

That people buy into this garbage Fauci-levels of pseudo-science theology is amazing to me.
oh no
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nortex97 said:

That people buy into this garbage Fauci-levels of pseudo-science theology is amazing to me.
it's okay. they watched CNN.
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why oceans warming so fast then?

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